Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Indigenous issues

Filthy…unwashed…alcoholics… A couple from Melbourne being confronted with Aborigines for the first time. Camped at Kununarra I can’t really disagree other than to say I have come across some who aren’t like that. They are shocked and obviously haven’t been out of their suburban comfort zone before now. They aren’t racists either, just describing what they have seen. They tell me their friends are totally unaware of the real circumstances that exist in the North and I could only suggest they go back and tell their friends the truth. If you go to South Headland don’t expect to sit down in the shopping centre. The seats are full all day with aborigines waiting…talking …yelling out at each other. You can get a seat for the days after “Payday” however, as they have money for grog and are in the pubs or long grass. They really do call it Payday as if they have done something to earn the money the government gives them. Its the seamy side but it is what the foreign and southern tourists are witnessing. We all know there are success stories but you have to root them out. If you camp at the Crossing Inn at Fitzroy Crossing don’t go to the bar if you are white and civilized as you will be very lonely. The bar is full of aborigines all day and into the night. Fights, spitting and yelling very loudly is all the go on the banks of the Fitzroy River. I traveled along the road from Windjana Gorge to Fitzroy River and experience two tyres slashed by the rough road, all in about 20 minutes. I was looking at the tyre after the second flat trying to get on top mentally when a vehicle stopped. Malcom, big, black and friendly took one look at the situation and me and said “I’ll fix it” He wielded the tyre plug kit like the pro he was – “done hundreds mate!” He comments further “Funny really – you white guys invented cars and us black fellow fix ’em” We all laughed -I let him have his moment and thanked him profusely. He was the deputy manager at Leopold Downs and a very likable man with his two year old daughter in tow who he obviously loved and looked after. Any amount of aborigines have helped or joined in conversations but they are in a minority and their less able brothers and sisters tar them all with the same brush. Sad really.

Senate inquiry into ruining an industry

I can’t imagine anything more stupid than ruining an entire industry based on a TV programme unless it is doing same based on a TV programme where ativists pay someone to act in such a manner as to cause distress to sensitive viewers thus forcing the government to make a stupid decision. From Christopher Pearson;
I saw Liberal senator Chris Back, a vet with years of professional experience dealing with cruelty to animals, talking on Sky News about the abattoir footage, and he was pretty convincing. He said he’d studied it carefully and that there was an element in it that didn’t quite ring true, something formulaic and gratuitous about the violence.
Am I prepared to believe that animal activists would pay someone to mistreat animals so as to enhance their vegan based closing down of the meat industry? Damn right I am! Pearson again;
It’s strange to contemplate the possibility that Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig may have made a career-ending blunder on the strength of televised displays of cruelty, which may in turn all have been choreographed by a local activist and-or an over-helpful driver keen to get the customers the footage they were looking for.
and this;
Some $100 million has been spent on turning thriving farms and businesses into pools of welfare dependency. At least 320 jobs, including many jobs for Aboriginal stockmen, have been lost, probably permanently.
Joe Ludwig’s closing down of the live meat export trade has to rate as his best “unintended circumstances” debacle yet. Did he think any of it through or do the ALP hate farmers that much that anything that cripples them is good? I can only hope that there is something in this article and that Ludwig, the ALP and the insane animal activists get burnt real bad. Hundreds of millions of dollars lost; cattle properties bankrupted and hundreds of jobs gone forever. Good one ALP

There, there now….

Hater of everything conservative, Marylin Sheppard is having a very bad day
Australia, I hate your guts. I suspect as well that tourists, students and migrants will be averse to a country that tortures innocent people in this manner and I hope the entire place collapses in a deep, dark depression brought on by a lazy, racist moron
I feel her pain and the feeling is exquisite. I am beside myself with pleasure that this prime idiot is upset.

Get over it!

The Left are still tilting at windmills
PRIVACY Minister Brendan O’Connor says there is a “public expectation” that privacy laws be re-examined in Australia in light of the UK phone hacking scandal, but concedes there is no suggestion of similar journalistic misconduct here.
Rubbish! There is no “public expectation” whatsoever. All we have is a Left wing desire to cripple Murdoch. There is, however, a “public expectation” that government should get on with governing and stop pursuing stupid Left wing agendas.

