Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Rudd reaches new depths

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd witnessed a heated discussion between US President George W. Bush and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, over Russia’s invasion of a tiny neighbouring country as athletes paraded before them in the Opening Ceremony on Friday night. And then told the press about it …the little lickspittle. How embarrassing!

GroceryChoice starts

The Government will this morning launch its grocery price watch scheme, GroceryChoice. Similar to the controversial FuelWatch scheme, the website will allow people to compare prices for a basket of goods, including meat, vegetables and milk, to find the cheapest supermarket in their area. The prices will be updated monthly through a survey of 600 supermarkets across the nation.
the website will allow people to compare prices for a basket of goods, including meat, vegetables and milk, to find the cheapest supermarket in their area.
Sorry, it’s not going to help the housewife or husband plan their shopping trip. Monthly updates will never beat the weekly brochures stores drop in their letterbox for free. As the site is only updated on the first business day of the month then unless one shops that day or the next the prices will be out of whack. I can’t see the major players responding to, or being frightened of, a government website that will have neither currency nor item prices. They are already competing with each other on a more frequent rotation and advertise this regularly with letter box drops and TV adds. Time will tell but it’s typical of this government to set up monitoring websites when there are practical steps they can take. As groceries are delivered by trucks then it might be a good idea to give the bona fide small truck operators a fuel discount like the major companies receive. Now that has a good chance of lowering grocery costs. GroceryChoice

Costello has the ALP running scared

And he hasn’t even thrown his hat in the ring yet! Clinton Porteous on Costello WAR GAMING against Peter Costello as the next Liberal leader has begun inside federal Labor ranks and one senior figure believes they have already struck gold.
“We will run advertisements saying: ‘This man is only in politics because he can’t get a job outside’,” the Labor Party source said. Labor has plenty of material to work with, but the planning is also a further sign of how desperate things have become for the current Liberal leader Brendan Nelson.
True, but that is only one way of looking at it. The other viewpoint is that the planning is a further sign that the ALP are desperate to keep Costello out of the leaders seat. Costello will crucify Wayne Swan and put paid to his blaming the coalition for all our economic woes. He is an attack dog and we need someone to call the ALP to question. No one else is, not even the media. As a matter of interest, I can’t recollect a Government ever running ads to influence the outcome of an election for the leader of the opposition before. A sure sign that the ALP don’t want him anywhere near the front bench.

Surprise! China is being China

A HUMILIATED Kevan Gosper has accused the International Olympic Committee of betrayal, condemning the world sporting body for striking a secret deal with China to censor the international media during the Beijing Games.
A red-eyed and crestfallen Gosper, a senior IOC member for 31 years, told The Australian that both his reputation and that of the controversy-plagued IOC had been seriously dented by China’s decision to restrict internet access for journalists covering the Games.
Surely no one ever believed that a communist country would give free reign to foreign journalists or give way on human rights issues. How much is buck passing and how much was anticipated before hand we’ll never know but one thing is for sure – I don’t believe that the IOC believed what the communists were telling them and they gave the games to Beijing for reasons of their own. Maybe it will force China into softening, there may be a positive but I really think we are about to be hit with mobs of communist propaganda. Over the next few weeks I think I’ll stay away from tabloid TV more than I normally do.

Unions want right of entry eased

ACTU secretary Jeff Lawrence has urged the Rudd Government to ease restrictions on unions entering workplaces after unionists were allegedly forced to hold a meeting sandwiched between two cars in a factory loading dock.
Union officials claimed the Brisbane factory meeting was held under a surveillance camera and garbage trucks drove in and out of the car park during the proceedings.
Terrible, rotten management. However it appears only four of the 30 staff were union members so I wouldn’t let him in the staff lunch room either and in the long term only two union members turned up. Jeff, I really think you have wasted your 15 minutes of fame with this little article. I’m sure Kevin would like to help you but there will be little sympathy raised by this little beat-up.

Polls look bad for common sense.

The Church of the Latter Day Alarmists is currently in ascendancy with AGW or human caused global warming now being broadly accepted as fact by the vast majority of Australians. The religious fervour of the proponents has washed into the media with very few, if any, questioning the science. As I’ve remarked recently;
Tabloid TV, SBS and the ABC have rolled over and we can’t view a scene of nature or animals cavorting without a sombre voice-over mentioning global warming. Films of icebergs melting, as they do very summer, cannot be shown without a mention of the impending doom for all mankind, Polar bears and penguins.
This is all summarised by Tony Brown in a letter to the Australian today
When the last polar bear has died, the last glacier melted, and the last alpine ski lodge closed, will the climate change sceptics (Cut & Paste, 28/7) still claim that global warming was all a mirage conjured up by the misuse of dodgy greenhouse statistics?
Possibly Tony, but by then, hundreds if not thousands of years in the future, we may well know more about our climate and just how much us puny humans affect it. Dodgy greenhouse statistics will have been rationalized and we might, just might, have accepted science over religion. I doubt if people like you will have changed though- religious zealots seldom revert. I guess Tony really believes everything he sees on tabloid TV – such conversion to a religion is bankable but I think it would be fair guess that Tony has always been in the front pew. No one can claim the Liberals are playing populist politics when they demand more detail on Rudd’s plans. In view of todays polls one could easily define their stand as suicidal but it is a stand they must make. Someone has to ask questions about the ALPs headlong push into the unknown. From todays editorial in the Australian;
The real message from today’s Newspoll is that the politics of ecological catastrophe being pursued by Labor has much greater traction than the politics of economic responsibility being prosecuted by Dr Nelson.
This is stark evidence that we need a debate about the matter and the Libs are the only ones likely to start it. The voters don’t know what the cost of any ALP plan is and Rudd is trying to force the Libs, Greens and assorted anti Poker Machine addicts and anyone else who believes they hold the balance of power, to roll over and pass their bills through the House and the Senate before costs are detailed. Once the punters are aware of the likely costs and the fact that those increased personal costs and increased pressure on industry and commerce will lead to inflation for no discernible benefit to the hypothetical problem they will balk. The opinion polls will change.

A good weekend

Married 38 years last Friday my bride and I went to Malaney in the Sunshine Coast hinterland for some quiet time and were then in-place for a wedding on Saturday night. My daughter from Perth flew in for the wedding unannounced, affording me the pleasure of the company of my wife and three daughters. All went well, until fortified by alcohol and a great five piece combo, I thought I should dance with them all. Today I visit the cardiovascular surgeon who no doubt will comment on my swollen right leg. It should be better by now, Kevin, he will offer – the surgery was eight weeks ago! I will simply lie and blame him – I’ve had my leg up, compress bandaged and iced all the time Doctor – I swear. And yes, it was worth it! Friday night was pretty good too!
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