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First payout deal for ‘stolen’ children

THE national debate on the “stolen generations” will be reignited today by the unveiling of the nation’s first compensation package for Aborigines taken from their parents under assimilation policies. ……under assimilation policies?   I thought that every case that had been tested in court it was shown that the child was handed over to care with the consent of the parents who for a number of reasons couldn’t guarantee the welfare and livlihood of their child.  What reaonably believable authority or inquiry ever proved that these kids were moved because of assimilation policies? If i I sit here waiting for the announcement of the nation’s first compensation package for white children taken under care  in similar circumstances should I hold my breath as well? I think not.

Queenslands Attorney-General resigns

Linda Lavarch has resigned citing depression. Anyone would be depressed after a week of grilling in the house over decisions she made that were either stupid, politically naive or politically inept. She simply failed to come up with any rationale excuse for not doing a deal with Dr Patel Death’s lawyers to get him in court. If you are going to ignore DPP advice you need a good reason and the fact that the ALP didn’t want Patel in court during the lead up to the recent election doesn’t cut it. Couldn’t have the electorate being reminded every day about the government’s track record on health…could we? I wonder if Peter Beattie is reaching for the prozac yet or does he expect us to believe that a novice AG would be allowed to make a decision of this magnitude by herself.
“I was not aware of the written document – and that doesn’t make any difference. Can I tell you that the written DPP advice is irrelevant,” Mr Beattie said. 
Why is the DPP advice irrelevant. I would imagine that giving the government advise is one of their roles and if such advice is ignored, then I think it’s reasonable we know why. Still, as we all know the reason it was ignored then it only leaves a taste of the government thumbing their nose at the public. We know what’s best for you and we don’t neeed to explain. If ever a government was elected as the lesser of two evils…this one is it.

Indifferent day

Slight hangover from yesterday’s party…tired from same…broadband down until 4.00pm..specialist appointment…kids coming to dinner…turned sixty…damn. Will resume blogging when I stop sulking…maybe tomorrow.

Defence claims Sheridan’s wrong

According to Greg Sheridan in today’s Australian the SAS have operational patrols in the Phillipines
AN elite Australian Special Air Service team of about 20 soldiers has been involved in a joint military operation in the southern Philippines to hunt down Asia’s most wanted terrorists, including two of the 2002 Bali bombers.

The SAS has been participating in a US-Philippines military campaign to eradicate the Abu Sayyaf terror outfit, which is believed to have been sheltering senior Indonesian Jemaah Islamiah terrorists Dulmatin and Umar Patek.

According to Defence, they do not have operational SAS patrols in the Philipines

Greg Sheridan’s statement in The Australian newspaper today is wrong. The ADF has not been involved in counter terrorism operations in the Philippines.

In March this year and at the invitation of the Philippines’ Government, one Special Forces officer observed the joint US and Philippines Exercise Balikatan in Zamboanga, southern Philippines. This exercise undertakes civil-military activities and does not involve operations. The Australian officer was observing the US-Philippines exercise planning process and at no time was he involved in operations of any kind. As announced in October 2005, Defence is working with the Philippines to develop an Army watercraft capability of up to 30 boats suitable for patrolling the riverine and marshland areas of Mindanao. This will not involve ADF operations in the Philippines. Over several years, the ADF has undertaken annual counter-hijack training in the Philippines, as we do with other regional countries. This activity does not involve operations. Australia does not have any ADF personnel deployed to the Philippines on operations. The Australian Government respects the Philippines Constitution which prohibits operations with foreign forces without a treaty level agreement.
Careful Greg – get it right.

Scientists and magic numbers

Tim Lambert is a computer scientist at the University of New South Wales and a standout example of why we don’t let academics with math majors run real life situations. He has invested a considerable amount of time defending the latest Lancet Democrat Party campaign advert that points to 650,000 deaths in Iraq.

Using such cutting post titles as Flypaper for the ennumerates and Stupid beyond belief he attacks all and sundry with mathmatical wizardry pointing out the methodolgy is well proven. What he doesn’t do is prove that the figures are anywhere near believable.

As there are too many lawyers fighting battles in court to save the souls of terrorist with clever legal procedures against a backdrop of slaughtered civilian victims then likewise there are now too many scientist quoting theory that has little to do with real life.

When I went to war, as different than when I read about it or studied the mathmatical formulae pertaining to same; my battalion lost 30 killed and 220 wounded giving a 7.33:1 ratio of deaths to wounded. Our sister battalion lost 50 to 281 resulting in a ratio of 5.6:1. Current stats from Iraq are running at 8:1, slightly higher, but all this low level maths suggests the Iraq hospitals have had 5.2 million wounded to deal with. The 650,000 also suggests that there has been 500 killed per day for every day of the war.

Sorry, I just don’t believe it. As Lambert argues, the methodology is proven but the extrapolation says what might be and it clearly isn’t.

It is worth reading the comments at Deltoid. It may help the casual reader to understand the politics behind the anti Bush theorists. Theories abound in a common sense vacuum.

