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Shorten new ALP leader

Bill Shorten “elected” leader of the ALP with a Caucus majority and a member minority -that should be good for the ALP members out in the community- the “new ALP democracy” has elected a leader they didn’t want. GG Bryce, aka Shorten’s MIL, has offered to resign to avoid conflict of interest and Abbott has said no.  A good call I think – she is due to finish soon anyway. This should get the expenses debate off the front page as we now have an Opposition – seven weeks after the general election!  The ABC and Fairfax will be citing every word Shorten utters as they studiously ignore the Coaltion’s successes.

ABC still campaigning for ALP

Abbott, Bishop and Hockey have been doing their best to repair the damage done by the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government.  Talks with Indonesia failed to start a war as prophesised by Rudd and instead has started the ball rolling in stopping  the boats.  Media photographers stalked the recent ASEAN talks and managed to snap a shot of Putin and Abbott looking away from each other and somehow turned this into a Russian/Australian spat. Boats have slowed, the live cattle trade is coming back on line, business is looking forward to some stability and the Rudd media frenzy has disappeared. Yet you wouldn’t know about it – in fact anything the Coalition do is currently swamped by the ALP/ABC and Fairfax media going on and on about MP travel entitlements.  That’s the only game in town as the Coalition slowly brings the country back into relevance. Slipper still has to acknowledge what he’s done.  On the ABC he claims the only reason he was charged was the publicitycreated by the Coalition.  He ignores the fact that the publicity came about because he deliberately flaunted the rules and then tried to cover it up.

It is alleged that on three separate occasions in the first half of 2010 he filled in Cabcharge vouchers with fabricated details to hide the true nature of his travel to wineries and restaurants outside the capital, to claim parliamentary entitlements. If convicted, Mr Slipper faces a maximum jail sentence of five years.

Abbott is being questioned by the ABC as to his entitlement to travel expenses to appear at events like the Pollie Pedal where he is involved in raising money for charity. Other claims raised by the ABC include all incidences of travel to such events where he is clearly networking, raising money for charity or just campaigning. Slipper, on the other hand was out on a day on the piss and submitted multiple cab vouchers to hide the fact and then denied he had actually done anything wrong. Can’t see any similarities there. The ALP has been notedly absent from the political frey has they hold another election to select who gets the suicide pass but no matter, we have the ABC happy to continue in their role as the Australia’s anti-Coalition party.    

Lock ’em up or send ’em back home

Up to six Australians have died fighting with terrorist group al-Qa’ida and its affiliates in Syria, according to the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation’s director-general David Irvine.
Australian nationals were also travelling to the Middle East to join the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, Mr Irvine said. Australia is at war with these terrorists.  We have soldiers fighting al-Qa’ida and the Taliban and have taken killed and wounded casualties so we can clearly state that they are the enemy.  Why is it then that these so called “Australians” aren’t  charged with Aiding the Enemy or Treason and either incarcerated for lengthy stretches or have their citizenship revoked and deported back to the shit hole they come from. If I had signed up with the Viet Cong, my father with Hitler or my Grandfather with the Boers we would’ve been in all sorts of strife with my Grandfather probably hung at the yardarm.  Yet these men come to Australia, often enough via boats, take advantage of our hospitality viz a viz Social Security payments, put shit on us publically in their mosques, travel back over seas and fight with the enemy and all ASIO can do is watch them while human rights lawyers defend their situation. It is indefensible. At the very least can we just revoke their citizenship and send them and their families back where they come from.  Lets face it, the money for the tickets to fly back home most probably came from you and me via taxes for social security payments. Bad show all round.  

Excuse me?

THE Indonesian navy has slammed the Abbott government’s plans to turn back asylum-seeker boats, warning that the policy is “too risky” and could cost lives at sea.
In the latest of a string of objections coming out of Jakarta, a senior navy official says the Prime Minister’s plan to force boats back would also unfairly shift the burden of dealing with the asylum-seeker problem back on Indonesia. Major Andy Apriyanto, the head of policy for the Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board, said Tony Abbott needed to drop the plan or he would be responsible for risking lives. “What they need to do is to revise their own policy,” Major Andy said. I don’t care what position the Major holds he is not a senior Navy Official – Majors do not get involved in Foreign Affairs and are at best mid level executives.  I know, I was one and if I had been so stupid as to be quoted in the foreign press as slamming another countries policies I would have retired as a Private soldier. Where do the journalists dig up these quotes?  

Good news from Russia

Russia’s top investigative agency says it will prosecute Greenpeace activists on piracy charges for trying to climb onto an Arctic offshore drilling platform owned by the state-controlled gas company Gazprom.

