Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Larry Pickering on Gillard

Tell us what you really think, Larry. From his Facebook Page
THE FINAL GILLARD DISGRACE: For $300 a week each, Gillard has given us the privilege of inviting asylum seekers into our homes. Has she and her Government gone completely mad? The ABC proved only this week that we don’t have a clue who is entering our country illegally. We have no way to process these people. We have no way to know who they are because most are either carrying false passports or have been told to toss their IDs in the drink before they got here. This Captain Emad character was discovered to be here illegally, and in Canberra, blatantly smuggling people to our country on stink boats. The Government says the AFP have had him under surveillance for two years. They didn’t even stop him fleeing back to Indonesia to continue making a fortune smuggling people back here, for Christ’s sake. Some boats have sunk with all on board and this germ has lied about it too anxious relatives to ensure he was paid in full! Now there’s a REAL maggot for you! Now our Government Minister Clare says, “We had to let him go because we couldn’t make any charges stick”! What the hell is this clown talking about? Emad must have thought it was Xmas walking out of here like that. HE obviously knew he should be arrested! But not the AFP? The AFP could have placed a PACE Alert at all departure points within minutes of viewing that ABC program. They wouldn’t have even needed to arrest him to do that! We have already seen the mountain of evidence against this criminal! Why wasn’t he placed back in detention with all the others until he was processed properly and then jailed or deported? Didn’t he lie to and deceive authorities? This most infamous of all illegal immigrants was given a special deal after only three months’ detention and provided with free government housing so he could continue his trade! Who exactly is paying who here? Are they kidding? Illegal entry is not an offence? If the Government is too lazy and the AFP too incompetent to arrest someone of this level of infamy then what damned message have we sent to Indonesia? Malaysia is on the smuggling route and integral to the whole illegal operation. Stupid f…..g Gillard wants to defy our High Court ruling and send them all back there for felonious processing. (Sorry about that but I am shaking with rage typing this.) Now this galah of a woman is encouraging aged people and decent, unsuspecting families to take these unidentified people into their homes when the Government has just proved it doesn’t have a clue who they are! It is a catastrophe waiting to happen! And it will! These people are Islamic from a different environment and culture. Can Granny serve Hal Al food? Does she know about their disdain for women and young girls? Is she ready for their illegal immigrant mates to pay a visit? Their wailing prayers 5 times a day? Their hatred of the West? If Granny reads their Koran she will have a heart attack! You should have a few spare rooms in The Lodge Julia. How about you shoulder some of your own fuck-up and show us how it’s done! Oh, I guess you don’t need the money, do you?… but poor old people and struggling families do. Nauru could solve this national disgrace tomorrow but Gillard would need to retreat. She would rather Australia continues to pay dearly for this than openly display her original stupidity. I would like to get my hands around her scrawny neck and shake some common sense into her. This is lunacy beyond even what I thought Gillard was capable of.
Sounds about right to me.

Remembering Blackhawk Disaster

Today, June 12, marks the 16th anniversary of the Blackhawk disaster in Townsville’s High Range Training Area that killed 18 Australian soldiers, 15 from SASR and three from the 5th Avn Regiment. This incident was the worst air disaster in the Special Air Service Regiments’s history. Accidentally killed in an aircraft crash (S70A Blackhawk); 12 June 1996 1 Squadron (Special Air Service Regiment) (Members of the Royal Australian Corps of Infantry) Captain Timothy J. STEVENS Sergeant Hugh W. ELLIS Corporal Michael BIRD Corporal Andrew CONSTANTINIDIS Corporal Darren R. OLDHAM Corporal Brett S. TOMBS Lance Corporal Gordon A. CALLOW Lance Corporal Glen O. HAGAN Lance Corporal David J. JOHNSTONE Trooper Jonathon G. CHURCH Trooper David FROST Trooper Timothy J. McDONALD 152 Signal Squadron (Special Air Service Regiment) (Members of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals) Corporal Mihran “Avi” AVEDISSIAN Corporal Darren J. SMITH Signalman Hendrik “Rick” PEETERS 5th Aviation Regiment Capt KJ Hales Capt JB Berrigan Cpl MC Baker Townsville Bulletin remembers The Hon Ian McLachlan AO MP, then Minister for Defence released this statement on the investigation into the crash in the House in March, 1997. Lest We Forget.


TONY Abbott has attributed Julia Gillard’s narrow lead over him as preferred prime minister to his role as “the bearer of bad tidings”, conceding his sustained attack on Labor had inflicted collateral damage on his personal standing. But not on the standing of the party it leads, I might add.
“We’ve got a really crook government,” he said. “The bearer of bad tidings is often unpopular because the news that I regret to say I’ve had to give people time and time again is that this is a bad government. “It has been utterly incompetent. It has been deeply untrustworthy. And I guess if that’s what you are often saying, you cop a bit of the collateral.”
Can’t argue with that and neither do the polls.

