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Banned bullets not banned

Banned bullets ‘used in tube shooting’ says London correspondents THE Brazilian man mistaken for a suicide bomber and shot dead by British police was killed with a type of bullet banned in warfare under international law, a newspaper reported today. Outside of the fact that the shooting was a tragic error the use of hollow point rounds has some merit.
It is believed the decision was influenced by the tactics used by air marshals on passenger jets – where such bullets are designed to splinter in the body and not burst the fuselage, it said. They have been assessed as posing less risk to people around the suicide bomber than conventional bullets but the effect on victims is devastating, it said.
Fair enough but the piece loses it’s impact with this line
However, there is no legal ban on British police use of such ammunition, it said.
So the bullets aren’t banned. It’s just a case of journalists trying to keep the heat on those who try and stem the flow of terrorism.

Disaster averted

This report from the NZ herald. The US government has won its battle to retain control of the internet, under a compromise worked out ahead of this week’s United Nations summit on the information society, which leaves the current addressing and traffic direction system intact. Thank God. I can’t think of any organization in the world less qualified to control the internet. Can you imagine the UN with its stable of wacko, tinpot countries running anything as technical as the internet? Half of the committee would be working out how to make life difficult for the US and the other half, like China, Cuba etc would be working out how to stem the information that their citizens have through access to the web. Who’s idea was it in the first place?

Socceroos qualify for World Cup

I’m not a soccer fan but I do appreciate skill, team spirit, lasting the distance, courage and any Aussie team winning. I watched the whole game, something I have never done before, and I mostly enjoyed it. I say mostly because I still find a score of 1-0 at full time fustrating. The game is too defensive in my Aussie Rules and Rugby tainted mind but I cheered with everyone else when John Aloisi gives Australia an unassailable 4-2 lead. Not only did they win but the Socceroos clearly deserved to win. For most of the game they were in control and were the fitter team. Well done. (At least they won, unlike my beloved Wallabies, who have lost their last seven matches….mumble…bitch…moan) More>>

Oh my God…now they’re using Willy Pete

Oh my God. The US are using weapons of war in a war

ROME — Italian television aired a documentary yesterday alleging that the United States had used white phosphorus shells ”in a massive and indiscriminate way” against civilians in the November 2004 offensive in the Iraqi town of Fallujah.

“White phosphorus kills indiscriminately.”says My Way News. So do most weapons of war dipshit. Artillery shells, machine guns, rockets, hand grenades and air delivered bombs all have the ability to kill indiscriminately. The big difference is the Coalition do not deliberately target woman and kids. The terrorists do – like car bombs at employment queues.

Maybe the same Italian company could make a documentary about these guys and how they deliberately target non-combatants.

Wonder if the MSM would pick it up and run with it?


Wikipedia bias

I’ve just noticed how biased Wikipedia is. I seldom use it a reference but decided to look at it after Tim Lambert mentioned the site in a post. I did a search on John Howard and noticed this Further Reading list. David Barnett and Pru Goward, John Howard, Prime Minister, Viking, 1997 Tony Kevin A Certain Maritime Incident the sinking of SIEV X, Scribe Publications, 2004. ISBN 1920769218. Margo Kingston Not Happy, John! defending Australia’s democracy, Penguin, June 2004. ISBN 0143002589. Marion Maddox God Under Howard: The rise of the religious right in Australian politics, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, February 2005. ISBN 1741145686. David Marr & Marian Wilkinson Dark Victory. ISBN 0143002589 Andrew Wilkie, Axis of deceit, Schwarz Publishing, Melbourne, 2004. In series Black Inc. Agenda. ISBN 09750769-2-2 (“the story of the intelligence officer who risked all to tell the truth about WMD and Iraq”: cover) Wow! In the Dicussion section it all becomes clear. Contributor Adam Car writes;
I am referring to the Further reading section – all of which are identified as “criticisms of Howard.” It has never occurred to anyone to have a “Praise of Howard” section. This is of course because almost all Wikpedians (including me) are anti-Howard.
Comments like that are fine for a writer, commentator or journalist where the readers know the authors political bent but the pedia suggests accurate information given without bias and its clearly not the case.

