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Weird Melbourne stuff

MELBOURNE’S train temptress has struck again. However police and rail officials have met to plan an end to her saucy crime spree. The woman broke into a cabin on a peak-hour Frankston train on Tuesday night and broadcast X-rated praise of the driver to stunned commuters. The husky-voiced intruder is believed to be the serial seductress behind a similar break-in and announcement on the Sandringham line last week. The trespasser evaded capture by authorities on both occasions. What is with that city?

A Dogs life

Three generations. The one in the middle, Holly, is my old faithfull 12 year old retriever; the one on the left, Coco, is my daughters chocolate labrador residing with us while she is in season. The young black lab, Coco’s daughter, is my new dog. She is very lucky to have made this photoshoot as she has the labrador habit of finding out about life by chewing anything she is not familiar with.

This includes my reading glasses…$500 thanks, two pairs of sandals, track shoes, several power and audio cables (and yes, the power was on) and a host of other curious pieces of kit.

I have previously posted about her father, Mossad;

My youngest daughter Liz, currently resident in London, has a boyfriend named Abraham who is currently in South Africa coaching Rugby. Last year Liz brought a black Labrador and they called him ‘Mossad’. (Well I had to give some explaination for the name!) Anyway, the summer storms hit in Brisbane the other day and I allowed my golden retriever and Mossad into my office so they could be near some life form that wasn’t terrified of thunder and lightning.

They both try and get on my lap and failing that, on my feet. I use my ‘you had better do as I say’ voice and told them ‘ ON YOUR MAT!. Peace reigns, the storm thunders and I go back to the keyboard. A sniff at my feet and I look down to see Mossad there. He had reasoned I only said ‘On your mat� and said nothing about not relocating the mat. He had picked up the mat, placed it on my feet and lay down on it.

Smart dog, rational thought. – I vowed I would have one of his progeny and Chloe is the result.

She is smart and the both of us are doing well at obedience classes, notwithstanding the summer break, but man, I’ll be glad when she’s past discovering life with her teeth.

I helped Coco, the chocolate lab, when she whelped and as a result she wont leave me alone. I’m in the habit of having a coffee in the pool whenever I’ve knocked off for the day, or night, as there are no mozzies below the waterline, but I cant stand at the edge and reach for my coffee without Coco trying to lick me, her paw out in handshake mode…..bitch won’t leave me alone.

Last night I retreat to the middle of the pool to drink my coffee in peace.

Who’s the pack leader again?

WA Premier resigns

GEOFF Gallop will resign as Western Australia’s premier, and from Parliament, to fight a battle with depression. Dr Gallop, who advised cabinet of his decision after returning from leave today, said his resignation came after he sought advice from doctors about his illness last week.

Tragedy begets tragedy

History of my Battalion in Vietnam records a bad day.
Tragedy struck when [a Lance Corporal] was accidently shot and killed by a member of the platoon while he was checking the section’s claymores. The soldiers on gun picquet changed over while he was out and information was not correctly passed on. The corporal was coming back into the position crouched low in the grass and all the machine gunner could see was forehead and dark hair approaching
The machine gunner opened up and killed one of his own mates. Back home in Australia the demons visited the machine gunner. He served on in the Army for nearly three decades “hoping to pay back for what he had done” He was actually blameless because he hadn’t been briefed correctly but that didn’t matter…he pulled the trigger…he knew. He visited the local Veterans hospital looking for help. He was sent home with a flea in his ear. Stop making things up….this type of thing simply didn’t happen…go home and get over it This morning he got over it. A long time in the Army…disciplined…do it right…shower…suit…tie…clean shoes. Medals all polished and pinned on correctly. The Infantry Combat Badge, earned all those years ago, pinned on his suit, central and immediately above the medals. Wife asleep…take a chair and some rope….go out into the backyard. Set it all up and take the healing step into oblivion. All at peace now…no more demons. How was your day?

No-nudes Playboy for Indonesia

The Weekend Australian (no link) reports that Indonesian Muslims reacted angrily to a purported plan by Playboy to launch a version of it’s magazine in Indonesia. Indonesian businessman Avianto Nugroho said the magazine would be launched in March and would not contain nude photos What’s the point? Predictably, Irfan Awas from hardline Muslim group Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia said;
Different or not, Playboy is Playboy. It is a porn magazine.
Well this blog is a blog, but without the text it isn’t anything. Sort of lends credibility to the old “I only buy Playboy for the articles” line that young men use, or used to.

