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Animal Activists

THE live-export industry is mounting a campaign to dismantle government regulation and take back control for policing animal welfare standards, as activists produced fresh allegations of Australian cattle being abused overseas, this time in Mauritius. Labor agriculture spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon said it was “the worst possible time” to raise self-regulation.

“A debate about greater self-regulation is the last thing the Australian community wants to hear right now, (when) confidence in this important industry has again been undermined.”

Ah…so it’s an important industry now.  Didn’t seem important when Joe Ludwig arbitarily closed it down based on a video shown on the ABC. The hide of Fitzgibbon to say anything about the confidence when it was the ALP/ABC that totaly scrapped any confidence our trading partners had in the industry by their sheer stupidity and hatred of the man on the land. City folk don’t reaslize that Ludwig’s stupidity didn’t just impact on the live export industry but on the entire industry.  With  one stroke of the pen he destabalized cattle prices across the entire country as a surplus of cattle, once intended for Indonesia, suddenly came on the market. Cattle prices plumetted with the glut; mortgages couldn’t be met; truck repayments were missed; staff were let go and it is still in the doldrums.  I noted one “expert” on the ABC say “the live export industry was closed down for only one month!” Bullshit!  Two years later and is is still in trouble. One friend, not involved in the export industry but cattle breeding generally, now has an $8 million  mortgage attributed solely to Joe Ludwig.  Two seasons of rediculously low beef prices where his costs far outweigh prices per kilo paid has left him in trouble. So I’m glad Fitzgibbon now thinks it is an important industry.  Maybe the ALP won’t stand in the way of any remedial work Abbott and Joyce have to do to get it back on track. We’ll see. I find it somewhat strange that  radical animal rights activists can take videos of cattle or sheep being mistreated anywhere in the world, sheet it home to Australia and use it as a base in their program to close down the cattle and sheep industry.   How can the cattle breeder out Chinchilla way be expected to have any impact on what happens to the cattle he sells in far away places like Mauritius? He can’t really and whereas no one likes to see animals treated poorly we can’t be held to account what other cultures do.

Bad week for Greenies

AUSTRALIA will be represented by a diplomat rather than a senior minister at international climate talks in Poland next week aimed at securing an agreement to cut global carbon emissions.
Environment Minister Greg Hunt won’t attend annual United Nations climate change talks in Warsaw, saying he’ll be busy repealing the carbon tax in the first fortnight of parliament. Good, it’s one of the reasons that the Coalition won the election. Stand by for the screaming tomorrow – I can just see all the Greenies and rent seekers swarming like angry wasps tonight as they pray at the altar of the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists.  Their money tree is being chopped down and reality has set in.  Well almost, because they will all ignore the fact that Abbott has been elected on a platform that has as it’s base, a repeal of the Climate Change tax and spend industry. They still believe that all those outside of their church are stupid and don’t believe in climate change when it is the huge amount of money being spread around the industry, with not even a hope of any impact on climate, that we don’t like. And that is how Australia voted – get over it…go away and be quiet.

Greens trying to kill jobs

The Queensland government is considering cutting royalties for an initial period for miners that open up the basin, in the state’s central west. Premier Campbell Newman says the incentive is all about creating jobs and boosting the state’s economy. The Greens, of course, are furious

Greenpeace spokeswoman Louise Matthiesson said the plan to consider royalty cuts suggests that new mega-mines in the basin were not independently viable.

No, what it suggests is the Newman government are trying to increase the wealth of the state by offering incentives for companies to mine in Queensland and creat jobs here rather than elsewhere.

“We are really concerned that ordinary mum and dad taxpayers are going to be giving a handout to the likes of Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer,” she said in Brisbane.

No, read the statement.  13,000 to 15,000 jobs are expected to be created.  If Rinehart and Palmer’s companies make more money, they employ more people and pay more taxes. Win-win actually Unless you are a Greenie

Green senator Larissa Waters agreed, saying discounts would make them even richer at the expense of the Great Barrier Reef, groundwater and climate.

How’s that happen Larissa?

“People like Clive Palmer don’t need any help making even more money, especially when their mega profits go to buying political power, as a federal parliamentary inquiry is now set to investigate,” she said in a statement.

I’m not a Palmer fan but our current high standard of living is based on entrepeurial people setting up businesses and employing people. Why are the Greens consistantly against any sort of development.  Why should they deny workers jobs?    

Hicks is not happy….good!

Terrorist DAVID Hicks says he can’t return to normal life in Australia without clearing his name in the US courts, declaring he is fed up with being called a convicted terrorist. Listen, you bastard, you don’t deserve a normal life in Australia because you are a convicted terrorist.  Remember – you fought for the other side, you had an audience with Osama Bin Laden, you were convicted? His passport should have been revoked and he should not have been allowed back into Australia.  The report in The Australian says he has a job in a panel beating shop.  So somewhere there is a business that is happy to employ terrorists – what is the owner thinking? There is a couple of things Howard did that I disagree with and allowing this bastard back into Australia is one of them.  The pressure from all the US hating left wing was distracting from the buisness of running the country so I can see  why he did it – I just don’t agree with giving terrorists any leeway whatsoever.

It’s not a matter of guilt or innocence

If anyone is naive on the subject of international diplomacy it must be Harry Mansson of Clareville, NSW who in letters to the editor writes;

THE amateurish Australian handling of the Indonesian spying crisis is beyond belief (“Indonesia queries joint security”, 5/11).

