Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Unspeakable Superlatives

I don’t know about you but I’m getting a bit tired of the Iraqi Prisoner Saga. The war against terror has become a war of superlatives and the left are the dominant troopers. Unspeakable abuse shouts the SMH in this article. Not quite unspeakable abuse everyone is talking about it. Tracy Wilkinson writes;
A victim of the sexual abuse waged by the US military against Iraqi prisoners tells how his life has been ruined. . His pictures have been flashed around the world. Naked and hooded, Hayder Sabbar Abd has been subjected to unspeakable abuse at the hands of American prison guards and has unwittingly become the focus of one of the largest scandals to hit the United States military in a generation.
…one of the largest scandals to hit the United States military in a generation. Short memory, Tracey. I’m sure the Bush/Howard/Blair haters could come up with dozens of scandals over the last decade. The article finally gets to something unspeakable.
Sabbar and six other Iraqis, all Shiite, fought with another prisoner, a member of a prominent Sunni family and the son of a leading official from Saddam’s Baathist party which allegedly massacred hundreds of Shiites and dumped them in mass graves.
..which allegedly massacred hundreds of Shiites and dumped them in mass graves. Now that’s unspeakable!
The scandal has shaken the US military to its core, reverberated through Washington and enraged the Arab world.
Core shaking? I think not. Charge them, sack them, get on with it. The US military will be furious that troops did this, photographed it and released the photos. You’d almost think it was a set up but then US then did what no other Arab country would ever do, including those who are enraged. They openly admitted their error and stated their intention to fully investigate and charge the fools who erred. Heads will roll but not like in the Arab world where heads really do ‘roll’ The Arab world is enraged. Jesus. The Arab world danced in the streets over the images of the WTC attack (there’s another case of unspeakable) and the SMH wants me to be take this little superlative as a given. Reverberated through Washington is media speak for reverberated through the left wing media – as in – here’s something else we can beat up on and turn everyone?s mind away from any successes of the overall plan Had I been in command of the prison and some idiot did what these guys did, I would sack them minutes after my commander sacked me. The reported treatment of prisoners is undeniably stupid but it ain?t quite ripping out toenails. Let’s move on.


Over at Troppo Armadillo Ken Parish has an excellent article on Kicking Sacred Cows and the associated misconceptions, general ignorance and politically correct stifling of the Aborigine debate. His trigger was an article by John Hirst They are both worth the read, particularly the thread at Troppo Armadillo. Some wonder at the implication that the last three decades of policy has been found to be at fault and others are surprised that some wonder. I would like to think that Aborigine society should be treated the same as the rest of Australia as far as is possible. That is, education and medical services should be provided by the State Government with Federal funding, and local issues, such as provide to me by the Brisbane City Council should be provided locally. The first problem encountered here is the fact that my local council charges rates and from that income stream provide me with sewerage, water, waste disposal and more. Rate payers who live in towns across Australia generally have an income and own land that can be taxed in the form of rates. I’m not sure this is always the case in the Aborigine communities. Wayne Wood says the answer is;
As discussed in my blog ‘The Mystery of Capital’, I believe the solution to many of the problems in Aboriginal communities lies with the recognition and registration of land title.
Which is all well and good but there must be a market for land to have value. How many people would want to buy a block at Yuendumu? Obviously some land has value but while all land doesn’t, then the standard Australian system of collecting rates will not work. One answer is detailed in the post below. The Government and the Army have a programme that installs services and teaches locals how to maintain them but it’s not broad enough (only eight communities developed so far) and is not quick enough – the problem is now. Hirst says;
In traditional Aboriginal society, goods were shared, but in a highly structured and ritualistic way. A kangaroo would be divided by unvarying rule, a certain portion going to a certain relative. The sharing was among kin. There was no generalised ethic of sharing.
Good nomadic hunting/gathering policy but fails all 21st century standards. There has to be an arbitrator to reapportion benefits that traditionally go to the stronger family/tribal/tribal elder groups to all the community. Services are for all and all are responsible. Otherwise the new septic sewerage will cease to operate at the first break down and no one will repair it. The medical centre will become run down and stay that way. Finance the services and finance the maintenance and if the local community doesn’t have the expertise to manage maintain the system then bring the expertise in. Continuing the thread, reader Norman writes;
Some of the attitudes to which you refer, Ken, aren’t all that different from those found in sections of the “white” community too. The relevant difference is that members of these sections of the general community don’t manage their community’s infrastructure and/or finances.
Yes they do Norman. They hold elections and elect someone to manage the service for them. We have a proven template for providing communities with all services. The division between Local, State and Federal responsibilities in this area has been worked out over hundreds of years and, by and large, it works. Let’s stick to this time proven plan and where local problems occur, adjust to cover them as all good planners do.

