Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Taliban with Aussie Passport

I find this article in todays Courier Mail (Brisbane) somewhat alarming. I hope I’m not the only person to find the last sentence a contradiction AUSTRALIAN Federal Police were investigating the capture of an alleged former Taliban army general who slipped into Thailand with an Australian passport, AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty revealed today. Thailand’s Sunday Nation newspaper said the man, identified only as Montegoro, was stopped by police in Nonthaburi province near Bangkok. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) denied the man, an Australian citizen who came from Afghanistan as a refugee in the 1980s, posed any security concerns. He’s a Taliban General entering Thailand on an Australian passport and he doesn’t pose any security concerns. Are DFAT aware the war against terror hasn’t been won yet? The same paper has an article headed Al-Qaeda threats for Oz A VOICE purported to be that of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has taken specific aim at Australia in a new set of threats broadcast by Arabic television station Al-Jazeera. Lets see now. Doesn’t Osama have some connection with the Taliban? Isn’t there an APEC conference in Thailand this week with mobs of world leaders pontificating? Poses no security alarm….mmm. And how come he’s still an Australian citizen? I wonder how many German and Japanese Generals had Australian citizenship during World War Two?

Aussie Moslems

Mmmm. I’m not convinced. Todays Australian has this article that smells of cannonisation. Hey, I’d love to think that our local Moslem fundamentalists are different from the overseas variety but in my opinion the jury is still out. Australia’s leading radical Islamic cleric has revealed he was told of a planned terrorist attack in Australia only months before the Sydney Olympic Games. Sheik Mohammed Omran, the Melbourne-based leader of the fundamentalist Ahl Sunnah wal Jama’ah Association, claims he advised against a plot to bomb targets in Australia in 2000 and threatened to go to the police. Threatened to go to the police? An old friend of mine phoned a week or two ago and told me of a conversation he had with a young aborigine that started with the predictable ‘got a smoke, mate’ and finished with a statement by the young bloke about people of middle east appearance approaching aborigines in North Queensland looking for malcontents and others to recruit to their evil cause. My friend, coincidently of dark appearance thought he should talk to the police. I agreed emphatically. Of course you should…NOW!. The police took him serious and a four hour interview ensued. (if there is any outcome that can be made public I’ll mention it here later) That’s what one does when you hear of people talking about terrorism – not just threaten. Disable the bastards if you can and call 000 straight away. In interviews with The Weekend Australian, Sheik Omran’s followers said they would go to him ahead of ASIO if they suspected one of their group was planning a terrorist act. Wrong. On his current form Sheik Omran would only threaten to tell the police and time wasted threatening and responding could have fatal consequences. I can’t help thinking the article is an attempt to make the Shiek appear responsible and anti-terrorist. Sheik Omran says he does not support terrorism and claims he is a force for peace within Australia’s fundamentalist Muslim community. But he admits to knowing many people who have been jailed for terrorist activities around the world. These include his long-time friend Abu Qutadar, the suspected head of al-Qa’ida in Europe, who is under arrest in Britain, and Bashir, who is serving a jail sentence in Indonesia. Sheik Omran was recently named in Spanish court documents as having links with the suspected leader of al-Qa’ida in Spain, Abu Dahdah – claims which the sheik has denied. Watch him!

Adams call us stupid

I have been in situations where I couldn’t convert people to my opinions but I only sulked for a bit and then went on with life. Poor old Phillip has had to endure a lifetime of few converts. You see, whats important to Phillip doesn’t rate with most of us. It’s this very lack of fire in our bellies about left wing causes that puts Australia ahead of the pack in todays world. Go and read his piece in todays Australian and feel chastened. The typical left wing insult – us voters are too stupid to see the real issues. Get over it Phillip

