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Filthy bastards

cooks-cottage-in-vic-vandalised I don’t have many historical heroes but Capt James Cook is one of them so the news that Filth in Victoria have vandalised his cottage gets my Irish up. I would seriously go ballistic if I come across them as they did their evil work and believe me 186cm 112 kilo frame would be a ballistic nightmare – there would be no ricochet or deflection with that mass. VANDALS got in ahead of extra security planned for Captain Cook’s cottage over the Australia Day weekend. The Melbourne monument was sprayed with anti-Australia graffiti for the second year in a row early Friday morning, with slogans reading “26th Jan Australia’s shame” and “F*** Australia Day”. Smashed light bulbs were used as makeshift paint bombs, breaking one window and littering the building’s surroundings with glass. Bastards!

ABC/Media bias

The ABC maintain their bias as they do their best to denigrate the Abbott government.  Their mode of attack this week has been to acuse our sailors of torturing boat people with scurrilous statements by “they would say that” type boat people being presented as fact.

The asylum-seekers claimed the burns were a result of being forced to hold hot engine pipes by navy personnel. They also alleged they were badly beaten by navy personnel before their boat was turned back to Rote Island on New Year’s Day.

 The pic offers proof that the hands have been burned, not that the burns were inflicted by a sailor, although the ABC presents it as fact. burnt The Australian heads their coverage with “ABC sticking to its story as ‘abuse’ doubts mount” while the Abbott hating Fairfax guys at The Age,  totally in step with the ABC , says  “Secrecy on boat policy leaves navy vulnerable” The anti Conservative media are on a campaign to denigrate the government and this is just another battle in their campaign.  To quote assylum seekers without question, when it is obviously in the seekers interests to claim “they beat me up etc”, is unproffessional and needs calling to order.  The ABC is the voice of Australia throughout the Pacific region courtesy of the Gillard governments handing them the contract without going to tender, so you can imagine how our reputation suffers.  In their attempts to make Abbott look bad they are making Australia look bad.  Millions of uneducated Moslims in the region still believe that Bush was responsible for 9/11 so they are very susceptable to believing the fact-deprived propaganda of the ABC. Week after week the ABC are being called to order over their bias and yet the government have done nothing to address the inbalance.  Where are you Malcom? From The Age;

Allegations of orchestrated abuse occasioning actual bodily harm have been made by asylum seekers against this country’s Navy. The allegations are extremely serious and appear to be backed up by photographic evidence.

If proved, they would constitute torture by our military and would shred Australia’s international standing.

A picture of someones burnt hand does not constitute ‘a serious allegation backed up by photographic eveidence‘   In the absence of something like a pic of a Aussie sailor forcing the hand of a asylum seeker onto a hot exhaust pipe then the media need to shut up. It ain’t evidence that our sailors did anything but Mark Kenny, the Age’s Chief political correspondent, somehow or other believes it does – based on what Mark? With a general election due in Indonesia later this year, election rhetoric in Jakarta is simply grandstanding by would-be politicians going for re-election or election and will have little input on the whole picture.  Indonesia doesn’t need 10,000 foreigners camping in their backyard while they wait for passage to the land of the big handout so saner heads in Jakarta are keeping quiet and letting it run its natural course. Abbott will win out in the end.

Two laws

A “deeply ashamed” judge who was drink driving when she struck a cyclist in Adelaide has been banned from sentencing drunk offenders.
Justice Anne Bampton, 51, appeared in the Adelaide magistrates court today and was fined $1300 and disqualified from driving for eight months 14 days. I’m a JP (Qualified) in the state of Queensland and if I get done for drink driving I am deregistered. “It appears one law for the legal fraternity, and another for the average person” Not good enough.

Boats slowing….stopping

SENATORS are demanding more answers from Immigration Minister Scott Morrison on asylum-seeker incidents amid expert advice on the power of the parliament to force the disclosure.

The chairwoman of the federal committee, Greens senator Penny Wright, said: “There is an expectation in the Australian public that the executive will be accountable . . . It is a really important democratic principle and there is a great concern in the community about the government’s lack of information about people arriving by boat.”

