Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Budget woes

The shouting and tumult dies down as the media have allowed every single person dependant on government largesse to vacilitate wildly and often about the budget.  The attacks aginst the Abbott and Hockey have been sustained and not without some bias.  The ABC did particularly well with Vilma Ward, a Queensland left wing radical activist, being presented as a concerned Pensioner and a sex-line grandmother (there are some sick men out there!) who claims to have been forced into the sleaze business to help pay her rent.  When she come on-line ABC’s Faine smiled at Abbott and he winked back.  The furore from “The Wink” has gone viral as Faine managed to have a convenient video available even though the ABC claim they didn’t know who she was. Bullshit – they always know who their callers are and what they are likely to go on about. They don’t just let anyone call, they must be anti-coalition to get a voice and call-id allows them to select callers who have a proven track record of agreeing with the ABC and it’s self-perceived role as opposition to any conservative government. Glooria, who is actually Judith Power, is a long-time feminist activist and anarchist but insists she has never been a member of a political party, even though Liberal Party twitter accounts claim she is an ALP branch secretary. In an amusing twist, this sex-line elderly anarchist and radical feminist, who by her own background defines sleeze, accuses Abbott of being a sleazy misogynist. The hypocracy! Some sense is rising out of the tumult but there is a lot of work to be done by Abbott and Hockey.  Their efforts at selling the budget have been poor to say the least  and quite a few have been disappointed that they weren’t more savage in their cuts. The fight now is all about getting the budget through the Senate  and the new Senate, due to sit in July, comes with it’s own problems that occassion dispair at the offerings. Particularly dispairing to me is the fact that Palmer’s roll call of Senators in both his party and alligned Independants will have the final say in alot of the budget final make-up PUP senators Zhenya Wang, Jacqui Lambie and Glenn Lazaruswill be part of the balance of power and to look closely at one of them, Jacqui Lambie from Tasmania, despair can easily turn to depression. Jacqui Lambie is an ex soldier and a shallow thinker.
  •  She advocates national service as a means to fix youth unemployment.
  • believes “hitting welfare” is not the way the Government should be finding savings and the nation needs “other ideas”
  • believes the economy is in good shape and the Prime Minister and Treasurer are panicking.
  • believes Abbott and Joe Hockey are nothing less than a pair of deceitful, lying political politicians,” 
  • believes abuse was an “intractable problem” in the ADF and made such allegations against the ADF that motivated General Hurlley to make an unprecedented intervention suggesting she calm down.
None of which bodes well for civilization. Ricky Muir from the Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party, has signed an agreement to vote along PUP lines but seriously, I always worry about single issue politicians.  Does he have a solid background in business or economics that would indicate some rational thought might be attached to his vote in the Senate? His party claim to want to have a “national conversation” about safer driving but I worry that he  posted a video – subsequently deleted from the internet – showing his eight-year-old daughter driving a car and doing ”burnouts”. Now that’s a good start to have about safer driving….not! Independent senator Nick Xenophon, who is already on record as saying the budget will not pass in it’s current form and adds that the budget itself is unfair, mean and shortsited, doesn’t appear to be thinking about the big picture.  Other that saving a few millions by forcing MPs to travell cattle class he doesn’t  to offer up any solutions to the nations problems. Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm has some opinions that resonate but suggesting a radical plan to charge asylum-seekers $50000 to come to Australia isn’t one of them. I wouldn’t like to comment on Family First’s Bob Day but you could follow the link and decide yourself whether he will help or hinder our recovery The Democratic Labour Party’s John Madigan doesn’t appear to be radical and well may help the situation. Amidst all this is Shorten in denial about the cause of our current financial budget woes and I have still to hear him make any positive statement or suggestion as to how we might alleviate the situation that he and his cohorts created in the first place. It aint going to be easy!

Men’s Health

      Last June I had an incident that had me in Emergency.  The incident proved benign but the nurses weighed me and as a result of that shock I went to my GP and he sent me to a Dietician and an Exercise Physiologist. The result so far are shown in the IPhone graphic below…When I resigned from the Army I weighed 100 kilos and had for twenty odd years previous.  When I left the Army I had just been posted out of the Regiment in the West so there was little fat at that weight.  My target is to get back to the 100 kilos.   The dietician is so petite that the doctor’s wife told me she shouldn’t be allowed out in public as she shamed virtually every other woman.  I told the Dietician the base line was I should be able to drink my two or three large flat whites per day made with real milk (I did come from a dairy farm after all)  and should a social event occur, like most Friday, nights I would still have a beer or rum. You can’t be anal if you want to maintain a long term program. Portion control was the answer, eating nothing more than would fit in a small Royal Doulton sweet dish and eating something every couple of hours to restart my metabolism. Fruit instead of pies, no coffee milk and plenty of salads. All that plus the motivating effect of having the crap scared out of me by the scales at Emergency has worked. The Exercise Physiologist had the biggest impact.  I wrote a testimonial for his website;

As a highly-trained Exercise Specialist, Luke has a strong anatomical knowledge, has learnt the moves and drills, but to motivate people to change their attitudes to life is a rare skill and Luke has it in spades. Luke has changed my attitude and if you think yours needs changing then you need to talk to him.