Bush on Howard I found

Bush on Howard I found that John Howard was a visionary person who can see beyond the noise inherant in a democracy. What the rabble don’t understand is that they are just that – a noise. The people at the football who boo’d Howard are just that, a noise, and their actions say more about them than it does about Howard. If Tasmanian anti-war MP Harry Quick stands up and puts his back to Bush then that reflects on Harry, not on Howard or Bush or, for that matter, Australia. I will be slightly embarrassed that Australia’s parliament has such an idiot in its ranks but I know the world will not think all of us are like that. Go for it, Harry you are nothing but the background noise of democracy. I surfed by The Age yesterday but couldn’t catch a wave – just ripples of malcontent. Of thirteen op-eds and features, thirteen are negative. A few examples – US heads fail to win Iraqi hearts, A bloody message for the US, For Americans, the mourning has just begun-Fears are growing that Iraq may turn into another Vietnam, Occupied Iraq will never know peace, Show us the documents, Mr Howard and A misuse of military might: Ho hum…just another credibility gap. Either The Age has a terribly small circulation or most people only buy it for the football results. A hundred percent anti-Howard/Bush/Iraq War does not reflect the opinions of the general public. 90% of their circulation must centre around Monash Uni or maybe Jim Cairns did a deal for his desk at the markets before he went off to have dinner with Stalin. More noise. Static in the background of the real world.

Bob Carr warns Lebanese thugs

Bob Carr warns Lebanese thugs – obey our laws or go back home in this piece in todays Australian This is pretty easy for Bob to say as State Governments don’t have the power to send them home – it’s a federal thing, but this fact doesn’t detract from the message. The Melbourne gang wars aside, outright ‘machine gunning’ of people is not an Australian pastime. If we are not careful we will have wedding guests spraying AK47s in the air as a celebration and shooting down small aircraft. I’d like to think that we could pick up on Bobs ‘racist’ speech and say to these turkeys “One strike in certain crime divisions and all bets are off”. Crimes like murder and raping women ‘Leb Style’ get you a one way ticket back to the shit hole you come from. You want to live in a great society then you must remember that is great simply because we don’t put up with that filfth. Born on this day in 1946 I have lived through the great post war migration where Europeans came from troubled times in the old countries to the new. They brought with them culture, cuisine and artistic expression that has made the Australia of my senior years far better than the one of my youth. I like to look at it this way. If I invite you into my home what do you contribute? If it’s machine guns and rape you are not welcome. If you bring the hatreds of thousands of years of Middle East troubles and wish to practice them here then likewise I will not invite you to eat at my table. Thinking about it, what can the Middle East people contribute to Australia? Subjugation of women maybe – just ask my eldest daughter about how the Egyptian males treated her when she was touring the Pyramids. How to hate someone who doesn’t subscribe to your God – just ask the families of of the WTC and Bali victims. The only positive I can see is people from that area who are trying to distance themselves from these mindsets – they are worth the dinner invitation. The others? One strike and your out.

Cairns Dead

If I lived in Melbourne I would be around to dance on his grave. Not just in celebration but to trample the earth hard so he can’t be resurrected by his followers.

That’s a bit rough Kev, I can hear you say.

Hell it is! If I’m passionate about one thing in my life it’s the treatment handed out to us Vietnam Vets by the extreme left wing movement.

I have no problems with democracy, freedom of speach, the right to assembly, the right to disagree or the right to back a stupid cause and thus by extension I have no problems with the people who marched in the Morotoriums.

But hear me well; if you spat on one digger, if you called one vet a baby killer (it happened to me) or phoned one grieving parent then there is no honour for you here or anywhere else.

A couple of incidences; On 5 Feb 1968 Trent Grall then a corporal in the 7th Battalion was involved in a clash with the Viet Cong.

Three VC were killed and one, a lieutenant captured. Australian press carried the story including a picture of Trent guarding the 32 year old VC lieutenant. The article mentioned Trent’s home town making it easy for activists to track his parents. They received a string of abusive telephone calls from anti-war activists accusing him (because the Lieutenant appeared small in the photo) of being an abuser of Vietnamese children.

