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DVA under siege

Grant Martin, a sailor during the war to evict Iraq from Kuwait wants  PTSD recognized and a pension to compensate.
“I have to sleep in a separate bed from my wife because of violent fits and throwing punches all the time,” he said. “You’re on a knife edge all the time. You can’t sleep, you can’t relax, you can’t concentrate, it feels like your head’s going to fall off.”
All this angst because when serving on HMAS Canberra on Operation DAMASK VI following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (November 1992 to March 1993), someone did, or didn’t issue a missile alert indicating that the Iraq military might launch a scud missile aimed at someone, somewhere.
The initial  report found there was “no evidence” to support Mr Martin’s claim the Canberra took evasive action after the missile threat was announced. In contrast, the tribunal’s final decision found “there was a missile alert … (Mr Martin) perceived a very real threat from the announced missile attack”.
His subsequent illness was “war-caused”, the tribunal found, and he was “entitled to receive a pension in respect of incapacity associated with those conditions”. Hmmm  

Bikies back ALP

From the Courier Mail OPPOSITION Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk will have the backing of exiled bikies across Queensland when she goes to the polls this year. Labor’s pledge to repeal and replace the controversial anti-bikie laws is likely to score her thousands of votes from not only disgruntled motorcycle gang members but also their families, associates and even charities that benefited from their fundraising, bikie chiefs say.

“We just want to be treated like a sporting club. We are a sporting club. We’ll go along with anyone – Labor, Katter, whoever will listen rather than treat us like criminals.”

So prostitution, drug running and extortion are the new sports.

Who’d have thought that?

Somalia – an evolutionary disaster

Kevin Myers  is an Irish journalist and writer and has a strong opinion on the West responding to all the save the children TV adds where emaciated kids make a plea for more food, or water. So do I.
Somalia is not a humanitarian disaster; it is an evolutionary disaster. The current drought is not the worst in 50 years, as the BBC and all the aid organisations claim. It is nothing compared to the droughts in 1960/61 or 73/74. And there are continuing droughts every 5 years or so.It’s just that there are now four times the population; having been kept alive by famine relief, supplied by aid organisations, over the past 50 years. So, of course, the effects of any drought now, is a famine. They cannot even feed themselves in a normal rainfall year.
Read the full article  

Penalty rates

Communist Pommy Jock Shop Steward and Labor Senator Doug Cameron says; …..around 4.5 million workers across the country depended on penalty rates to “actually put food on the table, take the family out to get a meal and go for a holiday once a year”. They do? I trust they don’t try and take their family out for a meal on the weekend as due to the penalty rates a lot of restaurants and coffee shops can’t afford to open on the weekend. So not only do the hospitality staff miss out on penalty rates the weekends, they don’t even get wages. Well done Doug
The evidence starts with a deserted, newly renovated restaurant and bar in a prime tourist location at Circular Quay in Sydney. Following a multi-million-dollar upgrade, the restaurant of this international hotel chain was closed most of Easter and is closed most of every Sunday. The reason is weekend penalty rates. This top priced, international hotel can’t make money on Sundays. Staffing is too expensive
Everything in Australia is 24/7…except the unions and their insistence on penalty rate for weekend work.

Legal Aid needs sorting

SYDNEY  siege gunman Man Haron Monis and his partner racked up tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees unsuccessfully ­defending themselves after sending hate mail to the families of dead Diggers — all at taxpayers’ expense. After shopping around, Monis found lawyer Hugo Aston. Aston told him he thought he had a case for an appeal against his conviction, for sending letters to the families of dead Diggers.
“It seemed there was a case here for the High Court to determine the veracity of the legislation under which he was charged,” Aston said yesterday. “Basically, on the implied right to free speech, because not only did he send the letters to families of the deceased he also sent them to politicians.”
How much did this appeal cost?
“I wouldn’t have a clue, it was all funded through the public purse, Legal Aid.”
Wouldn’t have a clue?  So he didn’t raise a file and record time spent on the case.  He didn’t discuss it with senior partners and Legal Aid were never sent a bill? Right! What he means is, he is embarrassed and the firm are trying to downplay their contribution. Who draws the line in these cases?  I have fondly thought that Legal Aid was available to poor people to help them get justice.  Now I find it’s available for enemies of the state to attack us. Further adding to the cost to taxpayers, Monis’s partner, Amirah Droudis, ran a concurrent case over the same matter, also to the High Court.
“They didn’t strike me as particularly sane sorts of people, they seemed a little unhinged,” Mr Aston said of the couple. “And, of course, what they were doing had nothing to do with Islam, it was born of fanaticism and ignorance.”
Aston’s law firm obviously did well out of the appeal but does anyone ever apply ethics when deciding who should get Legal Aid or is it just a case of “I think I see a loop hole where we can make money.
Legal Aid NSW paid for Monis’s legal representation — including a law firm and three barristers — as he took his case all the way to the High Court, despite his lawyer considering him “unhinged” and “fanatical” at the time.
The report ran to 85 pages and three judges of the high court went Monis’s way.  What were the thinking – that it’s really OK to send recently bereaved widows and families hate letters telling them their soldier relatives were murderers because…free speech? This whole affair offends me in so many ways. The judiciary release on bail a man charged with accessory to murder of his wife, of 40 or 50 cases of sexual abuse and found guilty of writing the letters to Army KIA Next of Kin and then Legal Aid chips in to help him by billing that taxpayer for the costs of a law firm and three barristers. And then he goes to the Lindt Cafe.    

