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Army Captain arrested

POLICE arrested an army captain and two others today over the theft of seven army rocket launchers allegedly supplied to criminals and terrorists. About 6am, police from the counter-terrorism command raided the captain’s Wattle Grove home and arrested him. How embarrassing. In all my time in the Army I can’t remember a case of an officer behaving so dishonourably. Should the case go to trial and he is found guilty then he should feel the full force of the civil and military law. In todays climate of potential terrorist attacks on woman and children, to steal, hold and sell such weapons is tantamount to treason. Simply not on old chap If found guilty I would like to see him drummed out of the Army on the way to prison. Remember the good old days? The Regiment on parade…..tear off his regimental accoutremants and rank……snap his sword in half and march him off with a long drum roll. Chief of Army Lt General Peter Leah agrees with me, although not with the drumming out of the Army bit, and is quoted as saying;
ANY soldier who breaks either civil or military law by stealing and selling military weapons on the black market is a disgrace to the uniform.
Damn right. UPDATE: The army guys have been named:
Shane Della-Vedova, a 46-year-old army captain from Wattle Grove in Sydney’s south-west, allegedly stole the 10 Light Anti-Armour Weapons from the Australian Defence Force (ADF). He faced Sydney Central Local Court today with his alleged accomplice, 38-year-old former army officer Dean Taylor, of Mt Annan in Sydney’s south-west.
Della-Vedova was apparently an Ammuniton Technical Officer and the report mentions the possibility of more Army gear.
Mrs Orellana’s husband, Hector (a neighbour), often went over to the Della-Vedova house to talk. Usually he went in through the garage, where forensic officers and detectives pored over large green army containers yesterday.
The other guy, Dean Taylor had apparently been an Army fireman before he resigned and started a business of his own. Maybe the rockets were seed money for the business Naturally, the press found someone to quote the mandatory “he was a lovely chap…great neighbours…just the most beautiful and generous man I have ever known and other meaningless phrases.

Howard Derangement Syndrome at play

The Prime Minister says far too many Australians are retiring at 55, and other countries are stealing a productivity march on us with more workers in the 55-64-year-old bracket still contributing to economic growth.
If everybody worked at least until they were in their middle to late 60s, that would make an enormous difference,’’ he told ABC radio. He advocated scaling back slowly, perhaps working part-time as a more gentle stepping stone to retirement. “There are many, many people I know who have retired after a very, very busy life and suddenly they’re doing nothing and they go to pieces,’’ he says
All of which is reasonable – he doesn’t say we are all going to be chained to the work bench until we die – just that we shouldn’t neccessarily rush into retirement and if people want to work later than the magic 65 then let them. Stephen Lunn, social affairs writer for the Australian puts his spin on it and the Howard hating collective swarm
……Many people are sick of working in dysfunctional workplaces which are only becoming worse under Howard’s workplace laws. ……Another version of work till you drop. Howard should wake up to himself ……What sort of a con job is this from Howard? ……I just wish this silly little man and his nanny state would disappear
And what the hell does David Hudson of Adelaide mean by this diatribe?
please note that 800,000 separated parents across Australia are ‘forced’ to work until DEATH, never mind till 65 to meet unsustainable deemed “child support” arrears that outlast even their children’s lives in many cases.
At the latest count there were 1527 dead in 2002/3 ALONE ( see Hansard p171 below) RIP.
His reference just states that In 2002-2003 there were a total of 1 527 male payers recorded on the child support computer system as having died. This is the latest data available. People do die irregardless of what computer system they are on but the evidence pointing to John Howard murdering them all is somehow missing What is it with these people? Are they so deranged by their hatred that reason leaves their mind? Was it ever there?

