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Rare Gallipoli film found at AWM

The Australian War Memorial has found rare film footage of Gallipoli. The 45 seconds of grainy shaky black and white 35mm film shows the only known moving pictures of the shoreline at Anzac Cove and of British soldiers massing at Suvla Bay.

Although Suvla Bay was a mainly a British operation there were Australians who died there. SIgnificantly, after suffering 8000 casualties on 9 and 10 August, the British occupied positions only marginally different from those held at daybreak on 7 August.

The more mature among my readers may remember the old tune Suvla Bay that was based on an older song, ‘An Old Australian Homestead’.

In an old Australian homestead, with roses round the door, A girl received a letter, ’twas a message from the war. With her mother’s arms around her she gave way to sobs and sighs, And as she read the letter, the tears fell from her eyes.

Chorus: Why do I weep, why do I pray? My love’s asleep so far away; He played his part that April day, And now he lies on Suvla Bay.

She joined a band of sisters underneath the cross of red, To do her noble duty to a lover who now lay dead. Many others came to woe her, but were sadly turned away, As she told them her sad story of her love on Suvla Bay.

I can remember my Mother singing the song in my youth when Gallipoli Veterans were in their 50s. Some were in their fifties but two of my Fathers uncles were forever in their 20s and still sleep at Gallipoli and France.

UPDATE:  Yesterdays link to the film was with West Australian News and doesn’t work for some. The AWM has now put up the film on their website.  The link above will take you there.

Flowers of the Forest

I have been asked by the local boys college to play the bagpipes at their ANZAC Day memorial service and in accepting the task I mentioned I would play the Flowers of the Forest as the lament when the boys and others are laying wreaths. In my acceptance email I touched on the history of the tune. I have played it at various events over the years and there is a good chance that if a piper is present wherever you are on ANZAC Day you will hear the tune. The tune has an ancient history but it is generally accepted that it was written and set to music to commemorate the terrible slaughter of the Scots at Flodden Field in 1513 where 10,000 men, a third or more of the Scottish army, were killed. There were few prisoners.. The history of the tune has, like all things Scottish, some arguement as to it’s exact origins.
According to The Scots Musical Museum there is a fragment of an old ballad in the Skene Manuscript titled The flowres of the Forrest, and an air so titled appeared in Oswald’s collection and several others. However, the old ballad did not survive, and later three versions were written.
The earliest version was this one, by Mrs. Cockburn. According to the Museum, a man known to Mrs. Cockburn heard a shepherd playing a flute. Fascinated by the air, he learned it was The Flowers of the Forest. He committed the air to memory and communicated it to Mrs. Cockburn. She recognized the tune and knew some lines of the old ballad. He prevailed upon her to write new words.
Jane (Jean) Elliot (1727-1805) also wrote the poem The Flowers of the Forest A Lament for Flodden. She published it anonymously circa 1755. It was, at the time, thought to be an ancient surviving ballad. However, Burns suspected it was an imitation, and Burns, Ramsay and Sir Walter Scott eventually discovered who wrote the song.
Another version, beginning “Adieu ye streams that smoothly glide,” was written by Mrs. John Hunter.
The Battle of Flodden Field took place in 1513. Because of the alliance between Scotland and France, James IV attacked England when Henry VIII invaded France. The Battle of Flodden was a disaster for the Scots, with estimates of Scottish losses numbering as high as ten thousand. Numerous nobles were killed in the battle, including King James.
I have never thought of the Jocks as diplomats. They call their main national instrument the War Pipes for God sake. While Bach and Beethoven stir the heart, bagpipes stir the soul and kilted men have struck fear in the hearts of their enemies as they attack with pipers leading the charge. For centuries there has existed a pavlovian response to the sound of the pipes as men of many nations have heard them and looked around nervously for a path of retreat. As well, their broad Scottish accent leaves little room for diplomacy – people simply don’t understand what they are saying. In the late fifties my family left the farm and headed for town. Dad’s WW2 service had been too demanding and he couldn’t handle work anymore. We moved into a Housing Commission house at Albany WA and in due course a carpenter turned up to repair the damage left by the previous tenant. He was a Jock dour by nature and face… he was simply put, a picture of fear. Dad and he spoke at some length and as I listened I couldn’t understand what the Jock was saying. When he left I asked Dad, “What did he say?” He replied, sotto voice (just in case he was still within hearing) “I don’t know” We eventually worked out that he was starting up a Pipes and Drum band in Albany and I looked like a likely piper. For seven or eight years I learnt the bagpipes under this man and never really understand his accent but really didn’t have to….he spoke eloquently with his fingers on the chanter. In Vietnam, whenever we lost a soldier, the Battalion piper played the Flowers of the Forest and once when he played at FSPB Anne, on the edge of the jungle, I wondered what the Viet Cong made of the sound. He made a obvious target but he was never shot at…maybe Charlie had heard of the war pipes and didn’t want to mess with anyone associated with them. The ‘Flowers’ of the tune were the 10,000 Scots. I couldn’t find a rendition of the tune by Australians so this will have to do [youtube]vW9M5wYHh2w [/youtube]