Either we are guilty or we are not. It must be assumed that we know what it is, and the Indonesians have seen the Snowden documentation. If not guilty, then Julie Bishop should swear that this is so, and it may be believed.

If guilty, then simply say so, that it was a mistake, and it will not be repeated, apology will be accepted, and a more solid mutual ground will be created to continue on. The current response to “never admit or deny” admits guilt without the courage and honesty to say so. It undermines the declaration of trust and friendship with Indonesia, and whoever invented it should be out of a job.

Harry, I was spying on the Indonesians in the 60’s as a newly minted Indon linguist in the Army and I can tell you I felt no guilt at all.  I learned not to be afraid of their capabilities but that we did need to keep an eye on them and it will always be thus.  A country isn’t “guilty” of spying on another country, it is just what civilized nations do.  We spy on the Indons, they spy on us and when some traiterous usefull idiot like Snowden points it out then nations are obliged to make diplomatic representation.  The diplomats talk, the media beat it up, naive people like yourself pontificate and the matter is put aside. It is not a mistake, it will be repeated (in fact it wont even be paused) and both parties know this. If you don’t understand how the world works then stay out of the debate Harry.

Holden being killed by unions

HOLDEN workers will receive cash bonuses and annual pay rises worth almost $5 million during the next two months as the carmaker seeks extra taxpayer assistance from the federal government to stave off closure. Sometime in the near future GM willl close down Holden, they simply can’t keep on paying unions the worlds most expensive labour rates.  When it happens the unions will scream and hundreds if not thousands will be out of a job. It’s a case of less money or no money. Can’t they see that?

Shock: Sheep sold for food slaughtered

Animals Australia must be cranky.  They released footage of some sheep being mistreated in Jordan and the Agriculture Minister isn’t going to shut down the sheep export industry. All those farmers, families, workers, transport infrastructure, sales agents and others involved in the industry still have a job – not what Animals Australia wants at all.  They want the entire cattle and sheep industry closed but the difference this time is, we have adults in charge.  Unlike when the ALP simply closed down the live cattle export based on a similar video, ruining thousands of jobs and killing Australia’s reputation as a reliable, dependable trading partner, this time the Minister talks reason. Barnaby Joyce says;

“We’re going to have issues such as these which are disturbing, which need to be fixed, but it shouldn’t be the reason we shut down the industry.”

Further, Mr Joyce told a conference of beef and sheep producers and exporters in Townsville this morning that an animal welfare supervisor set up by the former government to monitor the humane treatment of live exports would be dismissed on the basis that the position was an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy. Mr Joyce says his department will take over the task of implementing government policy on live exports, including the operation of the Export Supply Chain Assurance Scheme (ESCAS), previously overseen by the Inspector-General of Animal Welfare. Rational rather that emotive. I imagine Animals Australia will have ample opportunities to make similar videos in the future for as long as we sell to the Middle East, the chances of any civilized treatment of animals remains remote. However, while we have a government prepared to say “Yeah – whatever” then we can go about our business of feeding people.        

ALP still missing the point

ALP national secretary George Wright has warned the coalition’s plan to change laws in relation to unions is an “entree” to removing some working conditions. He warns us;

“I suspect what you will see is a concerted effort by the government to really go after the unions first – union organisation and union finances – obviously as an entree to then have a go at members’ conditions,” he said.

“They will weaken and probably distract the machinery and organisation that protects workers’ rights before they actually go after the rights themselves.”

He said he had no immediate advice for the labour movement in how to address it. He says that like it’s a bad thing.  How could anyone in Australia not be aware of the urgent need to bring the unions into line in business practices alone, after Williamson’s and Thomson’s fling at the expense of their members.  The union management and board members need to be under the same constraints as business in regards to members funds and jailed and/or fined when they transgress. Protecting worker’s rights to a job might be more important than their other rights.  Just ask all those missing out in the hospitality industry as they close on weekends due to over-generous penalty rates. Just ask the those who were employed (or still are but wont be for long) in the manufacturing industry….Ford…Holden and allied industries.  I’m sure those people would rather less take home pay than none. The unions aren’t running the country any more George.  Time to adjust the pendulum just a bit. Get used to the idea – it’s coming. ALP heavyweights are all lining up to publically ignore why they were kicked out.  Disunity is their only call and this guy, George Wright,  suggests that the recent election campaign for a leader was a “stunning success’.  While the ALP think disunity is all that’s wrong and that ‘Electricity Bill’ Shorten is a ‘stunningly succesfull’ answer then they better get used to the wilderness – they own it!    

UN takes each way bet

THE United Nations says the NSW bushfire crisis is “absolutely” linked to climate change and Tony Abbott’s Direct Action policy is dangerous. UN climate chief Christiana Figueres has told CNN the Abbott government will pay a heavy political and economic price for walking away from Labor’s commitments on climate change. She said;

There was “absolutely” a link between climate change and the fire crisis playing out in NSW.

and then she said;

“The World Meteorological Organisation has not established the direct link between this wildfire and climate change – yet.”

Right…everyone clear on that?  

Palmer’s true colours exposed

CLIVE Palmer is demanding Tony Abbott repeal the carbon tax retrospectively and refund billions in revenue in exchange for his party’s crucial Senate support in a move that would enable the businessman to escape a $6.2 million disputed charge for emissions. That is a conflict of interest and should be stopped right now.  For Palmer to argue that legislation should be tabled to allow for him to personnaly gain a benefit of millions of dollars  is Banana Republic bullshit. Surely there’s a law against that?
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