Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Rudd has Japan trembling

aussiecustomsPrime Minister Kevin Rudd has reissued a threat to Japan to cease whaling or else face legal action. I guess that’s the same threat he resurrects and rolls out at the start of every season to hold some Greenie votes.  He could send out a the Oceanic Viking like he did previously to take pics that already existed but I guess she is too busy looking after the boat people that he was going to be firm with. Does he really think people don’t notice that he is all talk and no action.  Are his advisors to scared to tell him? If you can’t actually do something about Japanese whaling then surely it would be best to just shut up. An annual threat of legal action hardly cuts it and I can just see the Japs rolling their eyes,  smiling and yawning.

Why are the states in Copenhagen

cop15Kevin Rudd has defended the size of the delegation Australia is taking to the Copenhagen climate summit. The Australian contingent numbers 114, more than the 71 being sent by the British government, The Australian said on Friday
The Australian delegation was larger than the British contingent because the UK did not have state governments, he said. “We extend an invitation to (officials at the state level) and they come,” Mr Rudd said.
Why? Are the state governments going to sign up their respective states to a treaty or are they just there as part of the Greens/Church of the Latter Day Alarmists gabfest and revival meeting. Surely the latter.

Grim stuff

cop151In the deep past Australia was inflicted with an add that had “Grim Death” in a bowling ally getting strikes with the pins being women, crying children and overt hetrosexual men.  The message was that everyone is subject to Aids and it was simply designed to frighten us. “Could kill more Australians than World War II” says the man. There, that should frighten them. It was wrong and didn’t frighten me. It actually struck me as a misrepresentation of the problem.  If you didn’t have sex with drug addicted, needle sharing partners, women with bisexual partners or homosexuals you were pretty safe.  And in the Australian context I was right. I draw a parallel with this and anthropogenic climate change.  I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories nor do I answer willingly to ‘Flat Earther’ or ‘Denier’ but what I do believe is that a certain type of ideology will support a stand and the opposing ideology won’t.  It is a case, once again of Left versus Right with those in between, apolitical people as it were, being saturated with doubtful data from the media that some of them believe and some don’t. Philip Stevens, in todays Oz touches on the old Aids debate and points out the self fulfilling practices of UN bodies;
The UN in 1996 merged all its disparate AIDS advocacy, policy-making, funding and scientific activities into one, UNAIDS. AIDS activists suddenly had a lavishly funded UN agency to support their political agenda, so governments would spend the billions they demanded. UNAIDS was also responsible for interpreting scientific data about the pandemic. Year after year, its supposedly scientific updates predicted devastating heterosexual pandemics all over the world, with alarmingly high existing HIV-AIDS infections.
By the early 2000s, though, it was becoming increasingly apparent to outside experts that UNAIDS was distorting the science. UNAIDS was accused of ignoring peer-reviewed studies that showed the pandemic peaked in the mid-1990s. Its estimates of the numbers of infections globally seemed too high. Until last year, it claimed that without a significant increase in resources, Asia was at high risk of a generalised heterosexual AIDS pandemic — even though reputable epidemiologists knew such a thing was impossible.
Maybe we could redo the old Grim Reaper in the bowling ally with cute Polar Bears , Tuvali residents and a brace of Skeptics being knocked over – should get a few converts.

Shock…horror ABC crowd anti Abbott

From Cut and Paste in todays Oz The Australian’s page one headline yesterday: ABBOTT fuelling sceptics: UN Andrew Bolt blogs yesterday: ALREADY, a leader of world significance. It depends who you ask. ABC Online poll yesterday:
IS the new shadow cabinet better than the previous one? Better: 19 per cent. Worse: 77 per cent.
The Australian’s online poll yesterday:
DO you think Tony Abbott’s new front bench will be a more effective opposition? Yes: 64 per cent. No: 39 per cent.
Says it all really.


