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ALP spin goes viral

Labor and supporters are pushing the “brilliant Gillard attack” on Abbott’s motion to de chair Slipper. Look, they say, it’s gone viral overseas – why don’t you Aussies appreciate the quality of her attack. The ABC stuck with the line all day yesterday with the text at the bottom of the screen shouting “GILLARD’S SPEECH GOES VIRAL”. The ‘viral overseas’ line is a McTernan construct. He realized, most probably about halfway through the speech, that it would not be received well in Australia where Slippers behaviour and Abbott’s non-misogyny was well understood. Sending copies of the speech to friends overseas who could be relied upon to rally to the cause in ignorance of the full facts, or even in knowledge of the facts, would enable him, ALP ministers, his staff and compliant media to announce the speech has gone viral. To castigate Abbott for misogyny in a debate about Slipper beggars belief and frankly I don’t care if the speech went viral. That simply underlines the power of social media, not whether Julia’s speech was good or not. Stephanie Gardiner at the Sydney Morning Herald notes Julia’s speech “impressed overseas political pundits.
The Prime Minister’s 15-minute speech condemning misogyny and attacking Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s history of comments about abortion, women’s roles in the home and their ability to wield authority has impressed political pundits in the US and Britain.
Stephanie quotes who starts their piece with “Australia’s prime minister Julia Gillard is one badass motherfucker”. A class opening line and reading through the website they obviously have the hots for Julia. Feminism…not married…no religion – a perfect role model for their website. isn’t as radical as Jezebel but they are clearly a pro Democrat site. Alex Massie at the Spectator says Julia is more than a man’s bitch but the enlightment is in the comments. It makes sense that McTernan had people ready to go online and support Julia. Tim Andrews at Menzies House says;
No-one, it seemed, bothered to check Fairfax’s sources – or just who these great “political pundits” were. Indeed, it would seem that Ms Gardiner was careful to not name names. And for good reason – if she had named exactly who some of these “political pundits” were, she would have been laughed right out of a story.
He goes on to question the bulk of quotes I can almost sympathise with the rusted on ALP supporters starved of any positives from their party to be all over this “speech gone viral” construct but really guys it hasn’t gone viral where it matters.


Realizing that most Aussies picked up on the hyprocisy of the ALP, Greens and Independents voting to keep an obscene misogynist in the chair whilst attacking Abbott who is anything but a misogynist, The Age and SMH felt obliged to put a positive spin on the day. Knowing that they wouldn’t get any in Australia they went overseas and sure enough they found newspapers and blogs that praised Julia Gillard for her attack on ‘high and mighty’ Abbott (as one source reports). As usual both papers carried identical reports, and as usual, both missed the point. Gillard and the ALP are our embarrassment and we don’t care what foreigners think – we just wish they would look elsewhere until we can rid ourselves of the debacle that is the current parliament. One would have to wonder how the women in the ALP face their electorates, or for that matter, themselves, having voted to keep Slipper in the chair. How can any of them now occupy the high moral ground on any matter and, more importantly, how can any of them attack Abbott for being a misogynist when they have already shown they support misogyny if it suits their political agenda. The quoted foreign press and bloggers need to be told they are lauding a woman who supports misogyny when it suits her purpose and for that reason alone she has no credit in this country. There are some locals who still think she is OK but even they recognize hyprocisy when they see it and in the quiet moments must wonder how it all went so wrong. How can we survive another year of the ALP. How much further damage can they do? Only time will tell but the short answer is they can do a lot of damage in the time they have left and it will take the country years to recover.

Unimog’s terrible record

THE same kind of military truck that overturned and injured 18 soldiers in Sydney was previously involved in two other roll-over incidents, the army says. The article leads “truck has history of accidents” Oh my God, that’s terrible! Hang on – we’ve had thousands of Unimogs for something like 30 years and they’ve only rolled three times. There, that’s a lot better. Who writes these stupid articles?