Stick to your guns, Julia

Ms Gillard says she is determined to deliver the carbon pricing scheme despite the poll showing 56 per cent of voters opposed to its introduction in July 2012.
“I’ve well and truly got the courage of my convictions and I will be out there providing the leadership necessary as we tackle this big reform,”
One wonders if these are the same convictions that had her tell Rudd to dump his ETS and were they the same convictions paramount when she said there would be no carbon tax in any government I lead. I thought “courage of ones convictions” was a long term issue and had little to do with last weeks polls. I think what she actually means is that now she has committed the ALP to a carbon Tax she can’t back down or the polls will go further south. Hobson’s choice really

Bob Brown attacks the media

News Corporation are getting attacked by the Dark Forces as Bob Brown calls for an inquiry in the wake of the troubles in Britain. He wants to canvas new licensing requirements for major newspapers, new “fit and proper” character tests for their proprietors, new curbs on foreign entrants and a comprehensive review of media ownership “in light of the domination of News Limited in print media”. In other words, he wants to muzzle News Limited Ms Gillard said the media could head off criticism by lifting its game. “If I could put it as clearly as I can . . . ‘don’t write crap’,” she said. “Can’t be that hard. And when you have written complete crap, then I think you should correct it.” Way to go PM…such class! I can sort of understand; the ALP and the Greens have been getting a bit of stick from the media lately – since Julia was elected at least, and I can see they think it’s all a bit unfair. But really, if you give the media ammo then they have a duty to report it. If you stuff up, and let’s face it, you have, the media’s duty is to tell the people – that’s what they exist for. Because the Fairfax media see and report all through rose coloured glasses and recycle the governments line on everything, they of course, will not be a part of Bob’s inquiry. Bob is so moved because News Corporations British arm, News International, have been caught out hacking phones and he sees it as grounds for attacking locally. Well, the News of the World is a tabloid paper and in Britain they do that type of stuff. Not here…..Oh hang on The Age has form The Australian, for example, just write it as they see it and to suggest that they should be called to order for not seeing life as Bob Brown does, reflects poorly on his idea of free press. The fact that they see Bob as silly and dangerous is because he is, and something like 80% plus see it that way and the more he makes these silly comments the more the figure will rise. Silly man, silly woman.

Look over there!!

Gillard and Swan are desperately trying to divert attention away from their Carbon Tax. I can see their logic – they know that costs will rise but if they start talking now about businesses ‘just simply ripping people off’ then maybe the voters will think the businesses are the bad guys.
Ms Gillard said any shops already claiming prices would have to rise by 10-15 per cent were “just simply ripping people off”, because overall price rises would rise less than 1 per cent and not before next July.
Wayne parrots the same line;
Treasurer Wayne Swan said companies making misleading claims or gouging customers could face fines up to $1.1 million. “The vast majority of businesses will do the right thing, but those businesses that don’t will face the full force of the law and heavy fines,” he said.
All this in the total absence of any suggestions that businesses are ‘price-gouging’ And just in case, the ALP have worked out how to throw another mob of dollars at another problem that doesn’t exist yet. The Competition and Consumer Commission has been given $12.8 million to monitor prices. It will employ an extra 20 carbon cops, (what! for 12.8m) and consumers who suspect a shop of price-gouging have been urged to call the ACCC hotline, 1300 302 502. I need to phone that number now and complain about power and water utilities in Queensland price-gouging due to ALP/Greens initiated cost increases.


In 2004 my mate Brian and I traveled through Queensland, the Territory, Arnhem Land and back to Brisbane via the Simpson Desert. At the Daley Waters pub we were asked what we were up to – I replied Lookin’, Talkin’ and Drinkin’ so all such trips became simply LTD followed by the year – hence LTD11. Read on….. Weather perfect, road good, fuel tank and Engel full as I pull out of Northampton, 50ks north of Geraldton. I’ve been living there for a week with my brother-in-law and his brother. 73 and 75 respectively they had a huge litany of stories about fishing, hunting and life in general. They argued over the details for hours and kept me entertained for a full week. Northampton is a very historical town; one you can drive through in five minutes but if you stop, there are plenty of interesting stories. First settled in the 1850s by Welsh and Cornish miners who come in search of lead. They found the lead and early graves as the lead ore took a toll. Convicts were landed at nearby Port Gregory and buildings and roads bear their mark. We went out the Hutt River Province about 50 ks out of town. A wheat farm of some 18,000 acres, the owner, Len Casley, took umbrage at the wheat quota he was allocated in the 70s and while politicians weren’t concentrating he seceded from the Commonwealth. He instituted, by royal decree, a monarchical society and appointed himself Prince Leaonard. More over the fold…. Continue reading »
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