Yes Penny, the executive need to be accountable and as I understand it Abbott promised to slow down then stop the boats and he is doing exactly that. I also understand that the Greens don’t want that to happen at all.  They are on record as wanting open borders so Penny is really saying she just hates the way Abbott is protecting our borders. Seriously though, with all the noise across the media about the government’s handling of the situation and with or without expert advice on the parliament forcing disclosure,  out in the public arena the majority of people are happy with how it is all turning out. The boats are stopping and that is all the disclosure we need.

Crime gangs and consorting laws

THE first alleged bikies from interstate arrested under Queensland’s controversial new anti-association laws face three years’ jail for walking down a Surfers Paradise street together looking for ice cream. Yeah…right. If I was their lawyer that’s what I would say, or maybe I’d ramp it up a bit , “we were going to take our Grannie out for lunch”…or, “we were looking for a labrador puppy to cuddle” or “we were going to the bank to withdraw our life savings so we could give it all to the poor”. I certaintly wouldn’t mention the truth, whatever it might have been on that occassion. From “On the Origins of Consorting Laws, University of Melbourne

In particular, two inquiries conducted by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission between 2006 and 2009 showed that criminal gangs had diversified their activities across illicit drug trafficking, illegal firearms, money laundering, fraud, stock market manipulation, extortion and protection rackets, counterfeiting, and vehicle rebirthing; that groups were working collaboratively, flexibly and across state borders; and that the annual cost to the Australian economy was $10 billion. Motorcycle gangs were specifically labelled as being linked to most forms of serious organised crime.

You should read the entire paper  before you enter into any debate about how unfair the laws are based around the statement that ‘we were only getting an icecream’. Since Federation, consorting laws have been legislated for one sole reason – to break up criminal gangs.  It is fair that the laws be debated but only in the context that we need to get control of criminal gangs – not in the context that every bikie is a hard done-by victim – it is the victims of their crime empires that are hard done-by. However, I can understand how difficult that is in a society where just yesterday a thug who king hit a bystander was given bail even though he was on bail for a previous count of thuggery whilst armed with a machette! The Bikie gangs are spending big on positive PR and lawyers to try and maintain their right to control “illicit drug trafficking, illegal firearms, money laundering, fraud, stock market manipulation, extortion and protection rackets, counterfeiting, and vehicle rebirthing” and I, for one, can see why – it’s worth billions to them. Some Vietnam Vets of the bikie variety are screaming innocence but a quick look at their website leads to links to criminal MC Clubs proudly sporting their 1% patches. From Wikipaedia;

Some outlaw motorcycle clubs can be distinguished by a 1% patch worn on the colors. This is claimed to be a reference to a comment made by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) in which they stated that 99% of motorcyclists were law-abiding citizens, implying that the last one percent were outlaws. As a result, some outlaw motorcycle clubs used it to unite or express themselves and are commonly referred to as “one percenters”

Suck it up guys – if you want to lay down with dogs you’ll get up with fleas. The Australian Crime Commission thinks they’re criminals –from their website

The ACC has also committed to a range of other activities and its powers, however due to operational reasons, these cannot be detailed.

Serious and organised crime groups, such as OMCGs, operating in Australia continue to be formidable in their capabilities, resources, resilience and their ability to corrupt and exploit national and international opportunities and connections.

OMCGs remain one of the most high profile manifestations of organised crime, and they have an active presence in all Australian States and Territories.

During 2012, there were 44 active OMCGs in Australia, comprising of 4483 individuals (excluding associates and prospects).  This represents an increase of 53 per cent since 2007. 

It’s just business, dear reader.  We are now getting imigrants from the US and South America wanting a piece of the ever increasing metamphetamine and other drugs markets.  Now these guys really know how to run criminal entities and the current gang wars is proof of that – they are all looking to set up a monopoly. Just watch  old movies about the Mafia to see how that might pan out. Me, I’m backing the police and if a few Bikies can’t cuddle a labrador pup or buy an icecream then I don’t really care.