US politics

On the US political front a new Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health study of Iraq has said 600,000 died post invasion and Barbara Striesand screams “shut the f***k up to a heckler complaining about a skit during her show that depicted Bush as a bumbling idiot. Maybe if she had stated at the start “This is a free Democrat Party election advertisement” then the heckler would’ve had nothing to complain about. She added “Shut up if you can’t take a joke!” It’s not funny Barbara and you’re not a commedienne, or a believable political commentator for that matter, so just stick to singing. The Iraq deaths, a statistical extrapolation from approximately 40,000 known dead has been gleefully reported by the Tehran Times and is so blatantly released in time for the 7 Nov elections that I’m surprised it gets any oxygen from the general media. Our ABC, of course, are all over it.

North Korea

A sampling of comments from the Australian article on North Korea’s nuclear test Paul Duffy of Sydney

Defence suicide and sick puppies

ALMOST 80 members of Australia’s defence force have killed themselves since 1997. Oh my god, that’s awfull!
…opposition defence personnel spokesman Mark Bishop said the suicides were a result of defence culture. He said the suicide rate should force the Government into releasing the findings of a review of suicides.
No it shouldn’t. Reading on we find that the national rate is 1.6 of all deaths while the ADF is about half that. What’s his bloody point. He has taken a positive stat and reversed it and then pointed out why this stat is bad. False premise springs to mind. Sexual harrassment is a problem in the ADF! In a force the size of the ADF, with it’s tens of thousands of mainly young, fit men and woman there has been 107 cases of harrassment. 107! My God, I wonder how they get time to soldier. Well, actually, it’s only 88 substantiated cases but let’s not let exceptionally good figures ruin a good beat-up. I’m neither making light of suicides nor sexual harrassment but could we have some balance. With both the listed figures being less than national averages the Senator could have just as well congratulated the ADF considering they are going through a difficult time at the moment with deployments all over the world as they fight terrorists and help stabalize our volatile island cousins. This subject was reported three days ago but with other matters on my plate I hadn’t posted this piece. It is more relevant now as I have been a part of a ex-service network email distribution that made much of the Bishop report. Of late I’ve been receiving emails extremely critical of the government from an ex member of my battalion who forwards emails from one Keith Tennant, an advocate of sorts for the ex service community. I received one last night and was so moved as to answer in a theme that was critical of the political posturing contained within. Amongst other things, I said;
Your links on your website detract from your purpose. Linking to activist sites, 9/11 conspiracy theorists and people like Margo Kingston clearly put you in that angry left wing area that sees no good in the country, no good in the military and definitely no good in our current fight against terrorism. My opinion, after reading your website, is that your political leanings detract from your mission. I’m not so much questioning your work but the more the angry political attacks…they can’t serve much purpose, they annoy me and I’m representative of your target.
I also took him to task for his email signature that says;
Veterans Will Continue To Advise Young Australians Not To Enlist In The Military Under Current Circumstances
There was some to’ing and fro’ing of emails that culminated in my being blackbanned from his email list. Keith’s final email read;
You really are one sick puppy. So, anybody who doesn’t fit your vision of the world and your profile of what is right and proper in Gillett’s mad head is a commo and rabble rouser. and …well, just about anything else I suppose. Of course you wouldn’t at all be one of those mad, war mongering right wingers who want to send everybody else’s kids and grandkids off to the latest War EXCEPT YOUR OWN, would you? With lunatics like you around I marvel how we ever gained any respect at all and how Governments have ever listened to us. You are blacklisted so don’t bother replying. We are busy every day and have been for years fighting for the entitlements and rights of lunatics like you. My advice to you is…….. Stick a tampon up your arse, light the wick and blow your brains out.
Which pretty well proves, in an ad hominem sort of way, the point of my earlier email. Keith’s web page, The Aussie Digger is loaded with compassion for his fellow ex might like to drop in – I’m sure he would appreciate the extra traffic. I received another answer to my email that raised points in a rational and calm manner and I replied in a similar vein. Some members of the veterans community are concerned about suicide and I am one of those. I did some quick reading here and at the ABS on the subject of suicide, or more relevant to this issue, youth suicide and found the reports do not paint a rosy picture. Suicide has touched me personally and it can only be defined as ‘painful’ and raises reflections on ‘what could I have done?’ and the answer is all too often…nothing. Notwithstanding, I don’t think the government should necessarily be hauled over the coals for it. I’m of the opinion that there needs to be a precondition of some physciatric disorder that prevails regardless of profession that can be triggered by, what to many others, is an inconsequential event. So even though good works are being carried out by the military and society generally to alleviate the problem, it will always exist and we need to keep that in mind instead of mindlessly thowing accusations around. Youth suicide is an across border problem. It is not a pretty picture but it does suggest that the Army doen’t stand alone with it’s suicide problem. No one carries press about suicide rates for wharfies, or airline pilots or rural workers as there are no such figures readily available and it’s a good way to bash the government or generals anyway. UPDATE: I sent Keith an email linking to this post but he was right, I’m black banned and the email was rejected.

Joy as pedophile’s house burns

RESIDENTS of a tiny town in Victoria drank beer and cheered as they watched a convicted pedophile’s home engulfed in flames.
Most of the town’s 16 residents and at least two dozen spectators, watched the weatherboard home of Terrence Allan Ellis, 52, burn on Sunday, soon after an open day at a pioneer park.
Can’t say I blame them.  If I lived in the town I could see myself in attendance handing out cans of petrol to keep it going.
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