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I detect a breath of fresh air wafting across the Bass Straight as Tasmanians have at last seemingly recognized the damage the Greens have done to their state. The Liberals recorded a 12 per cent swing to take 51 per cent of statewide vote to give them power in Tasmania but in South Australia the Liberals cant win with 53.5 % of the vote Apparently, according to Shorten, the South Australia result is because the locals don’t trust Tony Abbott.
Let’s be really clear. Federal issues did play a role in the last couple of weeks of that state election and South Australians don’t trust Tony Abbott, and there’ll be a lot of South Australian Liberals who’ll be ruing his intervention.
But no such matter exists in Tasmania.  There is no mention of the Taswegians not trusting Shorten or the Greens. I would rather think that the Libs didn’t run a very good campaign and they are hard put to beat the gerrymander anyway. Such & Brock, the two SA Indies, have stated that they will follow their electorate wishes and as both their electorates voted overwhelmingly for a change of government thats what they should do. Of course, it’s highly unlikely that they will, given the very nature of independants.
One of the two federal independents who propped up Julia Gillard’s minority government, Tony Windsor, warned the two South Australian independents that they should brace for a public backlash to the anticipated hung parliament. “They’ll be blamed for everything that goes wrong,” he said.
Only if they do what you did Tony and go against the wishes of their electorates. The Libs are slightly bouyed today by the ongoing counting and a possible hint of an attitude adjustment in the case of the Independents but I still hold feint hope. Time will tell as the postal vote count continues. More from the Adelaide Now

Lend Lease project on fire

Lend Lease project Barrangaroo in Sydney is on fire. Barangaroo area is being redeveloped as a residential and retail hub, with plans for a high-rollers’ casino owned by billionaire James Packer. Lend Lease’s shares dropped 3 per cent after the fire broke out Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union assistant state secretary Rob Kera said workers were upset about the blaze.

“We conducted a full audit of the evacuation procedure on this site. To say it was an absolute disgrace is an understatement,” he said.

“The men at this point and time are pretty upset, they are pretty devastated.”

I smell a rat…Lend Lease….CFMEU…Royal Commission into Unions. Could it be the CFMEU reminding Lend Lease how easy it is to stuff them around should the company spill their guts at the RC. Just saying.

At least they’re consistent

The Employee Ombudsman in South Australia has been arrested and charged with 67 counts of fraud allegedly committed while he was a union boss representing some of the country’s lowest paid workers.
Stephen Brennan, former South Australian and Tasmanian branch secretary for the national textile union, was arrested last Thursday over 35 counts of falsifying accounts and 32 counts of dishonest dealing with documents. Police made the arrest after the union reported alleged misuse of union funds last year. It claimed up to $180,000 had been defrauded from members between 1999 and 2004. It also referred its concerns to the Fair Work Commission to investigate potential civil charges.