Sea Shepherds annual fund raising underway

The Abbott government yesterday came under pressure to deliver on its anti-whaling rhetoric, after graphic footage of whaling was released by the Sea Shepherd group — with no sign of the promised customs air surveillance. The only rhetoric  I can see is in the sentence;  “anti-whaling rhetoric”…”graphic footage”…”promised air surveillance”…etc leaves no doubt in the readers mind that the Government should drop every thing else and just concentrate on Sea Shepherd’s and/or Bob Brown’s perception of life. The footage was released as part of Sea Shepherd’s annual fund raising resulting in the ABC taking their cue and running the piece as news.  They got their favourite “go to” man, Bob Brown to push for more funds and gave him more air time and oxygen that the destructive bartard deserves. Environment Minister Hunt,  who like me doesn’t like whaling but hates Sea Shepherd tactics more,  says he’ll send a customs plane to the area when the convoy of people going about their business,  followed by the swarm of pirates, enter Australia’s area of responsibility. I trust it gets good footage of Sea Shepherd Pirates endangering vessels and crews at sea as they normally do. With a bit of luck we’ll get footage of one of the pirates being hosed into the sea or better still, a shot of the Pirate’s ship sinking after it rammed a Jap ship like last year.

Bowen struggles

PRIME Minister Tony Abbott has been accused of doing a “con job” on Australians, with the opposition saying the government will be unable to meet its promise of creating a million jobs. 

During last year’s election campaign, the coalition set a target of creating a million jobs over five years and two million over a decade but shadow treasurer Chris Bowen says figures released today showed it will fall 200,000 jobs short of the five-year promise.

So, let me get this straight – the ALP direct their people to construct a report that is at odds with the Coalition’s and based on that, they accuse Abbott of not delivering on a promise 5 years before it is even due. Somehow that morphs into a “broken promise” and the media run with it. FFS, why is it even reported?  

Unions want the right to maintain criminal enterprises

Tony Sheldon, one of the nation’s most powerful unionists says Coalition plans to block people convicted of certain crimes from entering secure areas of airports and the waterfront is “window dressing” that will do little to reduce crime rates.

Blocking people from receiving a security clearance would have little or no effect on crime in airports, because many workers who had not had a background check – but could be escorted into secure zones – could also be committing crimes.

While the’re being escorted?  I guess that depends on who is doing the escorting.  If the escort is an ex crim trying to run an honest business of getting drugs and pistols thru customs then I imagine the visitor could be aiding and abetting  crimes. In fact it is happening all the time which is exactly why we want union crims out of the picture.

The union believes the “dredging up of old offences” to stop someone from receiving an aviation or maritime security identification card would be “a double penalty” and security access should be determined by whether a person posed a current risk.

It could be a “quadrillion penalty” depending on how many times the ex crim applies for a job in a secure area. Get used to it Tony, and,  get used to the fact that the unions are not running the country anymore.

Open for business

The Coalition government had inherited 371 unassessed projects from the previous Labor government, with 22 dating back to 2008. Environment Minister Hunt had made decisions on 125 projects in his first three months in office, including approving 29 major projects as part of their “Australia is open for business” statement. With green tape rationalized and based on the fact that the economy and ecology can live side by side, the new governments actions will eventually help them bring the nation out it’s economic gloom. Greens leader Christine Milne said Tony Abbott’s mantra of being “open for business” was just “code for dig it up, cut it down and ship it away” She says that like it’s a bad thing. I wonder where she thinks money comes from  

Your turn in the barrell

A FEMALE submariner has been sent home from Singapore and is under investigation after an alleged indecent assault on another female crew member while on shore leave in Darwin. The incident occurred early this month while both women were at a bar in Darwin and is alleged to have involved inappropriate behaviour including groping and sexual advances. Wow!  Another “sailor trying to have sex after deployment” story. Above the fold and on the front page of  The Australian means the editor thought Stewart Cameron’s story was important enough to beat all other incidences of assault, murder, corruption, slavery, forced prostitution and whatever else us imperfect people do on any given day. According to the Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) in 2005 an  estimated 44,000 Australians were subject to sexual assault.  Thus we can expect at least 120 people were subject to assault today but only one gets headline treatment. I’m glad Stewart wasn’t around when I was young and learning the difference between appropriate and inappropriate as with his nose for sexual impropriety within the ADF he’d be straight onto me. Seems a bit weird to me.
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