A Personal Trainer has a TAFE Certificate; Exercise Physiologist have a degree and they know the body – they are the professionals in the game. This post is not about “Look at me – I’ve lost all this weight!” but more a case of the dangers of letting yourself go and the subsequent need to recover.  If I hadn’t lost the plot in the first place I wouldn’t have had to go through this regime. The lesson to us older guys, and even young ones, is if you have arrived at a bad situation then do some thing about it.  The sooner you recognize the need,  the better the outcome. See your doctor, find a dietician, go to the gym, find an Exercise Physiologist and restart your life! If you live in Brisbane, click on the graphic above – I recommend them, not because this is a paid advertisement, it isn’t, but because I believe professionals like Luke at Restart give us a chance to get back where we should be. If you live elsewhere see your Doctor and follow the path I did. It works!

Polls down for Abbott

SUPPORT for the Coalition has plunged to its lowest level in almost four years and voter dis­satisfaction with Tony Abbott has jumped to the highest point since he became Prime Minister as the government prepares to deliver across-the-board pain in its first budget. Amazing, isn’t it? The poor bastard has to fix a huge deficit left by the ALP and he is in trouble. Mind you it’s totally expected. With the media, the ALP, every organization that lives off government handouts and the weird left wing screaming about mean Abbott and amongst all that, nobody, least of all Shorten, are calling it for what it is – a budget to try and get us out of the very deep hole the ALP have left us. There is a fair chance the rich are going to pay for it. Bit unfair really because they didn’t cause it and are highly unlikely to have vote the spendthifts in. In a perfect world we would be able to isolate those who did vote them in, particularly the second ALP government, and give them the bill. Wont happen of course. What will happen, what has happened since Whitlam got booted, is that the Libs come in to fix the deficits. Over the first year hard decisions are made and their polls plummet with too many people thinking ME and not the country. LNP management starts to produce results and the polls climb to give them another run at government. The country stabilizes, surpluses appear and productivity lifts after union power is curtailed. Everythin’s rosy, people get complacent and with the memory span of a lightening bolt, forget how bad the ALP is at managing finances and everything else except looking after the unions and they fucking vote them back in. The mysteries of the cycle of life.

Repairing the damage

A couple of quotes from Abbott.
“This budget is about shifting our focus from entitlement to enter­prise; from welfare to work; from hand-out to hand-up; from our own short-term anxieties to our nation’s long-term opportunities,”
“This will not be a budget for the rich or the poor; it will be a budget for the country.”
Yea, I know, he would say that, wouldn’t he, however I agree with his general thrust but would add that the country needs to pull in its spending to fix the abysmal waste of the Rudd/GIllard/Rudd governments. The telling quote on this matter is from Grace Colliar;
[When we elected Rudd], after 13 years of Howard, our faith in politicians was higher than it is now. We had no commonwealth debt; $45 billion in public savings was burning a hole in our pocket. A nation of relaxed and comfortable gamblers took a punt. Carriage of our precious finances went to the Labor Party. We lost, they won. Rudd turned out to be a vainglorious Trojan horse for Gillard and the unions. Now we have more than $350bn in commonwealth debt. ( From the RBA)
I would say everyone who thought about it were looking forward to savage cuts of ALP schemes and thought bubbles, but that, at present, seems to be stonewalled by the Senate. NDIS, Gonski and the NBN need tightening while every Green initiated programme such as the Carbon Tax and RET, along with the beaurocracies that have grown with them, need to disappear. Green and red tape needs to be rationalized to kick-start the economy and the damage caused by the union dominated ALP will have to be sorted to encourage business to start employing people again. If penalty rates stop businesses opening on public holidays, and it does, then get rid of it. When we are doing it tough at home we cut costs – mince based curries instead of Eye Fillet, or cheaper beers and wines and simplisically it is no different with the national economy. Cut costs! Stop spending! I’m not happy with the talk of a tax levy but it could be a suck-it-and-see exercise. Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes or doesn’t. If the budget doesn’t slash ALP extravances and relies soley on a tax that we were promised wouldn’t happen, there will be hell to pay. I can’t see how the ALP can criticise any proposal put up by Abbott and Hockey. Let’s face it, the ALP are responsible for the country’s current fiscal problems. If anything, they should be offering up their solutions to the problem and taking a bi-partisan approach to getting the country back on track. I haven’t heard one positive suggestion from the party that caused the problem. Not one!