Goodes needs to broaden his horizons

Adam Goodes, current Australian of the Year, is proving a contentious choice.  Other than Aussie Rules fans, very few Aussies had heard of Adam until he abused a 13 year old girl at football match for saying “Way to go, you Ape”  or whatever.  He took this as a racist statement and called for her to be removed from the grandstand, which she was. He is reported as “being gutted” by the girl’s words. In my youth, on the football field, I’ve been called “Big hairy ape” because, basically, I am big and hairy. Well at least that’s what I thought, but obviously there are different interpretations of the term and every man has the right to call it for what he believes.  If Adam Goodes has been referred to as an Ape previously and took it as a racist statement then that is his right.  But seriously, we are talking about a 13 year old girl who,  when she says “I didn’t mean it to be racist” has to be believed, or,  at least given the benefit of the doubt. So when he was announced as Australian of the Year, the only way most Australians knew him was because of this incident.  Depending on your viewpoint, he was thusly appointed due solely to his being the victim of a racist attack, or, because,  as a hulking 6 foot plus fit footballer he abused a pudgy 13 year old teenage girl. Either interpretation is not a good basis for selection. If the Selection Board wanted to appoint an indigenous Aussie as Australian of the Year I can think of dozens, off the top of my head, who,  with greater intelligence and political savvy, could do much more for their people.  Pick your favourite from this list So now he is the Australian of the Year,  a position wherebye the encumbent is expected to draw together different parts of the community and thus help his or their cause, in this case,  the cause of indigenous Aussies. Since becoming AOTY Goodes has been noted for his absence in the media on subjects other than football, with one extreme example.  Earlier this week he announced that he now finds it hard to say I am proud to be Australian after seeing Pilger’s ‘Utopia’  Not proud to be an Australian…John Pilger…Utopia…FFS who is advising this man? John Pilger is an expat Australian who, simply put, hates us.  He has made a career out of this hatred and for years has penned propaganda that always reflects poorly on Australia and whatever he says has little impact outside of the Green-Left of the political divide.  That is, about 10 % of the community give Pilger any credit whatsoever.  This 10%, of course, ecompasses the ABC and SBS where he is often seen talking about his hatred of Australia – but we expect that. Adam Goodes take on Utopia. Adam, heads up mate, you have just alienated 90% of the population, or, at least, 90% of those who are politically aware. NOT the way to go. To approach the problem of indigenous Aussies simply from the “racist attack” point of view is ignoring the elephant in the room.  It ignores the damage indigenous Aussies do to themselves and to quote Pilger, who blames all problems on white Australia, gets us nowhere. If, as Adam Goodes believes,  hostility to John Pilgers film is a denial of the nations brutal past  then Goodes and Pilger are equally guilty of denying the present and this denial bodes poorly for the future. Look around you Adam.  Look at the programmes that are helping your disadvantaged mates and build on that.  Look at child and women abuse, alchohol and drug dependancies, lack of support for education, waste and theft of governmet monies and use your position to agitate for improvements.  Start another education scholarship system as an adjunct to your help for young Aussies in the field of football. Expand your horizons and seek advise outside the Green-Left political arena or most will simply wait until you’re gone and that would be a shame…a waste of the hopes of a lot of people… a waste of a chance to help. UPDATE: I have include some extracts from an interview by Bess Price, one of those I thought would make a better AOTY than Goodes.  It is listed on the RHS Menu under “Worth Reading”

Morrison doing well

Shorten demands Morrison should be sacked due to the single death in Manus.  It seems the info Morrison was originally given has now changed and as a result, Morrison has changed his reporting to reflect that. Morrison is doing well considering he has to operate with the media attacking and Traitor Snowden, the ABC and SBS seemingly conspiring to regularly damage ties with Indonesia.  The ABC particularly, is fighting a campaign to damage the government’s handling of the boat people problem.  They had little interest when the ALP were running the show but now their reporting is full-on.  The RAN wandering into Indonesian waters is a case in point.  Don’t they have GPS? and  Aren’t they taught how to read a map? were stupid comments being reported all over the media.  Yes, they do have GPS and can navigate,  but sometimes, for humanitarian reasons, they need to cross territorial waters to save lives. In addition to this, borders aren’t painted on the ocean and the actual location can be up for arguement. When the RAN went into Indonesian waters to save boat people who had phoned Australian SAR when they were only kilometers from Indonesian shores then you had to read The Australian to know that. I note Getup stage a vigil for the guy and cleverly entitled it  “Light up the Dark”.  There was no such light shone on  the thousands previously drowned under the ALP so I guess their batteries were flat then. So, one death under the Coalition and the ALP call for the minister to be sacked.  Thousands under the ALP and  the silence is deafening. Hypocrits!  

Redcliffe gone to the dark side

The ALP win at Redcliffe is no surprise what with the LNP guy being very unprofessional and Newman being in the part of the electoral cycle where hard decisions have to be made to bring the state out of bankruptcy but seriously is D’Arth the answer. From Catalaxy Files;

It was also Ms. D’Arth, as chairwoman for the Parliamentary Privileges Committee, that cleared Craig Thomson of any wrong-doing in August 2012 and told Federal Parliament that there were “no grounds for further investigation” into allegations Mr Thomson misled Parliament and failed to declare details of his finances on the pecuniary interests register.

