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It’s hard to be positive in the face of polls but being Infantry helps. What else helps is the fact that votes don’t equal being elected – seats do. And as a motivator – try this mindless comment This man deserves to be on the loosing side. # I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…..bring on Paul Keating…mention him everyday….remind the voters. #ALP ‘has secret NT rollback plan‘ says Howard. Well of course they do. They have backed the left wing agenda of all symbol and no substance and whatever Kevin Rudd says he will not be able to suppress the surge of the Left wing tide that will roll back anything that has achieved outcomes whilst muttering the mantra…….stolen generations….apologise……UN Charter of Human Rights and the new one….Black Tampa. Land Rights, Outstations and Cultural Maintenance has got them nowhere. They need to dry out, normalize, get their kids educated, seek health outcomes and become mainstream Australians and that can’t be done with symbols. #THE Liberal Party has launched a new ad attacking Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd’s failure to have a militant unionist expelled from the Labor Party. Joe McDonald is a union thug and whereas he may not be representative of all of the union movement; too many like him exist and have their hit list of businesses and projects at hand ready for the apocalypse should Rudd get in. Remind the voters every day the dangers of their flirtation with it and do it often.

SAS Trooper killed in Afghanistan named

Sgt Mathew Locke THE SAS soldier killed in Afghanistan yesterday was Sergeant Matthew Locke from Perth. Sergeant Locke was serving with the elite Special Air Service Regiment when he was shot and killed by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, becoming the third Australian to die in combat in the country and the second this month. Governor-General Major-General Michael Jeffery, speaking in Sydney, expressed his deepest sympathy to Sergeant Locke’s family and friends.
He said that in December last year he had presented Sgt Locke with the Medal for Gallantry for outstanding leadership and bravery under sustained fire in Afghanistan. “Sergeant Locke’s actions of gallantry whilst under enemy fire in extremely hazardous circumstances, displayed courage of the highest order….” his citation said.
Rest in Peace Sgt….duty done. UPDATE: Received this email from Defence Media;
TRIBUTE TO SERGEANT MATTHEW LOCKE The Chief of Defence Force Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston today paid tribute to Sergeant Matthew Locke who died yesterday whilst on operations in Afghanistan. “Sergeant Matthew Locke was everything you would expect of an Australian soldier. He was courageous, dedicated and very professional. He took great pride in being an Aussie digger, displaying the characteristics of loyalty, mateship and determination for which Australian soldiers are renowned, Air Chief Marshal Houston said. “Sergeant Locke died whilst working with our coalition partners and Afghan forces to drive the Taliban from their sanctuaries and create an enduring security presence in the area. Operation ‘Spin Ghar’ was to target and clear Taliban from the area around Tarin Kowt in Oruzgan Province. “Sergeant Locke had extensive operational experience in East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan and was one of the finest soldiers in the Australian Army. “Sergeant Locke will be greatly missed by his brothers in arms. He was admired and respected by all who served with him. His energy, enthusiasm and sense of humour made him a popular figure in the Special Air Service Regiment.’ “In 2006, his courage was recognised with a Medal of Gallantry, one of the ADF’s highest honours. With complete disregard for his own safety, Sergeant Locke braved heavy enemy fire to neutralise the Taliban advancing on the Australian position and in doing so saved the lives of his mates. His courage on that day was but one example of the extraordinary valour we have come to expect from the Special Air Service. “The thoughts and prayers of the entire Defence organisation are with the family, friends and comrades of Sergeant Locke. We will do everything we can to support them through this difficult time,” Air Chief Marshal Houston said.

