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Another victim of the Stolen Generations mantra

QUEENSLAND’S Child Safety Department knew that a 10-year-old girl had been gang-raped but did not report it to police, despite the girl also contracting a sexually transmitted disease from the encounter. The official report produced following the eight-month investigation states that a senior Child Safety officer was told on May 11 last year that the child had gonorrhea. It was revealed after the girl attended the Aurukun medical clinic on May 5 last year asking for a pregnancy test and condoms.
That information was immediately relayed to Child Safety, but the senior Child Safety officer did not pass the information on to police in line with her statutory obligations, and when questioned about it said she had spent several weeks making inquiries if gonorrhea was contractable* through means other than sexual transmission.
She has a position of responsibility and makes decisions, or doesn’t make them, that impact on the lives of children. Why spend time trying to prove it wasn’t sexually transmitted when it was known the child had first contracted syphilis in April 2002 when she was aged seven and was raped by five juveniles in Aurukun, receiving severe genital injuries. As a young bloke I heard you could get gonorrhea and syphilis from toilet seats but Dad said it’s a funny place to take a girl and he suggested that I ignore that pearl of juvenile wisdom. So learned at 15 what this woman still doesn’t know. The driving force in the whole episode? An emotive irrational belief in the Stolen Generations. In their mind, removing a child from the care of dysfunctional indigenous parents, even in a situation like this, is a greater crime than those being inflicted on the child No alarm bells! Can’t remove her from her parents care – The alarm bells are over ridden by the Left’s mantra….Stolen Generations….Stolen Generations…Stolen Generations….Stolen Generations How can the Child Safety Clerks (I refuse to call them Officers) and Judge Bradley sleep at night. What on earth are they doing? A FORMER foster carer of the girl at the centre of the Queensland rape furore warned authorities the girl was offering sex in exchange for cigarettes and alcohol just weeks before she was returned to Aurukun and pack-raped. The carer said child protection authorities were obsessed with returning abused and neglected children to their communities – even if they faced danger. Stolen Generations! Judge Bradley said a raft of issues, including cultural and language barriers, made it difficult for Aboriginal people to access the justice system and receive equal treatment. In a way that wasn’t her intention, she is right – these guys certainly haven’t received equal treatment. If they were white they would have been removed from society. I have a feeling that the kid is brain damaged from petrol sniffing. I can’t find any reference to it but if it is the case then it only makes her situation worse. From Aboriginal academic Professor Boni Robertson,
“What sort of message does that send to pedophiles and other people out there who think it’s OK to go out and have sexual relations with children under the age of consent?” … would be “absolutely mistaken” for anyone to claim there were cultural issues involved. “There is no way that any culture could be used to claim that it’s OK for nine men to sexually interfere with a 10-year-old child.”
Unless you’re from the left and believe everything is subordinate to “Stolen Generations”. UPDATE I: It’s what Judge Sarah Bradley is all about;
In 2001, … imposed a wholly suspended jail term, without conviction, on a 17-year-old youth who raped his grandmother. The court was told the youth raped his grandmother while she was in a drunken sleep. Again in 2001…imposed a wholly suspended one-year jail term on a Catholic school principal convicted of molesting a 15-year-old student.
UPDATE II: Amongst those involved were three men aged 17, 18 and 26 which makes a mockery of the THE crown prosecutor description of the crime as “childish experimentation”.

