Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Tuscon, Arizona

A nut case in Tuscon, Arizona listens to voices in his head and goes on a rampage murdering and wounding public officials and civilians causing the Left to listen to voices in their heads and start a vitriolic campaign to blame Republicans for the incident. No evidence but that doesn’t seem to matter. Sarah Palin, of course, gets the blame for publishing a map targeting Democrats notwithstanding the fact that Democrats publish maps targeting Republicans. Apparently that’s different. Yes, one of the wounded is a Democrat but it would appear the nut case had a personal issue with her having previously questioned her and received an answer he considered stupid and ignorant. It’s a weird world. It’s a tragedy and the vitriolic Left need to wait until facts are known before they spend endless hours and words blaming the Right. Larvatus Prodeo compile a list of guilty bastards including Sarah Palin, the Tea Party and other assorted targets of hate that the Left amass and claim they will get away with their crimes but not
…the confused young man who bought their intemperate rhetoric and pulled the trigger.
Well there you go – LP rest their case. They want to hope that evidence is brought forward at his trail that mention his being brainwashed by evil Republicans otherwise they are going to have egg on their collective face. That is in doubt but what isn’t is the fact that there will be no retraction from LP if he simply proves to be a nutcase. Go read the hatred at LP and then go to Tim Blair’s for a bit of balance.

Gee! Rudd was lying

FORMER prime minister Kevin Rudd began legal action against Japan’s whaling program despite strong opposition from senior ministers and bureaucrats who warned it was likely to fail and strengthen the hand of the Japanese.
In October 2008, as Australian officials were working to develop Australia’s case, the embassy reported to Washington that domestic political considerations were high in Mr Rudd’s thinking. The embassy reported he was likely to eventually see international legal action ”as the least damaging politically of his limited choices in dealing with public anger over whaling”.
Which pretty well sums up my opinion posted over a year ago. Why is is that people couldn’t see Rudd’s actions for what they were – simply a means to put the issue on the backburner…..lying hound!

Tango Mike Mike

Had a tough day or two lately….working too many hours…Boss giving you a hard time? Check out this guys day at the office and stop your whining; Courtesy Bruce Cox

Expensive shout

DIGGERS serving in Afghanistan will be forced to pay $5 a can if they want to have a beer on Christmas Day. The Defence Department is laying on the cheer by allowing soldiers serving overseas two beers this Christmas – but it’s making them pay, the Northern Territory News reports. One soldier calculates Defence is making a killing. “That works out to be $120 a carton of beer,” the soldier said. Peter Mansell, the Darwin RSL president, said that he personally thought charging for two beers would be “bloody wrong”.
But he also said there was no beer when he was serving about 40 years ago. “We were in the middle of the jungle doing what we had to do,” he said
The Nominal Roll of Vietnam Veterans has Peter Mansell serving with 7RAR in Vietnam in 1970 and whereas it could be true (providing he was a rifleman) that he was often “in the middle of the jungle” it is also true that when he came off patrol he was allowed to consume alcohol….. …at 12 or 15c a can and although there was a legal limit of “2 cans per day perhaps” this generally translated as “enough to get drunk and forget your problems” if you weren’t warned for ambush or patrol duties the next day. I know, I was there Peter. Maybe you should stop suggesting us Vietnam Vets had it tougher than the Afghan boys. Remember how the RSL, some WWII vets and a host of hippies treated us when we came home and don’t fall into the same trap by denigrating their service In their defence, Defence says; … it already does a lot for its soldiers.
It pointed out it provided accommodation, food and welfare services to its deployed troops “at no cost”.
What are they suggesting. That they are nice guys for sending diggers to war and not charging them for accommodation, food and welfare services? Get real!

Christmas Island tragedy

Questions have been asked about why navy and Border Protection vessels did not intercept the asylum-seeker vessel before it got into trouble. The Harbour Master has already answered that question so why has it been raised again? It appeared the boat’s attempts to reach the island’s only safe harbour in mountainous seas tragically helped them avoid detection. Wooden boats in mountainous seas don’t show up to clearly on radar and all service boats were on the leeward side of the island anyway as they should be. From the Harbour Master;
s soon as the danger to the vessel became apparent, the navy patrol boat HMAS Pirie and the Customs vessel Triton launched fast, rigid inflatable boats. But they had to travel several kilometres through 5m seas before reaching the stricken vessel and pulling survivors from the water. Locals at the scene said a navy vessel took between 30 and 45 minutes to reach the boat. By that time, it had been ripped apart after crashing into the cliff face. Harbour master Dave Robertson says the navy and Customs acted swiftly and heroically in manouevring their inflatable boats in dangerous conditions. “What the navy and Customs did to save that many people in those conditions is extraordinary. Those coxman are heroes,” he said.
JULIA Gillard wants the Coalition to help the government determine the facts behind the deaths of asylum-seekers in the Christmas Island disaster. The Greens are invited as well so we know the outcome already. It’s all the fault of the terrible People Smugglers and they will recommend that everyone who can afford the $10,000 or $20,000 boat fare be allowed into the country before the genuine refugees. What it wont say is the government have been warned repeatedly that exactly this type of tragedy would occur if they didn’t fix the problem They haven’t fixed the problem…a tragedy occurred.

Rudd on the loose again

Greg Sheridan’s re-birthing of Rudd as a great Foreign Minister is becoming harder and harder to justify yet he sticks at it.
This week the third meeting of the Australia Israel Leadership Forum took place in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, with a day in Ramallah talking to Palestinian leaders. There is no doubt Rudd is well regarded in Israel and his authentic leadership on Iran is appreciated.
The last sentence raises my eyebrows and seems at odds with the restr of the article. Sheridan goes on to say;
In an interview with this paper’s John Lyons in Cairo on Saturday, Rudd said: “Our view has been consistent for a long time and that is that all states in the region should adhere to the [nuclear] Non-Proliferation Treaty, and that includes Israel. And therefore their nuclear facility should be subject to International Atomic Energy Agency inspection.”
The Arabs love it while Israel is bemused. With only one Israel and a host of Israel hating Arab nations having a vote at the UN I can’t help but think Rudd is just padding his resume for a post-politics appointment. I hope he gets it real quick so we can stop putting our long time relationship with Israel in jeapoardy.

The Wikileaks cult

With the great Australian/US/Western civilization hater John Pilger supporting Julian Assange and his Wikileaks it is clear that the whole circus is about denigrating the status quo of civilization as we know it. The Left are even suggesting that the public should know all about every diplomatic comment, thought or transmitted cable which of course is ludicrous. Doesn’t work that way…never will. We currently have the crazy situation where the world’s media are involved in serious discussion about the rights or wrongs of the agenda of an anti-western hippie. There is no discussion. He is wrong to release all that information on the internet and Manning, his stated source, is clearly guilty, on his own admission, of providing Assange with classified information in contradiction of all the rules that apply to military personnel. In previous days the crime of treason covered this type of activity but since the ascension of the anti-western human rights legal activists things are less clear. If that is the case then we need legislation to cover these types of anti-establishment crimes and we need it soon. We need to get back to the real problem Australia has at the moment….the abysmal record of Julia Gillard and her government and what we can do about it.
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