I wonder if she gets a guernsey in the Royal Commission into the unions – certainly deserves one.

Missionary in trouble in North Korea

An Australian missionary being detained in North Korea left Christian pamphlets in a Buddhist temple, his travel companion says. Which is a pretty dumb thing to do in a communist country, particularly North Korea. His wife says;

Now, “I know he’s courageous and he’s in God’s hands,’’ Ms Short said in an interview at the offices of the Christian publishing company the couple run.

Ah, such faith, but unfortunately the missionary isn’t in God’s hands at all. He is in the hands of Kim Jon-un. and that’s an entirely different matter.  Not only does Kim Jon-un actually exist but he is quite likely cranky at anything Australian. Only yesterday, listening to the ABC, I noted Michael Kirby getting headlines for his UN report accusing  North Korea of crimes against humanity. Kirby has a point but as usual, considering his left wing attitudes, his belief in the UN and its power is misplaced.  He was talking of Kim Jon-un being fronted to the courts for crimes against humanity.  Yeah, well good luck with that one Michael – all the report will achieve in the immediate future will be to raise Kim Jon-un’s ire and paranoia. Of course, a connection between Kirby’s report and the arrest of a silly old missionary may well just be conjecture on my part but the North Koreans are a weird lot and and just to be sure, if I was an Australian of any calling in North Korea, I’d lay low for a bit. Unfortunately for the silly old missionery there is a precedence set in North Korea. Last year, American missionary Kenneth Bae was sentenced to 15 years of hard labour after being accused of committing hostile acts in North Korea. Good luck mate.  

Thomson guilty…duh!

FORMER Labor MP Craig Thomson has been found guilty of defrauding the Health Services Union during his time as national secretary.
Melbourne magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg today ruled Mr Thomson had dishonestly obtained a financial advantage by using his union credit card to pay for prostitutes. As if anyone other than Gillard ever doubted he was gulity! He will be sentenced next month.

Manus Islander’s payback

Manus Island in trouble as Asylum seekers escape from the compound and are subsequently attacked by locals. One asylum seeker has died, another is critically injured with a head injury while a third asylum seeker has been shot on a second night of violence in Manus Island, Immigration Minster Scott Morrison has confirmed. Speaking to reporters in Darwin, Mr Morrison said the person died while on their way to hospital for treatment and 77 people have been injured, 13 seriously. The critically injured asylum seeker has been flown to Australia for treatment along with the gun-shot victim. Mr Morrison said those asylum seekers who ”breached” the perimeter of the centre were putting themselves in danger and were subjecting themselves to the response of the local law.

”If people choose to remove themselves from that centre then they’re obviously putting themselves at much greater risk and in an environment where there is violent behaviour,” he said.

This was always on the cards with the asylum seekers getting treated far better than the locals,  jealousy is bound to fester. UPDATE:  Tuned into ABC to see their take on the matter to be hit with several minutes of Sara Hanson-Young ratting on about the Abbott government’s caused the death by maintaining Manus Island as a detention centre for these people. This from earlier asylum seeker deaths;

THE absolute moral perversion of the Australian left is again dramatically apparent. Our leftists are actually more upset that lives are being saved by Tony Abbott’s government than they ever were by the deaths of asylum seekers under the previous Labor government.

This remarkable state of affairs is personified by Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young, who memorably burst into tears two years ago over the plight of a woman who sold her jewellery to finance a people smuggler.

In 2011, after an asylum seeker vessel sank with the loss of 200 lives, Hanson-Young was asked if the Greens accepted any responsibility for the deaths. “Of course not,” the senator dismissively replied. “Tragedies happen, accidents happen.”

Hypocritical bitch!
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