ALP & Independants vote for misogynist

Slipper is safe for the moment as a motion put forward by the Coalition falls short by one vote. Windsor and Oakeshott sell their souls to the devil to maintain their seats, Katter abstains and Wilkie sides with the Coalition.
Labor, with the help of Greens MP Adam Bandt and independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott, defeated a motion to unseat the speaker by a margin of just one vote. Independent Andrew Wilkie and Western Australian National Tony Crook sided with the Coalition in the vote, which was defeated 69 votes to 70.
Tony Abbott moved the motion at the beginning of question time, declaring Mr Slipper’s position untenable following the emergence of sexist text messages authored by the Speaker containing “gross references to female genitalia”. The ALP used the only ammo they have in their magazine – ABBBOTTABBOTTABBOTT – accusing Abbott of being a sexist misogynist ignoring the fact that Abbott isn’t and Slipper clearly is. The voters know Julia and they are coming for you. UPDATE: Slipper has resigned as Speaker

Roxon coming under the microscope

Misogynist Supremo, Peter Slipper is fast becoming the ALP’s worse nightmare but Roxon, the Commonwealth first lawyer is steadfast in her hypocritical refusal to address the issue. Gillard hasn’t even been approached on the matter to my knowledge. Yet! Roxon has indicated her distaste but declined to comment because the Ashby sexual harassment case against Mr Slipper is still ongoing. It was also ‘still ongoing’ when she publicly accused Ashby of bringing a vexatious case to court but apparently that’s different. Maybe a legal reader could explain why – can’t see it myself. It’s hard to imagine an Attorney General favouring the Misogynist Supremo because his demise would disadvantage the ALP. She wouldn’t be that incompetent and hypocritical, would she? Let’s see now…we have the Ex ALP President Williamson charged with fraud and hindering an investigation and implicated in the theft of union funds, Craig Thomson facing allegations of theft of union funds (presumably soon to be charged as well), the Speaker in court vainly trying to defend himself against obscene misogyny and sexual harassment charges, the Attorney General interfering in legal procedures, the ‘handbag hit squad and others calling Abbott a misogynist (oh the hypocrisy) and then we have Julia Gillard. And that’s not even mentioning Carbon Tax, attacks on business, Wayne Swan and his bottomless pit of borrowed money, boat people lining up for social security and a gutted defence department. Just another day of the ALP experiment. UPDATE: Roxon at Punch
Let’s look at what our Government has, and will, deliver for women and ask what the Liberals, in contrast, failed to do in 11 years in Government and what Tony Abbott would do if he became Prime Minister.
Comments tear her to pieces

Who’s the misogynist?

So Slipper can compare female genitalia to a “shell-less mussels” and it only rates a mention in The Australian The ABC missed it, or at least it hasn’t devoted hundreds of hours of debate and vilification to this most vile of men. Abbott, on the other hand is subject to spurious innuendos, snide remarks, uncorroborated statements and he is the misogynist? Go figure. But Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said Mr Abbott’s relationship with women remained “fair game” for government MPs to scrutinise. Based on what Roxon? The fact that John McTernan, the Brit import says it is a good attack policy. It worked in Britain – it must work here. Just invent incidences, ramp them up in the compliant media and repeat as often as possible and people will start to believe that Abbott is a misogynist. Obviously McTernan looked at the ALP’s track record and advised Gillard that her only chance of re-election was to get the voters to believe that Abbott isn’t PM material. Simple really! Dishonest, but simple.

He said..she said..

Alan Jones make an unsavoury aside at a private meeting and the ALP/ABC and all the left are falling over their hypocritical selves to condemn Jones, and by association, Abbott. The explosions of self-rightous indignation are laughable considering the filth and obscenities that the Left use and whereas most people would agree that Alan’s comments were in poor taste, right about now they are also thinking that the ALP’s reactions are a bit over the top and drawing a very long bow to use his comment to attack Abbott. Still, on a long weekend of little news other than football finals, a distraction is welcomed by the ALP. Let’s face it, they would rather the media, and the compliant ABC, have something else to talk about other than the frightening incompetence of the government. Much better than discussing the fact that we have a PM who has previously been sacked from a law firm for aiding and abetting a felony being the theft of considerable sums from unions; who was complicit in the break up of two marriages; who is shacked up in the lodge with her latest handbag and who has shown such mendacity,incompetence and disloyalty to her then elected leader, that I wonder whether her moral compass just points to ‘Obtain and Maintain Power’ no matter which way it is aligned. Attacking and blaming everyone else for the nation’s woes is the sign of a government that has nothing to offer other than abuse. We want more, Julia.