Now that Sunrise have decided that forcing a ‘Daylight Saving Scheme” at Long Tan is a bad idea they have opted for the only other possibly controversial ANZAC Day service – Currumbin Beach. They are recording the Dawn Service and then the Powderfinger Concert to be held at 8:00 am following the Dawn Service. I know both Ken Workman, the Pesident of the Gold Beach RSL and Doug Formby,the State President of the RSL and have no great problems with their quote in the article however I do have some general reservations. To me, ANZAC Day is my Holy Day of Obligation. I wear my fathers medals as well as my own as a mark of respect to him and his generation and I also carry the memories of my friends who didn’t come home or who did and succumbed to wounds or to whom the burden of life became too much. I am more Agnostic than Christian but I would never expect any one to contemplate holding rock concerts, or for that matter, major sporting events on Christmas Day or Good Friday yet ANZAC DAY is open day for marketers. I don’t think any non-related public event should be scheduled before the end of the March and I personnaly will not watch any match or event on the day. I’m most probably in the minority here but that’s how I feel and being the conservative I am I’m not about to change.

GetUp! and go, you idiots.

Why are GetUp and Go worried about new electoral laws that require a voter to provide proof of identity when enrolling? Are they supporting fraud or just against it because it’s a Howard government initiative?
A poll commissioned by the political movement GetUp! shows that only 3 per cent of voters agree with the new laws that make it more difficult to enrol to vote.
That has to be an out and out lie or only GetUp! supporters were polled. GetUp executive director Brett Solomon said there was overwhelming opposition to the new laws in the poll of 612 voters last week by Roy Morgan Research.
“Ninety-five per cent of the population are not aware that the Government has passed legislation that only 3 per cent of the population are in support of,” Mr Solomon said.
I think what he means to say there is that only 3% of Getup readers support the proposal which sounds about right, although, might I add, that those three percent might look at what the hell they are doing wasting their energies and ethical standing by being associated with GetUp. Personaly, I don’t think the laws go far enough. Voters should be required to take proof of identity with them to the booths to stop even the thought of fraud.
People wishing to enrol to vote will now have to complete a new voter enrolment form which has a complicated series of “proof of identity” tests. Anyone who doesn’t have a driver’s licence or a passport will have to get a “prescribed person” to authenticate their identity.
Can’t see the problem yet. The federal member for Melbourne Ports, Labor’s Michael Danby raises more non-issues.
“They will mainly be 17- and 18-year-old first-time enrollers, and also people who have recently become citizens. “Many of these people do not have a driver’s licence or passport. In my electorate, the change will also affect the 53 per cent of residents who live in flats or apartments and who frequently change addresses.”
It’s simply a part of becoming and adult or citizen. If these people can’t iID themselves then they can’t have a bank account as the same requirement exists to open one. Where do they have their dole payments deposited? How do they claim on Medicare? Absolute rubbish…….I wish they would get up and go.

Union lies apparently not getting through

The Federal Government is secretly planning tougher workplace laws if it wins the upcoming election, Labor’s deputy leader Julia Gillard claims. Maybe research is telling Julia and her union bosses that people aren’t copping the lies being pedalled by the Unions. Her panic attack is based on a statement by Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey, who said there was a need for further workplace reform to maintain a strong economy. Joe Hockey told the Nine Network the Government had no plans to further toughen up workplace relations laws. But he minister added:
“Any government that rests on its laurels in terms of economic reform, be it tax reform, be it workplace relations reform or any reform, is going to see the economy dip. “We want the economy to remain strong.”
I can understand the ALP not understanding that.

The Australian Education Union tells lies

THE Australian Education Union (AEU) is simply lying. In it’s add currently showing on TV they claim Howard ignores public school education. Just to have it on record on this site I quote the Australian
The campaign mirrors a $1 million advertising blitz by the AEU against the Government at the last election, urging a boost in funding for public schools. But what both union campaigns failed to mention is that public school funding is a state responsibility. The federal government does provide the majority of taxpayer funding for non-government schools, as the state governments do not fund the private sector. But overall, government schools receive a higher level of government funding than private schools.
Sixty-seven per cent of students are in government schools that receive 75 per cent of total taxpayer funding. And under the Howard Government’s funding formula, which is based on income demographics for the school catchment, the poorest non-government schools can receive a maximum of 70 per cent of the taxpayer funding provided per government school student, with a sliding scale down to a minimum of 13.7 per cent.
The AEU campaign conveniently leaves out the fact that commonwealth education funding to government schools has increased by 120 per cent since 1996, while enrolments have risen by 1.1 per cent over that period. And it must be remembered that the state funding for public schools comes largely from commonwealth grants.
They lie, it was ever thus

We’ll all be ruined

There still are some Australians not panicking enough about Global Warming so this quote makes it into todays Australian
A climate change business risk analyst, Karl Mallon, yesterday told a Sydney forum the cash value of a home would be cut by up to 80 per cent if it were deemed uninsurable for a severe weather event caused by global warming.
There, that should do it. A climate change business risk analyst! Another industry has been spawned to mop up the otherwise unemployable naive and gullible. Maybe Rudd should get onto this. I can just see it now. If you re-elect Howard the value of your property will fall by 80%

