Where’s Wally Mark Latham

Mark is on sick leave and nothing will change his mind. His doctor said he is to take it easy. 150,000 people die and the silence is deafening. Nothing. Bad call, Mark. Labour aplogist, University of Adelaide professor of surgery Guy Madden, explains why Mark may be keeping silent
…(he) said the pain that pancreatitis caused was “extremely severe” and “one of the more unpleasant pains” that patients might suffer. Morphine and pethidine were options for pain relief in such cases, he said, especially in severe cases. As pain reduced, he said, codeine preparations were often used that broke down in the body into compounds similar to morphine. “In large doses, it makes people less than sensible,” he said. “Many of the pain medications will make you less than functional – they make it difficult to be rational and sensible.”
I had a friend die of pancreatic cancer last year and he could talk right up to the eve of his death. He made sense and he was on morphine. Tim Blair reports Mark may be on holiday at Terrigal. Holiday…sick leave..all the same. If you getting ‘Leader of the Opposition’ type remuneration then the country can reasonably expect a comment from you on the Tsunami disaster. Even if sick and incapacitated it wouldn’t take much to gather some Labour stallwarts around his bed and whisper in their ears… ..Just say to the press that…I feel for the people in the disaster area, support the Government in what they are doing and…cough…cough… will visit the area when I’m better ( or when I get back from Terrigal)


  • ‘Tin’ Blair indeed. An apt typo if ever there was one. I really don’t think Latham’s silence has any bearing on Tsunami-related events, Kevin. Even Little Johnny agreed the event and it’s aftermath was above politics. It’s a pity you can’t agree.

  • Don’t be naive Nail – hey, that has a certain ring to it… Haven’t you ever heard of protocol, credibility, leadership, compassion….idiot.

    Kev, the drug explanation would be correct in most cases, except La La never made sense anyway. My guess is he’s been on a horrible post-election bender over the Xmas break – ‘why don’t they love me’ and is now paying the price.

    Coupled with his vindicativeness, dead Asians mean nothing to him. As such, Latham now means nothing to Aussies. Gone by Easter.

  • Pancreatic cancer is not the same as pancreatitis. It is possible that the latter really is worse in terms of pain.


  • Julian,

    Yeah – Could well be but I imagined a terminal cancer would be worse. Mind you morphine helped as well.

  • Got a job yet Niall?