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Burke fiasco gets first Federal scalp

The height of the bar has been set.

FEDERAL Human Services minister Ian Campbell today resigned from Cabinet over his meeting last year with disgraced former WA premier Brian Burke.

Will Rudd go under or over the bar?

Meanwhile Kevin Rudd’s story is being attacked;

“I went, as I said the other day in Canberra, as the guest of (Labor MP) Mr Graham Edwards, so what I said the other day stands,” Mr Rudd told reporters in Melbourne.

“I went purely as Mr Graham Edwards’ guest,” he said.

The Weekend Australian quotes a Perth businessman;

…..(who was) one of Mr Burke’s clients (and) who was invited to the dinner, told The Weekend Australian yesterday the dinner was deliberately arranged and paid for by Mr Burke to introduce “a future leader of the Opposition” to West Australian businessmen, who were his clients, and also to state bureaucrats. The guest said the Labor leadership, including the previous leader Mark Latham, then leader Kim Beazley and Mr Rudd as a prospective leader, had been discussed at the dinner.

Labor’s more optimistic souls hope Rudd can ride out this saga. They point to his honesty in fessing up to making a mistake, and hope the cleanskin image has not been too badly tarnished.

Honesty? I thought he said he only went as a guest of Graham Edwards. He didn’t even know Burke was going to be there and now we hear Burke organized the whole dinner for Rudd…….tellng porkies in the House Mr Rudd?

Meanwhile, as if the Rudd/Burke controversy isn’t doing enough damage to Labour’s chances, Kevin Rudd has firmly committed Labor to scrapping the government’s Work Choices legislation, in an address to a party conference.

Mr Rudd vowed that if Labor is elected to office at the election expected late this year, it would “consign these laws to the dustbin of history”.

Small businesses are going to love that one.

Good week for us conservatives.

Rudd never knew Burke was a bad boy

Burkes influence moves east; Brian Burke, ex Premier of WA, previously charged and goaled for corruption, is shaking the ALP world as the West Australian Corruption and Crimes Commission releases daily reports on Burke’s control of the WA Carpenter government.

The Coalition in Canberra have spent all day attacking Kevin Rudd over his meetings with Burke and all Kevin can come up with is this;

“Would it have been better for me not to have met with Mr Burke, had I known what Mr Burke was up to at the time, of course,” Mr Rudd said.

“Did I have the faintest idea that Mr Burke was engaged in activities which are now the subject of the CCC, of course I did not.

Sorry, don’t believe him,. Burke is a personal friend of Kim Beasley and Graham Edwards; he is entrenched in WA Labour circles and is one of the biggest power brokers in WA. If Rudd didn’t know what was going on then he should be questioned for not having a tab on the ALPs machinations.

“So therefore, with the benefit of 20:20 hindsight, of course I would not have met with Mr Burke. I had no knowledge of those matters then.”

One wonders if Rudds 20:20 hindsight goes back as far as WA Inc. You remember Kevin? Paper bags of cash in his office safe..goaled for corruption….yeah that guy.

UPDATE: Maybe I missed this yesterday but it’s worth mentioning. Hidden in the text, halfway down the page is this startling revelation;

Mr Rudd said he was unaware of the ban on contact with Mr Burke imposed by then WA premier Geoff Gallop.

Everybody in Australia who reads newspapers was aware of the ban on contact with Brian Burke imposed by Geoff Gallop except Kevin.

Yeah, I believe that!

Happy Birthday

This week we celebrate a special birthday – Monica Lewinsky turned 31. Can you believe it!! Seems like only yesterday she was crawling around the White House floor on her hands and knees.

The honeymoon continues

Many have joined the “Wish it were so” division as the news that Maxine McKew has nominated for Bennelong hits the media. The ABC managed to extract a statement from former Liberal national president John Valder who tipped John Howard could lose his seat of Bennelong. True, he could but there’s a lot of campaigning between could and did. The ABC’s electoral analyst Antony Green suggests
Prime Minister John Howard should be worried that high-profile media personality Maxine McKew is standing as the ALP candidate in his electorate of Bennelong……
Maybe, but being a talking head high-profile celebrity is a long way from being a believable politician. After all, the other celebrity Garret, isn’t exactly starring. A comment at Matt Price’s blog suggests it leaves Labor open to charges of seeking salvation in celebrity rather than with a battle-hardened, local candidate and he is not a Howard fan. He could be right though. I imagine Peter Costello noticed the nomination with interest but I doubt he’s booked the removalist van to move to the lodge yet. Shaping up to be an interesting battle.

And your point is?

Letter to the Australian;

CONSIDERING Prime Minister Howard has been so accomodating to US Vice-President Cheney, I wonder if he would be equally as welcoming to the Iranian leadership in return? I think it would only be fair to listen to Iran’s side of the story, considering Howard and Cheney have obviously been considering the possibility of attacking Iran during this rather bizarre visit by the US second-in-command.
Mike Anderson
Lyneham, ACT

Mike, you must have missed it. We have listened to Rafsanjanihe…in a speech a couple of years ago he stated that Nuclear weapons could solve the problem of Israel and added;

…. Muslims must surround colonialism and force them [the colonialists] to see whether Israel is beneficial to them or not. If one day, he said, the world of Islam comes to possess the weapons currently in Israel’s possession [meaning nuclear weapons] – on that day this method of global arrogance would come to a dead end. This, he said, is because the use of a nuclear bomb in Israel will leave nothing on the ground, whereas it will only damage the world of Islam.

