Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.



South Australian pylons after120kph winds


Queensland pylons after 290 kph

              South Australian Premier Weatherill flat out defending the indefensible.
“South Australia hasn’t seen a storm like last week’s in living memory,” Mr Weatherill said. “Those images of transmission lines bent over showed just how powerful the wind was.”
No, those images show just how flimsy the infrastructure was. I put more concrete around the base of my fence posts than the SA guys did around their pylons. Yes, the storm produced the blackout but there’s more to it than that.  The wind turbines closed down before the pylons were knocked out and the sudden drop in power from wind caused a huge instant demand from the Victoria connector. It closed down to protect the Victorian energy system. If SA had coal or gas generators on line it wouldn’t have blacked out. From Graham Llloyd in The Australian quoting a report from the AEMO
A dramatic, sudden loss of wind power generation was the root cause of South Australia’s state wide blackout last week. And the bulk of damage to high voltage transmission lines that was caused by high winds and paraded as evidence to defend renewables most likely took place after the power had been lost. These are the major facts contained in the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) preliminary report.
Graham continues;
But AEMO said data currently available indicates that the damage to the Davenport to Brinkworth 275 kV line on which 14 towers were damaged “occurred following the SA Black System”. The big event was a 123 MW reduction in output from North Brown Hill Wind Farm, Bluff Wind Farm, Hallett Wind Farm and Hallett Hill Wind Farm at 16.18.09. Seconds later there was an 86 MW reduction in output from Hornsdale wind farm and a 106 MW reduction in output from Snowtown Two wind farm.
Renewables are fine so long as there is a base load source to maintain the grid.  Green left wing state governments are outbidding each other in taking us along the road to renewables without listening to engineering advice. They will cost us dearly. Link here to The AEMO Report. Greenies should read it and ponder.    

SA closes down

It would appear that in strong winds wind turbines have to be feathered and as strong winds are generally associated with rain as well then the solar panels don’t work either. Thus entire state of South Australia is currently without power. I see the SA Premier on TV advising people to “reach out to neighbours” Could I suggest that they “reach out to Greenies and politicians who listen to them and throttle them” Just watch and listen now as progressives turn this SA storm into the greatest weather event ever.  They need to detract us from the fact that it was no worse than we endure in Queensland every year. Reported in The Australian – one comment from Gregory attracted my eye
This is the biggest media beatup I’ve ever read. I have been in the city and Adelaide hills all day.  The weather bureau reports 22mm of rain since 9am, falling roughly over a 6 hour period. The wind has averaged 22kmh with gusts to 32kmh. This press and the bureau are just trying to make an excuse for our inept power infrastructure.
Should be fun as politicians get inventive explaining how a summer storm can stop a first world city.    

Presidential race

All the media in Australia claim Clinton won the first debate.  Meanwhile, in the US, polls are telling a different story.
Trump is fast turning into prohibition. The more the establishment and media keep railing against him, the stronger he gets and the more people want to vote for him. The more people are told that ‘Hillary definitely won’, the more inclined they are to say Trump – even if purely out of spite. This is what happens when you play the man and not the policy, treat people as if they were idiots and smash them with obviously rehearsed sound bites and impractical, pious ideology.
The MSM and PC crowd are panicking and as they react he keeps gaining. Keep it up guys, the people will decide, not you. Just in case you think the above link is a setup check here at the Washington Times

Hanson upsets The Greens

From a speech in the Senate yesterday;
If you are not prepared to become Australian and give this country your undivided loyalty, obey our laws and respect our culture and way of life, then I suggest you go back where you came from.
Sounds reasonable to me and therefore to millions of Australians however as it is from a speech by Hanson then it will be attacked ad nauseum I’m not a fan of Hanson’s but she did get the Greens to walk out of the Senate yesterday and that’s always good for the country. Whereas I’m not a fan of Hanson I am a fan of freedom of speech and not only when I agree with the speaker. Obviously the Greens aren’t as they walked out of the Senate, a house of debate, during Hanson’s speech.