I’m off again

This time to Lamington National Park I don’t and can’t climb mountains anymore but I can run base camps for college excursions so I give some of my time to manage the logistics of feeding and accommodating mobs of young men (about 15yr old) for the local college that is the Alma Mater of my two sons. It’s always good to see these young men in action as the undertake, for the first time for most of them, fairly arduous walks through the rain forests. One walk they do is 18 km and it is over very mountainous country. They literally develop and even mature a little in front of my eyes. It was ever thus; force a group of young men to do something arduous together and there is always at least a hint of teamwork at the end of it. They are full of stories of blisters, sore backs and feet and as they sit around the camp fire at night and talk the day through the blisters multiply in the telling as does the severity of the sore feet or backs. A beer for the teachers and parents at night (I don’t work for nothing!) makes for a pleasant couple of days and I trust that by the time I get back the media have stopped talking about that bloody worm. If you haven’t been to Lamington put it on your must-do list. It’s worth it

Work Choices stats

Reader, commenter and member of the 7RAR Vietnam Veteran brotherhood 1735099 questions the stats on my post on Work Choices where I quoted Joe Hockey’s figures of 400,000 plus jobs being created since Work Choices was implemented in March 2006.The only answer I could find was this graph at the Australian Bureau of Stats Stats Could Joe Hockey have been right and was I right to quote him? You be the judge.

Day 2 Roundup

# It’s very important for the ALP to deny Howard and Costello any credit for the economic boom we are enjoying at the moment but Bob Hawke takes it a step too far when he involves Whitlam in the game plan
The other factor driving economic growth – the China boom – was also partly the work of Labor, who through former prime minister Gough Whitlam had forged the relationship between the two countries. “Gough Whitlam went to China in 1971 and was told … he was a traitor … We built the relationship with China,” Mr Hawke said.
So Whitlam, he of the inept government, is really why we are enjoying the boom. Yeah….right! I give Hawke/Keating some credit but never Whitlam and whatever your political pursuasion, it is flying in the face of reality to not give the Coalition some credit for the boom. The ALP are full of “we caused the boom” but the only boom I remember from the ALP days was in interest rates and unemployment. # JOHN Howard has seized the election campaign initiative and caught Kevin Rudd flat-footed by offering a $34 billion election tax sweetener – the biggest in the nation’s history. I’ll leave the analysis of the tax sweetener to economists but I think the relevant point from this morning’s press, the Australian at least, is a total change in their approach. After months of polls indicating a Coalition annihilation it was hard even for this rusted on, died in the wool conservative voter to stay positive. I saw how shallow Rudd was but did others? Now battle has been joined the mood changes and the country will be forced to really look at whether they want to change a winning formula for a questionable alternative. # The Debate debate continues. Caroline Overington nails it with this;
FOR months on end, Kevin Rudd has been demanding the right to debate John Howard. He wanted a debate about Iraq. He wanted a debate about climate change. He wanted a debate about Work Choices. Yesterday, Howard snapped. Okay, he said, let’s do it. Let’s have a debate this Sunday, in Canberra, with questions from journalists. Rudd, on live television, looked like he’d swallowed a sock. A debate, you say? You want a debate? This Sunday? Yes, said Howard. This Sunday in the Great Hall at Parliament House. Live on pay TV. Rudd’s response? He blinked.
As I mentioned yesterday Rudd wants to control the debate debate but he can’t. Now he has to respond to Howard’s answer to his yarping on about a debate. Put your money where you mouth is Kevin and accept otherwise the voters will start to see through the Mr Sheen personae. Rudd questions having the debate in the Great Hall with half the audience ALP officials and half Liberal Part officials saying;
It’s not real in my view. Why not in front of working families?
Mmmm…it’s being televised Kev and your working families can view it in the comfort of their own homes. What you’re obviously hanging out for is an audience picked by the ALP so you can have your own cheer squad to give you courage to debate. # As part of the ALP campaign for power, the ABC programmed a 4 Corners special on the Bretheren supporting the Liberals in the last election…shock horror…the dastardly chaps
Last night, ABC program Four Corners alleged that the advertising blitz arranged by sect members in support of John Howard in October 2004 – the focus of an active Australian Federal Police investigation – was funded by elder Warwick John. Mr John denied the claim.
So?…and your point is? The hard left generally support the ALP and the hard right generally support the Coalition and there are plenty of orgainizations under scrutiny for their political donations – some unions for a start. Still, a good ALP campaign add and the ABC should be congratulated on their consistency. Myself, I’d sup with the devil to stop the ALP getting a hand on the keys to the Treasury. # Last point. MAXINE McKew’s chances of storming the citadel and defeating the Prime Minister in his own seat of Bennelong appear to be fading, with the odds on an upset Labor victory lengthening.
Centrebet spokesman Neil Evans said that since Friday $20,000 in bets had been placed on the seat, $17,000 of which was backing John Howard. Yesterday, Centrebet was paying $1.45 for a Howard win in Bennelong, in from $1.55 on Sunday morning, while a bet on Ms McKew yielded $2.55, out from $2.30. Mr Evans said in the 48 hours leading up to Sunday’s election announcement, the money coming in had been three-to-one the Government’s way.
I’m banking on this one to add grist to the mill for the anguish and despair coming for the Left