Streets full of Chicken Littles

According to this report, nation-wide, approximately 130,000 people have answered the ACTU call for workers to march in protest of the IR bill. The Union movement will say the figure is much larger of course so let’s give them the benefit of doubt and call it 200,000. That’s about 1% of the population. If you subtract the rentacrowd dreadlocked adorned and body pierced anti-everything crowd the percentage would be even less. 1%…5%…doesn’t matter. It will still look good on TV tonight. Transport workers in Sydney blockaded the M4 motorway. Good call guys. You now have the whole peak-hour population pissed off. I don’t know how many use the M4 to get to work but reckon the figure might match the people peeing in the wind at Martin Place. We now undergo the application of the Law of Exagerated Attendance whereby the ACTU, ALP and ABC/SBS exagerate the number of people running in the streets protesting about Howard’s IR laws. Rports from Melbourne…. …..In wet and windy weather conditions, estimates around 9am suggested crowd numbers had reached at least 60,000. ….Unions had predicted that 100,000 would attend. ….Sky News later broadcast aerial shots showing packed Melbourne city streets, estimating 175,000 had taken part. Lets see what the figures are come news time tonight given ABC/SBS journo’s have 5 or 6 hours to work on it. Australian Education Union state president Mary Bluett justified the stopwork during the sensitive VCE period by saying: “This (the industrial relations legislation) is not the legacy we want to leave our children.”
More than 50 government schools, 40 non-government schools and up to 50 kindergartens are expected to close across the state when up to 20,000 teachers join the rally, which begins at Federation Square at 9am. Working parents who cannot obtain or afford child care are expected to take carer’s leave.
It’s bad enough that the kids of 50 schools are denied education during the sensitive VCE period but surely there is something wrong with unions expecting parents to take carers leave to cover for them. Of course none of this really matters. The IR changes will come into place, things will improve in the market place and the country will get on with life knowing that the Howard government has taken another positive step. Despite all the spin the sky wont fall in. UPDATE: The ABC have raised the bar to 200,000 The ABC also report three Maritime Union members in McKay have been sacked despite Adsteam Maritime Corporate Communications Manager Paula Wilson stating clearly they had not been sacked. They will undergo disciplinary action and being sacked is one option but no, they haven’t been sacked. It was amusing to hear the journalist almost plead with Paula to say they were sacked It was as if the journo had been told by her Editor to go find a ‘sacked because they attended a rally’ story and it wasn’t panning out that way. Great stuff on an otherwise no news day. Update II: ABC news, the ALP/ACTUTV has the figures at 540,000 nation wide and 250,000 in Melbourne. Wow. I’m impressed

Thugs charged

Police have charged the animals who attacked the media outside the courtroom in Melbourne.
FIVE men allegedly involved in a brawl with media outside the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court have been charged with affray. They are alleged to be the men filmed attacking media waiting outside the court last Tuesday while suspects from the counter-terrorism raids were inside.
Don’t know abaout ‘alleged’ Millions saw their dog pack actions. All five were charged with affray and other assault-related offences that could land them in the slammer for 5 years or more. Good idea. Let them suffer before we deport them to the land of their fathers.

Name wanted to sugar-coat Skippy steaks

From the Australian WHEN it ends up on the dinner plate, cow becomes beef, sheep becomes lamb, so why not invent a more palatable name for turning the national symbol into tucker? carried the article as well and called for suggestions from it’s readers. (Hop) Scotch Fillet, Hoppy Chops, Jumpy Rump, Porter Pouch Steak and Hoppy hamburgers are a few suggestions however the freakish had to join in. Angela says How about murdered national icon? and Mike: As a veggie for twenty years, I prefer the label “alive and free”. What is alive and free to Mike could well be alive, free and in plague proportions to the man on the land. In good years we have plagues of roos all watered and fed by the additional dams and grazing we have put in since settelement. There are countless more roos in the country than there were in the 1700s and it’s not as if they are an endangered species. Let the country make some money from them – God knows thay have cost us dearly too date. More suggestions here. Maybe you can think of some better ones.

Brisbane bomb scare

An anonymously phoned in bomb threat will stop all bus and train services in Brisbane for the second time today.
BUS, train and ferry services in Brisbane were stopped this morning and passengers evacuated after an anonymous caller made threats against the city’s public transport network. Queensland Premier Peter Beattie said this afternoon that the threat would cause all bus and train services in Brisbane to be suspended again between 4.45pm and 5.15pm (AEST) this afternoon.
Mr Beattie said the Government was being “over-cautious” about the threatening phone calls.
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