Voldemort Tax

The trouble with backing your reputation and government on a badly designed and unjustified tax is that after a while you start to sound ridiculous. Gillard, quoted in The Australian
“You can only spread opportunity if you keep the economy strong,” the Prime Minister said. This was only made possible by seizing reform challenges such as pricing carbon
A more fitting description of the Carbon Tax is the Voldemort Tax (from Harry Potter – he who will not be named) This definition comes from the series of ALP/Green TV commercials explaining how the compensation for the Carbon Tax works without actually mentioning the words “Carbon TaxNIKI SAVVA draws a comparison between the implementation of the Carbon Tax and Howard’s GST. THERE IS NO COMPARISON! The GST replaced a whole host of inefficient taxes, some of them well over 20%, and made common goods cheaper. It also made Australian tax more efficient and simplified distribution of increased federal funds to the states more predictable. The Carbon Tax is new, replaces nothing, will not do what it is designed to do and will simply raise the cost of living. It will also raise the cost of doing business in Australia with a subsequent downturn in investment. But Gillard has committed her government to the tax so I can see how she has to keep trying but really, how can you trust someone who says keeping the economy strong is only made possible by seizing reform challenges such as pricing carbon. No, the world will not collapse on Carbon Tax Day, it will take a while for the flow-on effect to strike but it will – in almost everything we purchase. The flow-on effect will eat up compensation handouts within a year as the unknown and unplanned for consequences, common in all ALP/Green planning, comes into effect.

Dingo guilty!

Can’t see why. What is the evidence that a dingo did it? I can imagine NT coroner Elizabeth Morris finding the dingo guilty just to end the bloody case as we have been dealing with it for 32 years so far. There might be case to give the Chamberlains closure and peace of mind but guilty findings are supposed to be on hard evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt and I haven’t read any reports that can be taken as conclusive. Still, the good news is we shouldn’t have to read about it anymore.

Liberal leaders to busy for talkfest

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has urged Liberal premiers in Queensland and Western Australia to attend a major federal government economic forum, despite the mining boom state leaders saying they are too busy. It’s a standard ACTU/ALP talk fest where people say some things and promise to look into and never do. Why should liberal leaders bother? Let’s face it,Campbell is flat out repairing ACTU/ALP economic messes.

Class war continues

Gillard ramps up the class war targeting the 30% of the population who still think she’s relevant.
LOUDMOUTH mining magnates shouldn’t dominate public debate more than a nurse or a childcare worker, said Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
Nurses whose care and nursing is an inetegral and important part of our society are to be held in high esteem but they don’t employ tens of thousands of other Australians nor do they tip billions into the nation’s economy. For that reason the mining magnates do have a bigger part in the public debate and as much as Gillard and Swan hate the fact, generally, Australians listen to the likes of Reinhart and Palmer knowing and appreciating that they didn’t get where they are by being stupid and that they know how economies work. Unlike Gillard and her bank teller mate.

Polls good for Abbott

But not according to the Age. Prime Minister Julia Gillard will “absolutely” lead Labor to the next election, her fellow cabinet ministers say, despite Labor equalling its lowest-ever Fairfax/Nielsen poll result. Great. We need her to stay there so all and sundry can be reminded of the poor performance of herself and the government she leads.
The latest Nielsen poll brings bad news for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and worse news for Labor.
Note they lead with so called ‘bad news for Tony Abbott’ hoping that is your lasting impression of the article. That sentence is a contradiction in terms and can only be written by someone who simply needs to find something positive for the ALP in a sea of rejection. This is what it’s all about.
Today’s poll puts Labor’s primary vote at 26 per cent, while, two party preferred, the Coalition comprehensively leads Labor by 57 per cent to 43 per cent. If there was a uniform swing, this would give the Coalition about 31 extra seats.
Still looking for the bad news for Tony Wait…here it is.
Mr Abbott’s personal approval also fell 5 points to 39 per cent, while his disapproval rose 5 points to 57 per cent.
As politics never was a popularity contest, personal approval doesn’t elect governments, the two party preferred does, then at this stage of the election cycle these figures are gold. When the election campaign proper begins then Coalition policies will be released and the popularity polls will most probably change.

Campbell Newman cleaning out the stables

ALMOST 70 staff within the state’s now-defunct Climate Change Office will be offered taxpayer-funded golden handshakes of $6500 or more to leave the public service. Two weeks after the Newman Government axed the office, headed by former premier Anna Bligh’s husband Greg Withers, its 67 staff members have been offered voluntary redundancy packages. A further 18 employees from the disbanded Sentencing Advisory Council and Queensland Workplace Rights Office have also been contacted. Staff will be offered their leave entitlements and a severance payment of two weeks’ pay per year of service, plus the added sweetener of an incentive payment worth $6500 or eight weeks’ pay, whichever is greater. Sounds like a positive step to me. Anything these people do can be covered by already existing departments. Now let’s look at Queensland Health, the third biggest employer in the country.

Geoff Clark’s bankruptcy extended

GEOFF Clark, once the most influential Aboriginal leader in Australia, has had his bankruptcy extended for five years amid allegations of undeclared income and assets. Mr Clark was due to be released from bankruptcy but at the 11th hour on Friday, lawyers for Carol Stingel, who was found by a civil jury to have been raped by Mr Clark, petitioned the trustee to file an application for objection to discharge. Good Questions have been raised about his assets being hidden to avoid having to pay out to Carol Stingel.
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