cop15 As Greenie royalty and Elders of the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists gather in Copenhagen the media is awash with articles and programmes designed to panic us mortals into believing the world has an immediate problem and we had better all convert and start singing hymns of praise or surely Armageddon will follow. Al Gore was on Letterman, a documentary on CH 9 had mandatory video of the spring thaw to prove that global warming was real and about to kill us all while Tony and Leigh on Lateline display their fully paid up status as ‘front pew’ members of the church. I recently had very bad experience. I was traveling across the Nullabor Plains and when I left the western edge it was obvious that Turnbull’s days were numbered and the last report I had was Joe Hockey was a front runner to replace him. Now I don’t mind Joe but he is from the same ‘wet’ mold as Turnbull and his ascension would be a case of ‘same difference’. It took me two days to get to Ceduna in SA, the first town where I could buy The Australian Hallelulia! my country had escaped a bullet. Tony had the call and called it immediately – no ETS! Rudd had Turnbull by the short and curlies to the extent that he was going to support the ETS without understanding it. Rudd was trying to force it through the Senate to give him credibilty at Copenhagen without having explained the ramifications of the bill to the populace, the Opposition, the Senate or half his own party and definitely without any debate. I was amused to read that Rudd was quoted as saying the heat waves at Sydney at the time were a result of Global Warming. Such statement smacks of desperation – an outright lie but some may swallow it. The ETS is buried and now, and only now, we may have a debate on Climate Change and the best way to handle it. The Coalition is a conservative party so no good was ever going to come of moderate leaders. Since the last election all the conservatives in Australia, and there are millions of us, were not represented in the Parliament. Much was made of the latest polls and the two by-elections but those two events were very much in the early days of Tony Abbott’s chairmanship and thus are only a very brief glimpse into where we are heading. Some pundits even suggested the by-elections would be a vote for the ETS and AGW. If they were, then the people have spoken and they have said they are more worried about the ETS than Global Warming and we would like to think about it some more. I did however take heart from Radio National pre-election propaganda as I traveled over the Hay Plains. All doom and gloom for the Libs as obviously the voters were going to beat them up and throw them out what with the Party having the temerity to elect Tony as leader. The Greens were quoted every 15 minutes on how the Libs had killed their chances and pundits were busy tallying up the Greens potential gain. Never happened as I knew it wouldn’t but the next morning the ABC were full of “despite predictions, polls and the fact that Abbott is a conservative” amazingly they were reelected with snatches of Bob Brown saying what a good result it was for the Greens. Yeah, right Bob.

Tony Abbott under fire

tony_abbottTHE head of the world’s top climate research body has compared Tony Abbott to former US president and climate sceptic George W. Bush and conceded the failure of Australia’s cap and trade carbon bill has given momentum to climate naysayers worldwide. Good! If there is one thing we need right now it’s some debate on the subject.

Life’s tough

orphanIn my duties as a JP some months ago I had to witness a Stat Dec.  When I queried the person, as I’m obliged to, he told me he was putting in a claim for compensation for mistreatment under the care of Queensland government departments when he was an orphan. The basis of the declaration? He was forced to have cold showers – lots of them. I resisted the urge to hug and console him for this heinous abuse and while sitting there watching him apply his signature I wondered whether I shouldn’t have a chat with the Army. Not to say, of course, that all stories are as lightweight but I have trouble seeing value from politicians apologising for sins of the past.  The aboriginies are no better off for all the wailing, gnashing of teeth and breast beating that Rudd visited on  us early in his campaign to become the Statesman of the Free World and I doubt if the orphans will benefit either. If there are those, and I know there are, who gather strength from this weeks apology then I wish them well and trust life now has some closure even though I can’t imagine how, or for that matter, why. I will leave the last word to FW Anning of Ascot Qld who wrote in this morning’s The Australian;
I live in fear that I will be the last person in Australia to receive an apology from Kevin Rudd.

Garrett vetoes Traveston Crossing Dam

garrettWith  the Australian lungfish, the Mary River turtle and Mary River cod now promoted up the food chain to a position higher than humans I trust Head Greenie Garrett has an answer for Queenslands water problems. This is the second dam that the Greenies have killed in in Queensland over the last 10 odd years with no increase in infrastructure to accommodate population increases. How do we rid ourselves of these Green pests?

Well let’s try this…no this…no that

customship Pacific Solution working OK but it has John Howard written all over it so let’s change it…ah yes ‘The Indonesian Solution’…sounds better even though it’s much the same. Oops! Not working so let’s see. I know…the Philipines Solution that should do it. Maybe, but not fixing something that wasn’t broken in the first place would have been the better move.
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