It’s On!!

Battle is joined. John Howard has called the election for 24th November giving him 6 weeks to pressure Rudd, seek out his weaknesses and home in on them. Some observations. # From a comment at Andrew Bolt’s blog;
Yes, Kevin Rudd is “new”, and he’s here to capture the Easily Distracted by Shiny Objects vote.
# Rudd in answer to a question about his 70% union bench replies saying 70% of Howard’s ministers don’t want him. Rudd definitely has a 70% union bench and Howard definitely doesn’t have 70% of his ministers against him Avoiding the question and using a lie as a diversion – he shouldn’t be able to get away with that now the battle is joined or is the media going to continue to give him a free pass. # I don’t agree with Keating as a rule but I like this quote in this mornings Cut and Paste
Paul Keating to then-foreign minister Gareth Evans in early 1992, on Kevin Rudd, who went on to lose the federal Labor seat of Griffith at the 1996 election landslide: CAN’T you find that little (expletive deleted) an embassy somewhere?
The Battle of the Debates is the opening salvos of the campaign.
#RUDD: I’m happy to debate Mr Howard whenever he wants to debate me….
But now he doesn’t
“It is silly and just wrong for the government of the day … to set the rules, the timing and the contents of the debate as well, it’s just wrong,” Mr Rudd said on Channel 9.
So Rudd will debate anytime……anytime, that is where he gets to set the agenda, rules, timing and contents. I’m prepared to believe Rudd only wants to debate when he can depend on a written script. Otherwise what’s with the YouTube debate he is offering. Set script….controlled setting…clever backdrop…media advise and time to prepare his answers. Thinking on his feet with riposte and quick retort to counter anything Howard says in any debate will prove not to be his forte. The thought of running a campaign on YouTube smacks of poor debating skills. Rudd will love it…..quote any exaggeration and those Easily Distracted by Shiny Objects and the standard Howard Haters will believe every syllable. Work Choices. I think the only people who hate Work Choices are rusted on ALP voters anyway. All the academic studies and the ACTU Terror campaign/litany of lies will be considered by any reasonable voter as having the potential of bias and not enough to counter the ABS stats that say the system is working and more people have jobs as a result. I don’t think Rudd will handle the pressure of the campaign and I predict a Coalition win with a reduced majority.

Work choices

From the Australian editorial
Employment Minister Joe Hockey said that since the Government’s workplace reforms were introduced in March 2006, 430,700 jobs have been created. Where the rise in job numbers is an objective fact, measured by the ABS, academic investigations into the impact of Work Choices on working conditions and employee security and sentiment have been highly politicised and the data is unreliable as a result.
As Health Minister Tony Abbott told a Quadrant and Institute of Public Affairs discussion this week, the problem for the social justice lobby is explaining how 10.9 per cent unemployment under a more regulated labour market is more fair than 4.3 per cent unemployment under the policies of the Howard Government. No amount of articles claiming detractors have found someone who is worse off under work choices can counter Abbott’s point. In a large system we can always find someone who considers themselves worse off but it is never someone who was previously unemployed that now has a job. Just ask the 437,000 new job holders. Denied overtime? Yes – worse off but the guy doing your overtime isn’t if he didn’t have a job before. Not getting Leave Allowance? Yes worse off but you should never have got it in the first place. Leave Allowance is totally unsupportable….money for jam…money for nothing! Have to work weekends without Penalty Rates? Yes- worse off but your penalty rates are someone else’s base salary so get over it. And as a matter of interest, double time on Sunday is based on just what exactly? Religion? If Rudd gets the keys to the Treasury, voters must keep in mind that Unions will get the key to awards and conditions and while unions had their place in the bad old days of kids in coal mines there is little use for them now. Unions seek power to extract conditions for workers in a vacuum that has no place for the employers ability to pay these conditions and that is a proven formula for less jobs. Just to make it easy for you on election day to decide how to vote I have summarized the entire Work Choices debate into two short lines. Anti Work Choice – political driven opinion Pro Work Choice – ABS indisputable facts