Crime does pay

CONFIDENTIAL documents filed in a Queensland court lift the lid on the secretive world of celebrity book negotiations, revealing that Pan Macmillan paid $350,000 for the rights to drug-smuggler Schapelle Corby’s story.
The Australian Women’s Weekly paid a further $110,000 to publish an extract from My Story, the memoir Corby co-wrote with Kathryn Bonella. The publishing contract shows that Schapelle’s sister, Mercedes Corby, is entitled to 85 per cent of the $350,000 publisher’s advance and any future royalties earned from the book, which has sold more than 100,000 copies.
That should buy a lot of marijuana for the ‘Corby Drug Collective’.

False declarations

I’m a JP in Queensland and always warn people making stat decs that there is a penalty involved should they knowingly make a false declaration and that it is viewed as a serious offence by the judiciary. I’m advised to warn the deponent at the outset about the penalities for making a false declaration; that if the declaration is found to be untruthful, the deponent may be charged under the criminal code and be liable to penalties, including imprisonment. If that’s how we operate at the very bottom of the legal chain you would think an ex Federal Court Judge would endorse these warnings. Well you’d be wrong. Continue reading »

Poor little Muhommad II

Muhammad Dawood (nee Hicks) pleads gulty..uh uh. Doesn’t matter, guilt can be denied….his Australian Cheer Squad will just say he pleaded guilty to get out of Guantanamo Bay. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t, but guilty is guilty and to suggest he pleaded guilty to get home doesn’t detract from the guilt.

He is a self confessed terrorist.

It is suggested that he may well be able to do his time in an Australian prison for the term the judge gives him. That’s fine, it takes the pressure off Howard and deprives the cheer squad of some oxygen but I can promise you there are whole mobs of human rights lawyers burning the midnight oil right now in preparation for appeals against whatever he is awarded. As soon as he is in Australia there will be a swarm of activity. They won’t let go.

Of course they are going to have to act very quickly because Muhommad’s time in prison won’t be all that nice. Standard crims are also Aussies and won’t take kindly to a self confessed terrorist in their midst. The answer to that, of course is solitary, protective custody…..more ammo for the cheer squad…..inhuman will be their cry but me, I’m barracking for the crims.

sic him boys.

Poor little Muhammad

I’ve yet to hear of a criminal claiming his trip to from the the courthuose was inhumane. Never a word about the airconditioning being too high or too low and I’ve never heard of bad guys suffering from dehydration or getting ill to the point of hospitalization on the way to court. Until now.
Victorian Supreme Court judge Bernard Bongiorno gave the caution after being told several of the men became ill after they were transported from court in a vehicle without airconditioning or water in temperatures above 30C. Lawyer Greg Barns, for one of the accused men, Ezzit Raad, told the court the incident occurred last Thursday.
If that’s a grave intended denial of human rights then I trust no-one invloved ever has to endure a long army convoy It’s a well known that terrorist leaders instruct their people to claim “torture” as soon as they can after capture. It creates a queue of human rights lawyers to come to their assistance even if the torture is totally invented. Every time a terrorist suspect is required to answer to the law for his alleged crimes against humanity or his intent to committ such crimes his lawyers modus operandi, the first step for defence, is to appeal to the weak amongst us by claiming “torture” or “lack of human rights” A sound tactic but ethically questionable because it is designed to take the emphasis away from the alleged intent to conduct a terrorist activity and shift it to the conditions of incarceration. Articles waxes philosophically about the accused. Nice guy,…astounded that he would be considered a suicide bomber….. shock and indignation…..their right to a fair trial had been irreparably damaged……His father said his son was an “angel”…. The HRLRC is gravely concerned that the type, length, conditions and effects of the Detainees’ detention amount to serious ongoing human rights violations, including in relation to: and they list a standard litany of rights from the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. All of the above is fine and I don’t deny the alleged terrorists their human rights but at the moment the entire debate is about their rights and little mention of their alleged terrorist acts. I’m of the opinion that every article printed in the media should remind readers of the alleged intent as in “poor little Mohamed was denied a glass of water under the covenant of blah…blah…blah but it is alleged he was a part of a plot to blow up Australian infrastructure and/or innocent Australian women and children. Some perspective, don’t you think?