Sydney seige ends in tragedy

monis His name is Man Haron Monis and he has just murdered two Australians and wounded two others in the Sydney seige He is known to police for being an accessory before and after the fact of the murder of his wife by his new girlfriend.  He has 40 charges of sexual assault against him and came to my notice for his habit of writing deplorable and offensive letters to the next of kin of diggers killed in action It has been Monis’ on-going legal battle for his conviction for penning the poisonous letters to the families of dead Australian soldiers between 2007 and 2009 that has consumed him. It is understood yesterday’s incident followed an unsuccessful, last-ditch attempt in the High Court on Friday to have the charges overturned. With all that is known about him I find it odd that the Magistrate considered him no threat to the public and released him on bail. Monis was sentenced to 300 hours of community service and placed on a two year good behaviour bond for the “offensive and deplorable letters” sent with the assistance of his girlfriend Amirah Droudis. They were sent to the families of  Private Luke Worsley and Lance Corporal Jason Marks, who were killed in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008. He also sent a letter in 2009 to the family of the Austrade official Craig Senger, who was killed in the bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta in 2007. Monis claimed the letters were his own version of a “flower basket” or “condolence card”. Bree Till, widow of Sergeant Brett Till, killed while defusing a bomb on March 12, 2009, said at the time of his conviction:

“We sat reading these letters (which) made out to be something supportive but then the juxtaposition of this man accusing my husband of being a child-killer while dictating how I should raise my children. It was scary,” she said.

He fought the validity of the charges all the way to the High Court arguing they were political and only sought to persuade the families to oppose Australia’s military involvement in Afghanistan.

But when he lost that battle, and had to stand trial, he pleaded guilty to all 12 charges against him in August 2013

My take on the matter is that the people are fuming about the incident and questions will be asked of the police and the state politicians.  All I saw yesterday was blue uniforms saying how they wanted the incident to be resolved peacefully which is a noble aim that flies in the face of what we know about Islamic radicals and this guy in particular. The only good reason I can think of for not killing him by sniper is that the police had intelligence that he had bombs and/or accomplices who would detonate the bombs if things didn’t go his way.

If this is not the case then the question remains; why wasn’t he taken out, knowing what we do of his hatred of Australians?

The TRG teams are, of course, under orders so my statement is not leveled at them.

Another Terrorist Sub-human dead

AN Australian serving as a sniper for Islamic State has been killed battling the Iraqi military amid airstrikes by coalition warplanes in Ramadi, in the tightly contested Anbar province, according to claims emerging from Baghdad. According to reports, an unidentified Islamic State fighter who is “probably” Australian was killed during heavy fighting in the south of Ramadi on Wednesday. Bit by bit we rid the country of sub-humans. I wonder if David Hicks might like to volunteer to fight for the enemy again?

CIA Torture

The US Senate Intelligence Committee has a Democrat majority and therein lies the rub. Republican members of the Senate committee that released a highly critical report on CIA terrorist interrogations say the study draws inaccurate conclusions about the usefulness of information obtained from detainees through “enhanced” questioning.
“We have no doubt that the CIA’s detention program saved lives and played a vital role in weakening (al-Qaeda) while the program was in operation,” conclude six of the seven GOP committee members, Sens. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Richard Burr of North Carolina, James Risch of Idaho, Dan Coats of Indiana, Marco Rubio of Florida and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.
Senator Susan Collins, the other Republican, voted to release the report but was disturbed that it had not been conducted in a bipartisan manner.
……in June 2013, I asked that we hold a hearing prior to a vote to declassify this report that would have included CIA witnesses. Such a hearing would have permitted a robust and much-needed debate about the claims made in the report compared to the rebuttals in the Agency’s formal response. Unfortunately, this hearing did not occur.
I therefore put in the same category as an ALP report recommending we waste billions of dollars on climate change. I actually don’t care if a terrorist sub-human is waterboarded. If he plans to murder thousands of Westerners or just decapitate one then I think it’s OK that we try and find out before the event. UPDATE: On Monday CIA Director John Brennan rebutted two of the central premises of the Democratic Senate report on CIA’s enhanced interrogating techniques. Brennan said the controversial program produced evidence that helped avert potential strikes against the U.S. Today he admitted the information led to Bin Laden.

Sorry, not eligible

A FEDERAL Court judge has backed calls for a slain commando to join his comrades on the ­Australian War Memorial’s Roll of Honour, despite his being killed in a botched training exercise ­between deployments to ­Afghanistan. What sort of idiot is the Judge. If he doesn’t understand the basic tenets of the country he lives in then what is he doing on the bench? I feel sorry for the mother, what parent wouldn’t, but wanting her son’s name on a roll of honour that is only for those killed at war is not the answer.

Queensland not happy

THE Queensland government, as host of last weekend’s G20 ­summit, is incensed over what it sees as an ill-informed, insulting speech from Barack Obama about climate change, the Great Barrier Reef and coal. I don’t blame them, I was incensed as well that Obama turned an economic forum into a meeting of the Church of the Later Day Alarmists.
Mr Obama said on Saturday that climate change “here in ­Australia” means “longer droughts, more wildfires” and “the incredible natural glory of the Great Barrier Reef is threatened”.
Where on earth did he drag that from?
“I have not had a chance to go to the Great Barrier Reef and I want to come back, and I want my daughters to be able to come back, and I want them to be able to bring their daughters or sons to visit,” the President said.
Your kids and their kids and their kids ad infinitum will be able to visit the reef…it’ll still be here.  Cyclones and Crown of Thorns star fish are the biggest threat to the reef and it has recovered from everything thrown at it so far.
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