Just a couple of points Fabio

A letter to the The Australian’s editor
….There is no military threat to Australia, and as a fiscal conservative, I think it obscene to spend $12 billion on unnecessary fighter jets when the nation is broke.
Fabio Scalia, Windsor, Vic Just a couple of points Fabio; the country isn’t broke, we just have to recover from the ALP spendathon, and there is no military threat to Australia because we do things like spend billions on high level defence equipment.

O’Farell has resigned

BARRY O’Farrell has resigned as NSW Premier following his appearance at the Independent Commission against Corruption yesterday. Mr O’Farrell denied receiving a $3000 bottle of wine from Australian Water Holdings boss Nick Di Girolamo yesterday but resigned today after it was revealed that he sent Mr Di Girolamo a card thanking him for the gift. Something there for the ALP to think about. A Liberal political Premier resigns over a mistake he made, inadvertantly or not, while the ALP have had people like Thomson refusing to admit his crimes with Gillard backing him as a good local member. Hundreds of thousands stolen from his union members and through it all, he refused to resign and no one forced him to. O’Farrell meets the high standards of the Liberal movement while the ALP sets low standards and fail to even meet them.

Terrorists killed

TWO Australian citizens have been killed in a US airstrike in Yemen in what is the first known example of Australian extremists dying as a result of Washington’s highly controversial use of predator drones. Why highly controversial The drone killed 5 terrorists – I would think that would make it highly successful I was concerned when I first read the headlines but it turned out the two guys were fighting for al-Qa’ida. If you fight for the enemy I think you should loses your citizenship so the only thing to take from the incident is that 5 terrorists were killed and that’s a good result.

Nu Ship Canberra

A great video tour through Nuship Canberra which will dramatically increase Australia’s defence capabilities, and impact the Army as much as the RAN: That is great news for Australia and the ADF but elsewhere, after 6 years of the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd debacle, the news is all bad. Alan Dupont, in The Weekend Australian underscores the problems Abbott faces repairing the damage the ALP did to our economy. Perhaps the best way to understand the seriousness of defence’s budgetary problem is to benchmark against Force 2030, trumpeted by the Rudd government in the 2009 white paper as “capable of meeting every contingency the Australian Defence Force may be required to meet in the coming two decades”. Capable it may have been but funded it was not.
The subsequent savage cuts inflicted on Defence by Labor in pursuit of an illusory budget surplus effectively removed $18 billion from Force 2030 in the space of four short years, equivalent to nearly three-quarters of the annual defence budget.
I recall Rudd coming up with his 12 submarines as a blatant try at sounding like he and his party new what they were doing in matters military. Everyone who had any skin in the game just looked at each other, rolled their eyes and dug in waiting for the election to get rid of the idiot. The logistics of our current submarine fleet have two on patrol, two on build-up or wind-down and two on maintenance and we can just manage the manpower and dollars to keep that moving and Rudd wanted to double the trouble. Capable it may have been but funded it was not – like most of their ideas – NBN, NDIS and Gonski to name a few. The public needs to be reminded every day that the reason Abbott and Hockey are about to drop hard times on the country through the 2014 budget is because of the huge, obscene debt ramped up by the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd debacle.

Knights and Dames back in the realm

Well, Tony Abbott has got the Progresives traumatised with his reintroduction of Knights and Dames of the Order of Australia (AK/AD). Dame Quentin Bryce and, as of tomorrow, Sir Peter Cosgrove are the first two recipients. I’m all for recognition of those who give much more than others and seriously impact on the life of Australia and Australians. Dame Quentin will have some difficulty with her progressive mates over accepting the award and any amount of others, like myself, will pause to wonder why she has accepted a title from a system she has railed against. Still, I doubt if she felt she had a choice and, anyway, don’t tell me she isn’t chuffed. I doubt if many Australians would disagree with my old boss, Sir Peter Cosgrove, being so recognized. Labour frontbencher Chris Bowen predicted Mr Abbott would next announce “that vinyl records are coming back or that his car plan is to reintroduce Cortinas and Toranas”. Greens leader Christine Milne said Mr Abbott was trying to create a “bunyip aristocracy” in Australia. I’d take a Cortina if that happened. Had a rich girlfriend with a GT and as I recall I drove it from Melbourne to Perth and back in my 21st year(1967) and enjoyed every mile. The company was good as well. Back to Knghthoods…..I actually don’t see it as an Imperial award because, simply put, it isn’t. Knights and Dames existed under the Order of Australia originally but were removed by Hawke because the ALP have this strange idea that everyone is equal. But as George Orwell pointed out in Animal Farm some are more equal than others. It also explains wy the ALP don’t like the Army. We have officers. Well done Tony Abbott and well done Dame Quentin and Sir Peter.
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