“When a foreign vessel full of electronic technical equipment of unknown purpose and a group of people calling themselves members of an environmental rights organisation try nothing less than to take a drilling platform by storm, logical doubts arise about their intentions,” Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said in a statement.

“Such activities not only infringe on the sovereignty of a state, but might pose a threat to the environmental security of the whole region.”

The Investigative Committee, Russia’s main federal investigative agency, said its agents will question all those who took part in the protest and detain the “most active” of them on piracy charges. Piracy carries a prison sentence of up to 15 years and a fine of 500,000 rubles ($A16,601). Good news all round but surely they can confiscate the Greenpeace ship as well.  The Russians could give it a paint job and give it the oil company. Now that would be fitting – don’t you think? UPDATE:  Putin, the weak bastard, is dropping the Pirate line. UPDATE II: They now face Piracy charges.

A regional prisoners’ rights activist said the activists were complaining of their holding conditions which included cold cells, chain-smoking fellow prisoners and difficulty communicating with guards who do not speak English.

Poor babies…chain smoking fellow prisoners…oh the inhumanity.  Other complaints include being locked up like chickens which makes me wonder why the Russians are being so kind to them. Leave ’em there and sell their ship.  It’s the only reasonable thing to do.    

Flannery isn’t going gracefully

Tim Flannery gets sacked from his $180,000 per year scam for only working three days a week but that’s OK  -he set up a website seeking finances from useful idiots some time ago and now he aleady has $35,000 in donations. His new Australian Climate Council is being touted by the ALP media arm, the ABC, as a legitimate body like it was just a continuation of the ALP’s propaganda unit the Climate Commission. It isn’t. I don’t care what he does so long as the country aren’t paying him any money but I’d like to think he just contains his pulpit sermons to those who believe – for eample if he just sent out email newletters to those who sent him money then that would be a plus. Although the rate of donations seems impressive, he needs a hell of lot more to pay for the damage to the country.  I hold him partly responsible for the spate of Desalination plants built around the country in a overreaction to his constant carping that the rains will never come again due to Climate CHange. Billions spent, all sitting idle and costing millions in maintenance. You owe us big-time boy so get selling.  

NBN Board not happy

The entire NBN Board have reportedly offered their resignation to the government with Turnbull yet to comment.  The ABC have presented the resignations as a vote against the government’s planned optic fibre to the node rather than to the home. The ABC then found a heavily accented chap going on about how a new board could add two or three years to the roll-out. Right… I don’t know whether the board should call too much attention on themselves.  As I see it they are running an enterptrise using public monies without any published plan or believable budget and if reports are to be believed they are way behind in the roll-out. Go and be quiet.      

Stanthorpe makes threats

CHRISTMAS Island administrator Jon Stanhope says he would consider quitting the post if the federal government tried to gag residents from talking about asylum-seeker arrivals. Go now John.  The government aren’t gagging the Christmas Isalnders, in fact they aren’t gagging anyone. They are just slowing down the media frenzy and Mr Morrison and deputy chief of army Angus Campbell will give weekly media briefings about Operation Sovereign Borders, the coalition’s asylum seeker and border protection exercise. The first such briefing is due today. The Abbott government says it won’t constantly update the public on boat arrivals because it wants to starve people smugglers of information. As Morrison says; That way we can say what we have done over the week rather than what we might do a la the ALP That’s how adults do it John but seeing you are an ALP Appointment for Mates you most probably aren’t aware of this and, could I remind, you that you have a new paymaster now and making threats is not a good look.    

107 year old film

This film was “lost” for many years. It was the first 35mm film ever that has come to light. It was taken by camera mounted on the front of a cable car as it`s traveling down the street. You feel as if your really there, standing at the front looking down the street, amazing piece of historic film. The number of automobiles is staggering for 1906. Absolutely amazing! The clock tower at the end of Market Street at the Embarcadero wharf is still there. …. How many “street cleaning” people were employed to pick up after the horses? Talk about going green! Great historical film! This film, originally thought to be from 1905 until David Kiehn with the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum figured out exactly when it was shot. From New York trade papers announcing the film showing to the wet streets from recent heavy rainfall & shadows indicating time of year & actual weather and conditions on historical record, even when the cars were registered (he even knows who owned them and when the plates were issued!).. It was filmed only four days before the Great California Earthquake of April 18th 1906 and shipped by train to NY for processing. Amazing, but true! No wonder there had to be laws created to regulate driving habits. This is insane. Good thing they couldn’t go very fast. Look at the hats the ladies were wearing and the long dresses. Some of the cars had the steering wheels on the right side, I wonder when they standardized on the left? Sure was still a lot of horse drawn vehicles in use. Mass transit looked like the way to get around.. Looks like everybody had the right of way. Perhaps the oldest “home movie” that you will ever see!
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