Ocean deaths end coastguard patrols

AUSTRALIA’S frontline fleet of immigration boats has not patrolled the Torres Strait for three months after one sank with the loss of five lives.
Border protection patrols off Cape York, on the tip of Queensland, were halted after the October 15 disappearance of the Malu Sara, which was launched by Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone on August 29. It was one of six new Immigration vessels for the region.
A preliminary report by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau will be completed later this month. Questions to be cleared up include; â–  concerns about the sea-worthiness of the vessel, as well as the response of emergency services to the floundering boat, which allegedly radioed that it was lost in fog soon after it departed Saidai Island – and more than 12 hours before a search was launched; and â–  why the boat was ferrying passengers between the islands. Badu Island Council deputy chairman Manuel Namoa yesterday said there were rumours that about 100 calls were made from the vessel to authorities during its voyage. An Investigation spokesman said he believed that was the case. Curiouser and curiouser.

Cronulla Riots

NSW Police Commissioner Ken Moroney said he was personally and professionally offended by suggestions made by the Opposition Leader Peter Debman that the Government had directed police not to pursue criminality of a particular ethnicity. (he means Muslim Lebanese) Don’t be personally and professionaly offended, Ken. Be professional and release the stats on arrests and court cases. Tell us how many of the Cronulla rioters have been arrested and tried and how many Muslim Lebanese. Pretty easy really. If you’re right and the stats back you then the personal and professional insults will disappear. I note the flag burner has been jailed for three months and a Mr Dennehy became the 20th person charged by the police strike force set up to respond to the racial violence, after he gave himself up to police yesterday.
Police alleged Mr Dennehy, a former professional surfer, was captured on camera taking part in three violent incidents at Cronulla on December 11 and was involved in inciting further racial violence. He was granted bail on the condition he report three times a week to police.
Maybe it’s just an impression I have. Maybe I’m wrong but for the life of me I cannot recall many reports of men of MEA being arrested, tried and convicted. I would love to be wrong because I believe in the police as an institution and would hate to think the politicians are using them. The SMH has a rerun of the ALP branch stacking epidode that left Premier Dilemna in the situation he faces now. Can’t tackle the Muslim Lebanese problem while there are so many votes in it. This will not go away as Premier Dilemna would hope. He must refute the claims with facts and let the police do what they are charged with – policing the state without fear or favour

Vic Police have too much money

A VICTORIA Police plan to issue patrol officers with a hi-tech chariot known as the Segway Human Transporter has been put on hold after striking an unexpected hitch: it is illegal.
“Segways do not meet the necessary requirements to be registered in Australia and cannot be used on the footpath,” he said. The vehicles — which cost between $7000 and $10,000 are also banned from registration because they do not have brakes, lights and a horn or bell.
They are rated at up to 20kph but I don’t think that would be that much faster than a policeman in full pursuit, particularly as I imagine they would be a bit difficult to manouvre in crowded streets. I’ve always thought that a lot of problems would dissipate in the face of two big coppers on the beat…walking….talking….meeting the people….frowning at young bucks…helping the little old lady and generally policing publically.

Activists ‘may put lives at risk’

I don’t have much time for whaling but I have a whole lot less time for Greenpeace as in a target of Greanpeace is a friend of mine. The actions of the US anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd could easily sink the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru in the freezing waters of the Southern Ocean and put the lives of the crew at risk, the head of Australia’s master mariners association warned yesterday.
Captain John Carroll, the federal master of the Company of Master Mariners of Australia, said Sea Shepherd’s stated aim of dragging a hawser under the Japanese ship to disable its propellers could rip the drive shafts from the ship and leave a gaping hole under its waterline.“There is always a weak point built into a ship’s drive shafts for safety reasons and you can actually pull the propeller shaft, or shafts, right off,” Captain Carroll said. “If that happened, it is probable the ship would sink.”
Surely endangering lives and ships at sea is a crime in someones books…Australia’s maybe? UPDATE: Yobbo has a good piece on whom rammed who

Hungry accused go on hunger strike

TEN men accused of being part of a terrorist organisation have gone on a hunger strike over prayer time in prison.
The men, who began the strike on Monday, want to be able to pray together on Friday afternoons and on special religious occasions. They have also complained they had not been getting enough food.
So a hunger strike fixes that? Win-win for all. Think how much money we will save on food.
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