The same week Peter ‘Slippery’ Dowling (another corporal) says; “During Tete 68 we made contact with the NVA in a well fortified camp on and off over three days. We had 1 killed and 20 wounded…” The dead Aussie, our mate, someones son, brother, the light in some poor girls eyes, a hole in his mothers heart forever, Private Mick Ayres died in ‘Slippery’s’ arms. He died doing his duty – protecting his mates.

There was a particularly ugly aftermath to Mick’s death. In a vicious gesture, anti-Vietnam war protesters phoned his parents and said “he got what he deserved”. His parents have this dispicable act imprinted on their memory to this day.

Quotes from ‘Conscripts and Regulars’ by General Mike O’Brien, Allen and Unwin 1995 pp115,116.

Jim’s death is reported here in the Australian where Gough Whitlam feels a need to damn him with faint praise. Nevertheless, Gough Whitlam last night told The Australian: “Jim Cairns brought a nobility to the Labor cause which has never been surpassed.” Nobility? Cairns? Even Gough can’t believe that.

And this from Tom Uren; “Cairns did many great things for the ALP and for Australia, but the real tragedy of Jim Cairns was that he didn’t become the driving, creative minister he could have been,” Mr Uren said. “Jim Cairns belongs in the same mould as Nelson Mandela, Ho Chi Minh and Xanana Gusmao, who have the … humility, compassion, courage and commitment our human family needs,” he said.

Well Tom would say that, wouldn’t he? Kind of takes your breath away, doesn’t it? Arguably the worse Treasurer Australia has ever had, forced out of parliament for lying about offering Australia’s sovereignty to some Arabs; he wasn’t even smart enough to keep ‘a bit on the side’ on the side. says it all…nothing. They don’t even mention Gough’s noble mate.

If the extreme left claim Cairn’s as their leader then like all commanders he must wear the consequences of the actions off his troops. You can’t cannonize the man and blame a few hard corps idiots. They fed and fattened on his attacks on the Aussie digger and open support of the communists.

I feel better now.

700 sheep stage a protest

700 sheep stage a protest against the treatment of their mates on the good ship MV Cormo Express. Locals at Clifton, a Darling Downs town in Queensland, think it’s all about a Sheep Dog Trail coming up but impressed by the similarities of other protest marches lately lately I think they missed the point. In other protests of similar intellect a loser in Britian pushed a peanut with his nose 11 km to protest against something or other. Mark McGowan, a 37-year-old artist, arrives outside 10 Downing Street, in London Friday September 12, 2003. McGowan rolled the nut 11km using his nose as a protest against student fees. McGowan handed the nut over to Number 10, along with a letter asking Prime Minister Tony Blair to accept it as payment for his student debt. Click here for a pic of the idiot artist And theres more. A peace activist attempted to pay a court fine with a check chiseled on a small tombstone Friday, as a protest at the number of civilians killed in the recent war in Iraq. At least the cheque won’t ‘bounce’. Thumbs up to the sheep at Clifton. There protest is pointless but then they make no claims of intellect.

Just when I was thinking

Just when I was thinking Arnie had yet to graduate to speaking in whole paragraphs he enters a 76 day race for the governorship of the world 5th largest economy and wins. Today I note he has a BA in business and economics from Wisconson so maybe I need to look up the recipe for humble pie. Then…… I remembered that in my previous life, I considered BAs earned by subalterns as a ticket stating – this man has shown an ability to learn, conduct research and study and is therefore considered capable of learning his profession. I resist the temptation to comment on Arnie’s groping in case some poor girl from my past has a flash back occassioned by repressed memory syndrome and trolls my site. (I wish) With the quality of advise Arnie’s type of money can buy I’m sure it can work but the relevant point about the whole affair, to me at least, will be the sound of the squealing of California’s ‘we have been bloody robbed again’ left wing. Like El nino these harmonious sounds will burst across the Pacific and when they hit the Great Barrier Reef, slowed by the her bulk, will reverberate around the east coast giving me pleasure on an otherwise boring day.
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