Chopper crash Digger’s remains found

A TEAM has found the remains of Australian soldier Lance Corporal John Gillespie, who died in a helicopter crash during the Vietnam war in 1971. Jim Bourke of the the group Operations Aussies Home, said the remains were dug up at a crash site. Gillespie died on April 17, 1971, in the crash of a RAAF Iroquois helicopter in the Long Hai hills of Phuoc Tuy province. From the Australian War Memorial
Lance Corporal John Francis GILLESPIE , 24, of Carnegie, Vic., was serving as a helicopter medic with 8 Field Ambulance. On 17 April 1971, during a “dustoff” (medical evacuation) operation in the Long Hai hills in Phuoc Tuy province, Gillespie’s helicopter was hit by enemy ground fire and crashed. His body could not be recovered from the burning wreckage.
The helicopter burned on impact and it was believed at the time that all human remains had been consumed in the blaze. Mr Bourke said the Vietnamese government had agreed with the assessment of the Australian forensic experts that the remains were those of Gillespie. The remains could be returned to Australia as early as next week, he said. Earlier this year, Mr Bourke’s group found the remains of two other Australian soldiers killed in Vietnam in 1965. The discovery of Gillespie’s remains leave just three other Australians missing in action from the Vietnam conflict. They are;
Private David John Elkington FISHER , 23, was a national serviceman of Balgowlah Heights, NSW. He served with 3 Squadron, SAS. On 27 September 1969 , Fisher was a member of an SAS patrol which had contacts with parties of Viet Cong in south-eastern Long Khanh province, about 30 kilometres northeast of the 1st Australian Task Force base at Nui Dat. During a “hot extraction” by helicopter Fisher fell about 30 metres into dense jungle from a rope attached to the helicopter. He was believed killed but searches for six days failed to recover his body.
And two RAAF Officers lost while flying a mission in a Canberra Bomber Pilot Officer Robert Charles CARVER, 24, of Toowoomba, Qld, and Flying Officer Michael Patrick John HERBERT, 24, of Glenelg, SA, both of No. 2 Squadron, RAAF, were both career air force officers. On 3 November 1970 they were believed killed when their Canberra bomber disappeared while flying a night bombing mission in the northern 1 Corps region of South Vietnam. An extensive aerial search of the area failed to find any trace of the aircraft or crew and was called off after three days. Jim Bourke and crew need some recognition for what they have accomplished to date. I trust it is in hand Via 1735099

Swan sizes up threats to economy

It’s him! Sure, there are lot’s of other words in the article but in essence the only change to the economy is the man running it. There are other potential factors of course; a wage break out as unions hit their stride and get pay-back from Rudd; a slowing down of the economy as business slows when AWAs are scrapped, a slow down and slump in employment when Unfair Dismissal laws are reversed and some costs associated with Kyoto but by and large, Swans the man. The ALP have been handed a blinder of an economy, as different from the 96 billion hole they handed over to the Libs last time the Government changed hands, so it’s up to them to maintain the upward curves. Will they?

We’re all lefties now

WHAT do left-wing ministers do in a government led by an economic conservative? Simple: they take some of the key jobs and join the club. This is Mike Steketee’s take on Rudd’s cabinet as he uses lots of calming words to say Left is cool but Left is Left, nothing is simple and the proof of the pudding is a long way down the track.
In the first Rudd cabinet, nine of the 20 ministers come from the Left: Julia Gillard, Chris Evans, John Faulkner, Jenny Macklin, Lindsay Tanner, Anthony Albanese, Kim Carr, Penny Wong and Martin Ferguson. That compares with one left-winger in the first Hawke cabinet in 1983, Stewart West.
And Gillard is benign;
Sure, Gillard comes from the Victorian Socialist Left – as Howard government ministers kept reminding us during the election campaign – and Tanner used to wage war against Labor’s Right as the left-wing secretary of the Federated Clerks Union. But this history is about as relevant now as the Cold War is to international relations.
Is it? If I’m a conservative now and have been since the early 60s why does Steketee presume someone who has beaten the drum for the left for decades will suddenly join the conservative club? Doesn’t compute…..keep an eye on ’em.

Gillard blames Howard for skills drop

EDUCATION Minister Julia Gillard has blamed the Howard government for a decline in the literacy and numeracy standards of Australian students. Fair enough. Her team won the election and thus have sledging rights but I do think it’s a bit simplistic. The Federal Government’s main input into education is funding the states who then apply the funding as they see fit. Or, rather, as the Teachers Union see fit. This left wing union and the state Labour Government’s have more say in class room teaching than the Federal Government and until Julia speaks of setting the agenda herself then there will be no change. To be quiet honest, even if she does set the agenda herself I’m willing to bet there will still be no change. True, Howard tried to influence the school system, the suggested History curriculum comes to mind, but he didn’t get far. It will be interesting to see where the ALP go on education. “Lap Tops for everyone, lunches for free” type of policy does need some fleshing out.