The Greens walk out of the Senate

By not staying and debating the issue I have to assume they do not think immigrants should show loyalty, obey our laws or respect our culture and way of life. Strange cattle these Greens.

LNP announce useless gun amnesty

I see the government has announced a gun amnesty to “get illegal weapons off the street” according to Justice Minister Michael Keenan. On ABC TV he indicated “Grandfather’s old gun” needed to be handed in. From today’s Oz;
Mr Keenan said the amnesty was aimed at reducing the number of guns in the “illegal and grey market”. “Some of that will be somebody who might have grandpa’s old gun in the back shed that wasn’t registered that we want handed in,” he said But the Justice Minister did not explain how the government would entice criminals to hand in their illegal firearms.
The last sentence is the killer. I can’t see the Middle Eastern organized crime gangs in western Sydney, the Melbourne drug syndicates nor the Bikie gangs having round table discussions as to how best they can get all their illegal weapons collected and handed in. Isn’t going to happen but some ordinary guy will hand in Grandfather’s gun for altruistic reasons, the government will say “look how we are dealing with the problem” and they aren’t. In the case of Farhad Jabhar who shot and killed Curtis Cheng at Parramatta in October, he didn’t have legal access to firearms. Nor did he have a firearms licence or own a firearm. The weapon used, a handgun, wasn’t legally registered.. Alameddine, who gave the gun to Jabhar allegedly sourced the weapon from a Middle Eastern organised crime gang operating in western Sydney. This type of weapon, it appears, may be obtained for a few hundred dollars. The government can’t legislate criminals into law abiding citizens. That takes policing and a good start would be increasing surveillence of imports as indicated by this link which highlights gun smuggling through Australia Post. Again from The Oz;
The bottom line is that Australia’s laws don’t allow easy access to firearms, and lawful access to semiautomatic or automatic weapons is extremely restricted and heavily monitored. But the problem in counter-terrorism isn’t those who operate within Australia’s gun laws: it’s the criminal alliance between the gangs that control the illegal firearms markets and the terrorists they’ll trade with. We need an enhanced understanding of the crossover points to combat both national security challenges.
Policing, not legislation.

Sunday morning

JP work Sunday morning. I’ve just authorized a Search Warrant for the police to search the residence of a woman who has been accused of injecting heroin and using methamphetamines (Ice) in the presence of her 12 month old baby. She has also been accused of telling her older kids that they can get their first heroin hit when their age reaches double figures. As in 10 years old! My daughter and her 1 month old baby should be here soon for coffee – that should cheer me up.

Greatest invasion ever!

Turnbull says we invaded Australia- Abbott said we occupied. If it was an invasion then the 245 marines that accompanied Phillip would have been the greatest force multiplier ever assembled. Statistically greater than the D Day force at Normanby or Ghengis Khan’s mob that overrun Europe. 7.7million square kilometers, hundreds of thousands of locals and 245 Marines sorted them out. Not only did they do this but they did it with Phillip stating Rules of Engagement that ordered them to treat the Aboriginals kindly and to establish harmonious relations with them. Abbott is right and the Invasion mob should stop playing around with the English language.  


Eddie McGuire drops a line and the perpetually offended attack.  Twitter explodes and the CEO of the AFL gets confused about what the letters AFL actually mean. Just days after the AFL launched a women’s league to begin next year and also signed up to the Our Watch campaign aimed at stamping out violence towards women, the AFL chief conceded the league still had much work to do.
“We still have a long way to go. Our sport must lead,” he said. “Casual language and jokes about threats to women are part of the problem. “Footy has to be an increasing part of the solution.”
“Footy has to be an increasing part of the solution.” No it doesn’t footy has to be footy! I’m sick of AFL playing the social justice card – they are there to entertain the masses with football. Just play football and leave the rest to the Social Justice Warriors.  There’s plenty of them and they need something to maintain their angst.
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