Afghan troops to rise

JOHN Howard is expected to announce this week a major increase to Australia’s military deployment in Afghanistan, including a 200-strong special forces taskforce.
The special forces task group, drawn from the Special Air Service Regiment and 4RAR commandos, will be deployed to Oruzgan province, where NATO forces are expecting a fresh offensive from Taliban insurgents in the coming months. They will bolster the Australian reconstruction taskforce currently based at Tarin Kowt. In addition, Mr Howard is expected to announce the deployment of a 150-strong air defence radar unit.
As Afghanistan is accepted by the ALP as a ‘good’ war rather then Iraq which is a ‘bad’ war, I wouldn’t imagine the increase will get much coverage….no political mileage for the ALP here. In fact Iraq, Afghanistan, the Philipines, Indonesia, the Pacific Islands, London, Spain, Australia’s law courts, Iran, Southern Thailand and any where else they raise their ugly heads are all theatres of the one war. I wonder if the ALP Defence policy paper has a stand for each and every theatre based on it’s probablity of making Howard and Bush look incompetant….who knows.

Lawyers fight for Terrorists

THE Howard Government’s top lawyer has triggered a storm of protest from civil libertarians by accusing opponents of control orders on suspected terrorists of succumbing to “pre-9-11 thinking“.
Commonwealth Solicitor-General David Bennett QC said those who believed control orders were not within the Government’s constitutional powers were “Luddites” whose thinking was “very September 10”.
Mr Bennett’s reference during the case to “September 10 thinking” triggered an outburst from judge Michael Kirby, who said more people had died of AIDS than in the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, in which 2900 people, including 10 Australians, died. Justice Kirby is one of the full bench of seven judges who will determine the validity of the control orders. It’s not unusual that I don’t agree with or understand what Kirby is on about but this one leaves me really puzzled. More people die in motor vehicle accidents every year in Australia than were killed on 9/11 but so what? In the majority of cases accidents and HIV infection are not a deliberate attempt to kill thousands of innocents men, woman and children. Kirby’s a fool and the only hope for sanity in our legal system is his retirement on the March 18, 2009 due to his turning 70….thank God for the retirement age for judges. The Chief Judge backs the retirement age and so do I even if for different reasons. The Human Rights Lawers are up in arms as they seek to defend the rights of those who would kill our woman and children before those of their fellow citizens. He (David Bennett) said there were “a lot of silly people around who engage in what I call September 10 thinking”. “They say things like, ‘Oh, we’ve always had terrorism and there is no real difference’. That is just nonsense,” Mr Bennett said.
“We have seen what nonsense it is on September 11, and in London, Madrid, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Bali and Jakarta. There is a real threat and we need to combat it.”
I for one, want the federal agencies to know what the bastards are doing and if we can’t lock them up in the brig due to some smart -arse lawyer claiming a technical legal breach of confessions secured under duress then let’s have them on a 20 metre leash. If the laws of the land don’t allow for this then change the laws. I am not going to accept that they should be free to plan more attacks on Australia or Australians