What’s your next point Mike?

Shooting incident at Dili Airport

From Defence Media (no link)

Today at approximately 0850 hours the International Security Force (ISF) responded to a disturbance at the Dili Airport Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp.

During the incident an ADF soldier was attacked with steel arrows which are potentially lethal weapons. He defended himself by shooting the attacker, resulting in the death of one Timorese national.

The ADF regrets any incident that involves the loss of life.

ISF soldiers operate under strict rules of engagement. These rules allow ISF soldiers to defend themselves, and other persons whom they are assigned to protect.

The incident will be fully investigated in cooperation with UNPOL and Timor Leste authorities.

Seems fair enough to me and even though it sounds one-sided, steel arrows and a determined assailant can be just as fatal as a 5.56mm round.

I’m just glad the digger survived.

Costello attacks PETA

The Federal Treasurer is planning to make it easier for the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) to take legal action against a group calling for an international boycott of Australian wool.
Peter Costello is angry that the group People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has called for an international boycott of Australian wool, as a protest against mulesing of sheep.
So am I, my family run sheep and wheat in WA. He continues in his normal ‘calling a spade a spade’ manner;

“You can say what you like, you can be as ignorant as you like, and I think Martina Navratilova and Pink – when they campaign against Australian farmers – are ignorant,” he said.

“There’s no law that’s going to stop ignorant commentary, but there will be a law which will allow the ACCC to stand up for Australian farmers where they suffer from a boycott.”

I heard the interview on ABC radio and as usual they had a sound bite from Bob Brown rattling on about it being an attack on the freedom of speach. Of course the ABC always quote their darling Bob, (must be #1 on their speed dial) as his policies match the ABCs word for word.

A law against ignorant commentary…mmm….now there’s a thought.

Asylum seekers back in our waters

A NAVAL ship has intercepted a boatload of 85 Sri Lankan asylum seekers heading for Christmas Island. Border Protection Command had been monitoring the boat since it was first spotted by a plane on February 19.
Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews said the group have been taken on board HMAS Success, where they will remain temporarily.
Time for the left to start screaming “TAMPA” although they’ve arrived a bit early as the new accommodation at Christmas Island isn’t ready yet. When it is it will be able to accommodate up to 800 queue jumpers….. bring ’em on. A bit early for the election as well. I wonder if we can organize a string of boats to come in regularly to remind the electorate of the lack of a coherant policy from the ALP on the matter.

Mohammed Dawood (nee Hicks) gets full SBS backing

Jenny Brockie on SBS’s Insight holds a trial seeking to put further pressure on the Howard government to bring Hicks home and judging by the on-site poll, the pollsters, media’s version of a jury, want him home, voting 94% to 6% to do so. No mention at all as to whether he should answer the charges against him…just bring the poor missunderstood lad home. I can only assume that 94% of SBS viewers believe it’s OK to fight against your own countrymen. Poor fellow, my country indeed! Jenny shows extracts of the feature film called ‘The Road to Guantanamo’ backed by Amnsety International spokesperson Katie Wood who believes everything in the feature film, an ex inmate of Guantanamo, Moazzam Begg who surely would be kicked out of any court as a hostile witness, Terry and Bev Hicks who understandingly are against everything that deprives their son of liberty, Major Mori and George Williams a constitutional lawyer as witnesses and expert opinion for the defence. Colonel Moe Davis leads the prosecution and Phillip Ruddock takes the side of the Government. Neither have a chance. The judge, Jenny, is biased as is the paid public gallery. The “selected members of the public’ were Grahame and Debbie Goddard. Graham got to say;
But the fact of the matter is, is that he was caught red-handed being part of an illegal terrorist group and he was arrested. Now, only a court can tell us whether he’s innocent or guilty.
But was quickly negated by his wife who in a moment of unbiased rationale debate says;
I just think that the Australian Government, Mr Howard, is in Mr Bush’s pocket and I believe that David Hicks has been made a scapegoat.
Meanwhile, in the US the courts are eschewing emotion and politics and are considering the law
HOPES that David Hicks could be back in Australia by Christmas suffered a significant setback today in a US court. The US federal appeals panel in Washington DC ruled Guantanamo Bay inmates, including Hicks, do not have the right to challenge their detention in lower federal courts.
They shouldn’t have the right either. They are armed combatants fighting against the US. Major Mori seems to think they should be given the same constitutional rights as American citizens. I can only say the campaign to free Dawood is well orchestrated and achieving results. I would think that by now the majority of the public think the entire issue is about his encarceration and give little thought to his alleged crimes. Amazing isn’t it? within two generations treason has become OK so long as it’s against countries who have conservative goverments.

ALP Candidate gets free air time

The ALP’s media division, the ABC, report Peter Tinley condemning the government for sending Trainers to Iraq. They also promote him to Deputy Commander of the Australian Forces in Iraq when he was actually Deputy Commander of the Australian Special Forces contingent in Iraq…quick route from Major to star rank via the ABC.
The former SAS deputy commander of Australia’s forces in Iraq says the Federal Government’s plan to send up to another 70 military trainers there will make Australia an even greater target.
It’s an opinion but has no further weight than others with similar experience. Personaly I think it may help – by all accounts they do need some training. At least he has now officially thrown his hat in the ring as the ALP Candidate for Stirling, WA ,whereas previously he was only quoted as an ex SAS officer.
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