Boat people still coming

Paying lip service to a problem doesn’t make it go away as I opined in mid September;
The difference? (between Howard’s solution and Gillard’s) Despite the obvious lack of TPVs the boat people realized Howard really meant to stop the boats while they have clearly interpreted Gillard’s plan as having no teeth. As I have said previously, she only did something to get the boat people off the front page. It’ll simply get worse as the ALP move onto new innovative and previously unheard of ways of stuffing the economy.
Two weeks later, with Labors non-threat in play the boats haven’t even paused. In fact we are heading for another record season. From The Australian;
THE Gillard government’s offshore processing regime is running behind schedule with just 150 asylum-seekers sent to Nauru, despite expectations 500 boatpeople would be housed on the island by the end of September. The threat of being sent to Nauru does not appear to be working as a deterrent, as 1107 people are thought to have arrived in Australian waters on 17 boats since the first planeload of transfers touched down on the tiny Pacific island on September 14. Customs and Border Protection yesterday confirmed the interception of the fifth vessel in less than 48 hours carrying 146 asylum-seekers and three crew.
Do the ALP really think that the voters aren’t noticing? My statement that it’ll simply get worse
…as the ALP move onto new innovative and previously unheard of ways of stuffing the economy.
is also proving correct as Wayne Swan tells us the that economically matters are on the improve with the nation’s debt now standing at $43.7 billion rather that $44.4 billion previously noted. This encouraging revelation is backed up by Penny Wong saving $200 odd million by making public servants fly cattle class. Wayne says “Well done Penny”! I say WTF, the debt is 43.7 billion leaving Penny a long way to go before she gets a “Well done” from me, or I suspect, from the voters

Queensland happy with Newman

The Courier Mail, the ABC and Federal Labour must be devastated. After weeks of Newman bashing the polls are still in favour of the LNP
Tellingly, Mr Newman’s personal approval with voters remains rock solid on 47 per cent — the same as it was going into the state poll on March 24. Dissatisfaction with his performance has actually eased slightly since he took office, from 40 per cent immediately before the election to 38 per cent over the three-month polling period from July to September. When preferences are factored in, the LNP is 20 points clear of state Labor, 60-40 per cent, two-party-preferred. This is broadly in line with the election result that delivered 78 of the 89 state seats in Queensland to the LNP on a two-party-preferred vote of 62.8 per cent, against Labor’s 37.2 per cent.
Queenslanders realize that the state is broke and the public service bloated so they will cut Newman slack as he slashes and burns years of ALP maladministration. I do feel he needs to explain what he is doing in a more proactive manner. It is not good enough to just rely on TV interviews and press reports to get his message across considering the ABC and the Courier Mail will present whatever he says negatively. The ABC is almost begging unions to line up for air time to can him. I’d like to see a weekly time slot devoted to what has been achieved over the last week and why it has been done to remedy the ALP’s stuff-ups. Judith Sloan in the Australian quantifies the bloated public service as she hears Newman is going to cut 1500 jobs in Health;
Gosh, I thought, 1500 jobs sounds quite a lot. So I decided to find out how many people are employed in Queensland Health. The answer is more than 80,000. Annual natural attrition would account for more than double the proposed job cuts of 1500, which represent a mere 1.9 per cent of total employment. But here’s the rub. A decade ago, employment in Queensland Health stood at 49,000. So in 10 years there has been an increase of more than 32,000 employees – an increase of two-thirds. But here’s a further rub. Whereas the number of nurses in effective full-time terms increased by 65 per cent over the decade, the number of managerial and clerical staff rose by 103 per cent during the same period. There are now nearly 15,000 managers and clerical staff in Queensland Health, a fair proportion of whom hang out in the head office in Brisbane.
Federal ALP, unable to campaign on their record of achievements, there being none, only have personal attacks in their magazine. It shouldn’t work and it’s good to see it isn’t. The voters aren’t stupid.

Gunns going under

The Greens have won again in Tasmania. Gunns Ltd has entered voluntary liquidation – music to the Greens ears but not so to the 645 odd Gunns staff. If we could just encourage all Greens to move to Tassie we could isolate the disease and keep it out of the mainland. Trouble is, there everywhere.
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