Vale RN

I must say I feel uneasy about the Brit sailors captured and subsequently released by the Iranians. The RN doesn’t look good and the MOD has ricocheted back and forth about letting the hostages sell their story to the press. First they can and now they can’t which means two have sold their story for a motza and the other 11 can’t. People are furious that the hostages were initially allowed to sell their stories forcing the Admirals hit the rewind button. Second Sea Lord Vice Admiral Adrian Johns said earlier today that the review of procedures was under way. All of a sudden we need a review of procedures that have stood the Brits in good stead for hundreds of years. HMS Cornwall is a type 22 ‘stetched’ frigate and is reasonably well armed with 114mm (4.5 inch) MK 8 gun Goalkeeper close-in weapons system (CIWS) Sea Wolf anti-missile system 2 x Quad Harpoon missile launchers 2 x 20mm Close range guns NATO Seagnat Decoy Launchers She has a cruise speed of 18 knots and a sprint capability of 30 knots and has tons of radar sensors which raises the question: why the hell didn’t the Captain move in and cover his troops. Am I to believe that it is RN Standard Operating Procedures to allow crew to approach unknown shipping without ‘Mother cover” or sufficient heavy weapons to guarantee their own safety? Some RAN or RN readers may correct me here but I cannot begin to imagine how the Captain could allow crew members to wander around the ocean miles from their ship in rigids armed only with personal weapons. Surely risk assessment would consider the possibility that some ships may not like being bordered and might fight back. I would if all I could see from horizon to horizon was a couple of rigids. Over at LP armchair warriors have picked up on a new military buzzword ‘ROE’ (Rules of Engagement) and point out that ROEs in force precludes the Captain firing on Iranian shipping. Of course it does, the Brits aren’t at war with Iran but that doesn’t stop the captain keeping an eye on his sailors. Full steam ahead…move the frigate over…..staring down the barrel of a 4.5 in quick firer backed up by heavy machine guns would tend to take the revolutionary zeal out of the Iranian Navy. Why didn’t he? If he was too far away to do it, why was he? Reports state he was ordered not to fire and that’s reasonable but why couldn’t he adopt an aggressive posture and frighten the Iranians off. Maybe because he was out of range which gets back to the original question. Why? Remedial Step One: Never let anyone come between you and your off-ship troops (look at the radar screen to see if there are any unknown boats nearby) and never let them get out of range. Interesting article from MOD Oracle
Iranian intelligence officers told the 15 British captives they first became suspicious about their activities after watching an interview with one of them on British television. On 13 March – 10 days before the 15 were seized – Channel 5 broadcast an interview with Captain Chris Air, one of the captured Royal Marines, in which he stated that his crew’s role was to liaise with Iraqi vessels to ‘let them know we are here to protect them, protect their fishing and to stop any terrorism or any piracy in the area’.
Remedial Step Two: Keep the media off the ship. They tend to feed intelligence to the bad guys – some even do it deliberately. The days of number, rank and name only are obviously over but I would’ve thought that Jack Tar could have waited a bit before rolling over. Coming home with ‘Show Bags’ like they’d been to the local fete didn’t help their image nor does the happy snaps provided by the Iranians. Did they ever, for a moment, consider the reputation of the Navy. A local Bishop personifies what is wrong with the Brits at the moment;
A leading Church of England bishop has claimed the Iranian president showed a better understanding of “moral and spiritual” values at the end of the naval hostage crisis than Britain’s political leaders.
What’s gone wrong? And this;
The youngest captive, Arthur Batchelor, 20, sold his account to the Daily Mirror, and described how guards had mocked him, calling him “Mr Bean”, and said that he had he cried himself to sleep at night.
Poor Arthur. The reputation of the once great Royal Navy has just flat-lined.

All in the family

James Patrick Roughan, in the company of another man and presumably a lot of drugs, stabs a teenager 133 times, decapitated him and played bowls with his head. James is a nephew of Katherine Knight, an abattoir worker who stabbed her de facto husband, John Price, 37 times in the NSW town of Aberdeen, northwest of Newcastle, in February 2000. She then skinned his body, cooked his flesh with vegetables and made a soup out of his head. Katherine is the half-sister of Patrick John Roughan, labour activist, former campaign worker for sacked NSW Aboriginal Affairs Minister Milton Orkopoulus and pivotal in organizing the picket of Mudgingberri Station. Mudginberry Station was another union coup when they went on strike for more money. The abbatoir was forced to closeed and the workers and management lost their income. Patrick has been charged with two cases of aggrevated sexual assault on a 9/10 year old girl. Katherine Knight has five other brothers, apart from Patrick, and a twin sister. I wonder what the rest of them are doing? It’s a worry. UPDATE: NOT GUILTY: FORMER Swansea ALP branch president Patrick John Roughan, 63, has been cleared of two counts of sexual intercourse with a nine-year-old child.
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