Charles Laurence spins up a vortex

Reading the Sunday papers always leaves me hungering for articles from real journalists but todays Sunday Mail outdoes itself carrying an article by Charles Laurence under the heading “How the Iraq war is destroying America’s fighting men” I couldn’t link to the article in the Sunday Mail but found it in a similarly low grade newspaper, The Daily Mail He quotes 240 of the 665 cases of military indiscipline in Iraq and Afghanistan involved drugs and alcohol. Let’s see now……with about 1,500,000 US GWOT veterans that calculates out at 1 in 6250 troops have been involved in drugs. I would say my North Brisbane suburban area has a far worse drug related crime rate than the 240 for the area and that is with only about 50,000 people. He comes up with some real crime;
To get an idea of how deep into depravity some of these men have sunk, here is just one of the sex offences: in March, 2006, a group of men – again from the 101st Airborne Division – gang-raped a 14-year-old girl, and then murdered her and her family.
In one case as long ago as May 2004, when President Bush was declaring ‘victory’ and the vast majority of Americans were still cheering him on, Private Justin Lillis got drunk on illicit whisky on his base in Balad, stole a Humvee and went on a rampage, shooting up a residential neighbourhood with his M16 rifle, before taking pot shots at the guards on the entrance to his own base.
Unquestionably depraved but there will always be bad eggs in any basket. One depraved crime doesn’t point to a whole army as depraved.
He quotes Seventy-three of those 240 cases were the most serious yet known from these two wars: murder, rape, robbery and assault.
Just a question: how many of these 73 cases were rape and murder and how many were robbery and assault. Lumping them together makes a mockery of statistics and as the Left have claimed, playing music too loud in a cell constitutes assault or torture.
Another remarkable statistic can be no co-incidence: a record number of women soldiers – as many as one-third of the total returning from tours in Iraq – are coming home pregnant.
They are mostly young, fit people. What does Laurence expect them to do when not on patrol – go to prayer meetings? Take along woman to a war zone and it’s going to happen…human nature.
For years, the Pentagon has banned the taking of photographs of returning coffins, while President Bush has refused to attend funerals because honouring the dead was deemed bad for public relations.
The President hasn’t ‘refused’ to attend funerals at all. He has done what all presidents have done and that’s run the country. If he was to attend funerals he’d spend one day every week doing so
It all points to another shocking statistic: almost one in three of troops returning from the Iraq and Afghan fronts in need of health care are wounded not in the body, but in the mind.
The younger the soldiers, the greater the incidence of post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, alcoholism and drug addiction. This third compares with 10 per cent of Vietnam veterans – survivors of a war so far considered to have produced an unprecedented number of mental casualties.
That is simply wrong. Stats for the Vietnam War indicate about 30% had symptons of PTSD and that nearly 19 percent still suffer from the disorder. These stats are from a Harvard University report and not some Veteran’s group. There are other factors involved here; one is a certain percentage of PTSD suffering has been caused by the general rejection of the troops by the media (such as this report) and their campaign to treat them as inferior veterans simply because they fight terrorists or in my time, communists. Another factor is that Veterans and Veteran’s Affairs departments now recognize PTSD whereas before it took Vietnam Veterans 20 odd years to get the disorder recognized. The Iraq veterans are being diagnosed as they return home. Ther is no question that the events descibed by Charles happen in a war. An army is a reflection of society with all it’s faults and no one expects every soldier to be an angel. To take some isolated stats and spin them negatively only points out the obvious. To misrepresent stats as he has done only points out another obvious fact – he is biased against the US and Bush for ideological reasons making anything he says as just static in the background of a complicated problem. Still, it is the Sunday papers.

The Planet has a fever

Head Priest of the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists, Al Gore is quoted as saying;
“The planet has a fever. If your baby has a fever, you go to the doctor. If the doctor says you need to intervene here, you don’t say, ‘well, I read a science fiction novel that tells me it’s not a problem.’ “
Some more rational responses from Best of the Web Today. Reader Scott Jacobson questions Gore’s premise:

Overreacting is common among parents. I remember one morning when my first child was still an infant. Imagine my horror when I discovered that her temperature had risen to 99.5 degrees, almost a whole degree in just under 12 hours. Naturally, I immediately sat down and built a computer model, which clearly projected that by age 30, her temperature was going to be a staggering 19,710 degrees!

And Kelly Murphy puts things in perspective nicely:
So let me see if I have this right. According to Al Gore, I would have to be an idiot to decide, after reading “a science-fiction novel” (he must be referring to “State of Fear”) that it’s OK to go about living my life in a normal fashion. Instead, I should see one science-fiction movie (his) and run screaming out of the theater prepared to change every aspect of my life to avoid certain destruction.
Gore’s a fool but it’s amazing how many swallow the panic. I meant to say, you know, it’s true – I saw it on Channel 10.
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