ALP worried

Vote now to end the PM’s obscene waste says Mike Steketee while every other pro ALP journalist and the ALP themselves make an issue over Howard taking his time to announce the election date. He is taking his time in the interpretation of his detractors but in fact he is doing what every PM has ever done -reserving the right to call the election at a time that suits him. The ALP and supporters want it over with before Rudd blows it and Howard wants to give Rudd every chance to blow it. That’s politics.

Digger lost

AUSTRALIANS would continue to support troops in Afghanistan despite the death of a soldier and serious wounding of another in an attack, says the chief of the Australian Defence Force. What led ADF chief Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston to make that statement. Had someone suggested that Australian’s wouldn’t support the troops? Short answer – yes, At a media conference at 6:00 am today the question of Australians support for the war was raised by a journalist and the ADF Chief’s answer became the byline. So the journalsts spin on the death of an Australian soldier has been all about politics – thanks bastard! After having made his political point that he/she believes the war in Afghanistan to be unpopular and intimating the death is pointless we are finally given some detail.
He (The ADF Cheif) said the pair were part of a team protecting engineers undertaking reconstruction work in the province and the wounded soldier’s injuries were not life-threatening. “He is likely to make a full recovery and return to work in the near future,” he said. An improvised explosive device (IED) detonated next to the soldiers’ military vehicle in Afghanistan’s Oruzgan province yesterday, six kilometres from their base at Tarin Kowt. The deceased soldier had been driving the vehicle.
I phoned Defence Media Liason to see if they knew the soldiers unit as 7RAR has some troops in the theatre but that fact hadn’t been announced yet.

Iran still dangerous

Letter writer Mike Puleston votes to nuke Israel
THE US is preparing to attack Iran (“US shifts focus in Iran from nuclear sites to key troops”, 2/10). It has been planning to do so for a long time but recently preparations have intensified. President Bush wants to get in one last hit before he goes. However, talk of “surgical strikes” is nonsense because thousands of ordinary Iranians would die. The repressive Iranian government would be strengthened by a US attack which would solidify popular support behind it. US aggression against Iran would make Iraq look like a sideshow, especially if Pakistan were pulled in. Let us hear John Howard and Kevin Rudd say—unequivocally—that they would condemn an attack on Iran and would not cooperate with the US in any way in this mad scheme. Mike Puleston Brunswick, Vic
A lot of what Mike says could be true but he omits one possible result of a surgical anti-nuclear strike against Iran and that is, Israel would continue to exist. The Iranian President doesn’t do ‘Diplomacy’ as us westerners understand it. He is more of a Mao disciple believing ‘Diplomacy comes from the barrel of a gun’ or missile, and while his statement that he would nuke Israel is still on the books then I don’t know what other options the civilized world has. Whatever the case, I can assure you that if Iran gets close to having a bomb Israel will strike; it won’t be telegraphed and they won’t cry over the ‘Peace at any Price’ brigade and their outcries. We will read about it in the morning press – done deal! Iran has lost the ability to turn Tel Aviv into a parking lot courtesy of the IDF I doubt if Mike’s thousands of ordinary Iranians would die, more like hundreds but whatever, it would be better than millions of dead in Tel Aviv.
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