Parking Nazis strike again

In August, 2003 I posted an article on Melbourne Traffic Nazis and commented;
The Melbourne Traffic Nazis have booked a guy for parking in a clearway even though he had the perfect excuse – he was dead at the time! The Traffic Nazi, From Sonnington Council, reportedly approached the car, looked inside and then went around the other side of the vehicle, peered inside again and then started writing out the ticket. Didn’t it occur to the ticket writer that something was amiss. I mean how many times do these people book cars with comatose bodies inside? How about a rap on the window and “Excuse me, are you OK? No. I’m paid to write tickets! I’ve seen some dead bodies in my time and they never look like their just having a nap. There is something different in the way they repose that generally poses the thought – there is something wrong here.
Well. they are at it again….at Melbourne again. This time a guy gets a ticket for overstaying his parking limit at a local shopping center. He was dead and had been for nine days. The Traffic Nazi claims the man wasn’t visible through the cars tinted windows when the parking fine was slapped on the windscreen but the guy that sounded the alarm had no such difficulties.
Although the vehicle had tinted windows, the man clearly saw the body and went to knock on the window. Approaching the car, he detected an odour and realised the driver’s decaying body had been in the car for some time.
There’s something rotten in the state of Victoria.