The pilgrims at Bali, followers of the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists have applauded Chief Clerk Rudd for his ratification of Kyoto – well they would, wouldn’t they? Just like at an extreme right wing religious movement. Praise the Lord – Hallelujah….Praise Kyota – hallelujah – all the same really. I’m still of the opinion that Global Warming, as believed by many, has many fathers and for us to be so presumptuous as to think that human input causes it all defies rationale. It is admirable that we work at better management of the ecology but I would like to see more engineers being quoted than opinionated scientists that have been baptised into the church. There are many who aren’t followers and they need to be heeded as well. Personally I think the Earth and it’s relative variable position to the Sun, have more to do with the problem than us mere humans. After an ice-age we can expect the Earth to warm up and maybe soon, we can expect the Earth to start to cool down as it heads towards another Ice Age. I don’t know if that’s the case and neither do the converted scientists. I can’t prove my case and they can’ prove I’m wrong. I doubt any of us know enough; haven’t lived here long enough to know of the greater cycles, greater than summer or winter, that effect our weather patterns. So, based on what I describe as an imprecise science,we have committed to a treaty that will cost us money. Billions are already being bandied around as being payable fines for not meeting targets. Would it be worth considering that we would be better advised spending these billions on research and development or simply planting trees to balance nature? And where does the money go – who controls it? – does someone in Europe or the UN get to play with our money addressing the problem their way? We need new technology not old promises. 10,000 pilgrims at Bali from a multitude of nations all with their own agendas, all looking for an advantage for themselves, all of this overseen by the UN. This is not a formula for success – It is nothing more than a religious gathering and at best will only produce another Gospel – call it Revelations II; that once again reveals the Original True Faith plus Secrets of Life and Success, and how to survive looming the War of Armageddon Global Warming

VCs stolen

Eleven Kiwi Victoria Crosses were amongst medals stolen from a Museum in NZ They are going to be very difficult to sell on the market so could well go underground to some collector.
“The fear is there is a very reclusive collector who has had them stolen to order,” Helen Clark told One News’ Breakfast program. “If that’s the case, they won’t show up on the market”.
Not good, stealing history.

Ho, Ho, Bloody Ho

On Sunday middle-child becomes a gym nazi and forces my wife and I to undertake a workout in the pool and on various forms of torture apparatus that in more peaceful times exist as stools – push-ups on a stool, tricep dips…Please, can I go back into the pool? NO!. I erroneously told her of Army PTIs saying do 20 then at 20 saying ‘one for the Queen, ‘one for the regiment’ etc. I was praying we didn’t get down to ‘one for Private Smith”, the Hygiene orderly. Whilst recovering, old mate O’Reilly phones and through some convoluted conversation, bad reception and the fact that I was suffering the after effects of middle-child administered torture, I ended up volunteering to be Santa to a bunch of Pre-schoolers. Which explains why I turn up at the Pre-School behind St Mathias at Zillmere on Monday morning dressed like a Coca Cola ad Santa . The teacher said I did great but let’s face it; playing Santa to a bunch of 5 year-olds doesn’t take much talent. Not a lot of critics there Their utter belief in what I represented took me back to the farm at Pemberton, West Australia where as a young tacker, maybe five myself, I took a walk with my dog Honey through the bush near the farm house. Honey was named for her colour so you can guess the colour of one of her pups we kept and called “Treacle”. After some time I’m confronted with an apparition of red and white standing in front of me. I was beside myself – Santa had personally come to this small farm in WA to speak to ME and ME only. Not my rotten girly, smartypants and older sisters, but ME. I took advantage of the situation and plugged for a pedal car and without a touch or irony said I had been a good boy. Santa must already known this otherwise he wouldn’t have taken the time out to visit ME. I would’ve thought though; If Santa talks to Mum or Dad I’m dead but hey, go for the big lie! What a coupe for a five year-old. Somewhere there is a picture with me in a pedal car so my lies weren’t detected but the biggest thrill was Santa sounded just like my Mum. True! The bragging rights at school were undeniable – all other kids were impressed that Santa come to see ME and also sounded like my Mother. This likeness with my Mother was proven at the Town Xmas party in the School Hall that very week when Santa appeared, this time for all the plebs, and sounded just like Mum. My friends were convinced. How long this lasted I can’t remember but I feel, when the truth dawned on me; as it does all kids at some time; my crash and burn was louder and hurt more than what other kids suffered. My loss of faith involved my Mum who scammed the hell out of a five year-old naive boy. The pedal car was cool though, and I eventually forgave my Mum. I had to, every time it comes up she rolls around laughing as do my smartypants sisters. What’s your Christmas story?
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