Army pitches in

While Labour and particularly the Left argue for land rights and apologies and historians argue about how many aborigines were killed, the Government and the Army are busy with hands on projects. Not talking – doing. This from Defence.
Soldiers from 21 Construction Squadron today loaded heavy equipment and supplies on to HMAS Tobruk for the long journey to the Bamaga region of far north Queensland to start work on the ATSIS Army Community Assistance Program (AACAP). “AACAP provides assistance to remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to improve community environmental health conditions,” Officer Commanding 21 Construction Squadron Major Stephen Gliddon said. “This year’s project is planned for the Bamaga region of far north Queensland. Army engineers will focus on environmental health infrastructure including water, sewerage, power and housing and access to primary health care facilities such as roads and airfields.” “In addition to the crucial infrastructure developed as part of the program, previous AACAP contingents have provided military medics and dentists to assist communities with primary-care medical and dental treatment,” Major Gliddon said. A significant element of AACAP is the delivery of training to community members. The communities benefit not only through improved infrastructure but also through skill transfer training in areas such as vehicle maintenance, building, computer use, health and first aid and general repairs and maintenance. “AACAP also provides significant benefits for the Army through practice of operational planning and project management. It enables the Army to undertake realistic training for deployments, construction and redeployment as well as the provision of health and training activities,” Major Gliddon said.
sign.jpg Army signing contracts with local tribal elders AACAP is a co-operative initiative between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Service (ATSIS), the Department of Health and Ageing (DHA) and Defence. AACAP resulted from a meeting between the Ministers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Defence and Health and Family Services and the Prime Minister Joh Howard on 5 November 1996. The parties agreed that the Army would assist with infrastructure improvements in a number of communities, identified by ATSIC for priority assistance. Between 1997 and 2003, Army has participated in 8 AACAP projects, located in the Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland. The most recent Queensland-based projects were at Jumbun in 1999 and on Palm Island in 2003. medcentre.jpg Army built Medical Centre at Jumbun. Bloody conservative government – fancy them actually doing something for disadvantage Aussies.


aslavc.jpg Where were these cool toys when I was serving. Damn. That looks efficient. Better than the shoe box APC I had to put up with.
A squadron of 25 new state-of-the-art Australian Light Armoured Vehicle (ASLAV) are to be formally delivered to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Darwin today providing Army with a major boost in land capability. Defence Minister Robert Hill said the new ASLAVs are equipped with the Army’s premiere night-fighting equipment, the latest target locating system and fire control measures, which incorporate advanced thermal imager technology. Senator Hill said the new ASLAVs would make a significant contribution to 1st Brigade’s ability to be a readily deployed combat capable force able to meet a wide range of possible threats and tasks.
aslaviraq.jpg Here is a shot of the earlier model ASLAV on patrol in IRAQ with the 2nd Cavalry Regiment More>> here if your interested


When I was away the news of the North Korea rail disaster broke and I was listening to a junior relative ratting on about how if it happened in the USA we would know all about it. I mentioned it might be because the US is a free and open society and North Korea isn’t, but the lessons from her exclusive public girl?s school held true and my comment went through to the keeper. She saw nothing good about the US or Bush and had I questioned her, Howard would have got some stick as well. What’s my point? Clearly she is picking up this rubbish from her teachers and I for one think that?s an abysmal abrogation of responsibilities on the teacher?s part. She is only a teenager and already biased in her thoughts on world events. Attractive, intelligent and pleasant but none of this will matter if she isn’t taught to look at all the facts before forming an opinion. With everything going for her the teachers have only taught her to parrot their left wing diatribe. I socialize at a major GPS school in Brisbane and am long use to Howard being held to ridicule at the Staff club. If I point out Liberals responsible fiscal management versus the 23% overdraft I suffered under Labour, they resort to pulling a Howard like face and talking like Gollum from the LOR. Everyone rolls around laughing at their wit and I wonder what they are teaching the kids. I would like to think they are teaching them to look at the world a little deeper than starting all debate with ‘Bush is evil’ and going on from there. I would like to think they are teaching them to recognize the natural bias of journalists and commentators (Yes – me too!) and factor that in. I would like them to think that competition extends people and systems, that no one should be exempt from critical assessment and that the closed shop recommended by the Teachers Union disguises inefficiency. I would like to think some of these issues will be taken on board by our professional teachers but I’m not holding my breath. Meanwhile the debate on insufficient male role models in the education departments of Australia waxes and wanes. A Catholic system tried to get scholarships for men only to be countered with ‘No – must have equal amount of scholarships. 12 for men must have 12 for women’ Gender equity should work both ways. Our male teachers have to sustain continual attacks on their integrity and honour. A disgruntled kid falsely accuses a mate, a male teacher, of touching him inappropriately and his career is ruined. Never made court, kid and Mother confessed – career still ruined. Mud sticks. Result? Men stay away in droves from teaching. Just a few things to fix!

Selective Memory

Alan Ramsey makes serious accusations based on a conversation with a now deceased Army Padre. He quotes Gerry Cudmore, padre to 1RAR in 1965, as saying troops had told him of US troops tossing VC suspects out of choppers and handing over female VC to South Vietnam soldiers for death by gang rape. Professor Bunyip solicits my opinion whilst accusing me of being AWOL. Oh – the shame of it! Well not really…I have been AWOL before. I wasn’t there on the 1RAR tour and therefore can’t comment on the accuracy of Ramsey’s memory but I can say this. Either I spent 13 months in a war zone medically unfit for operational service with my eyes and ears not functioning or rampant rape and murder didn’t happen. I think the latter. My Lai happened, Lt Calley was bad. Other attrocities would have happened but not as a rule and certainly not by Australians. Millions of men at war with associated standing down of norms of society would certainly have produced some bad apples but for Ramsey to write his article around heresay smacks of just another anti-war rant. Ramsey says;
I knew him as Padre Gerry Cudmore, then 32, army chaplain with the first Australian combat troops sent to Vietnam 39 years ago. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Menzies government’s formal announcement it was taking us – by deceit and connivance with Washington – into war again, a travesty to be repeated by the Howard Government 38 years later.
Clearly, this man will always have a negative view on any conservative approach to solving world problems but for him to quote an honourable man such as Gerry Cudmore only after Gerry is not in a position to vouch for his words smacks of opportunism. It makes me wonder whether he had any conversations later on about VC attrocities. 1500 people shot in the back of the neck at Hue. Thousands of village officials murdered by the VC after being forced to watch their daughters or wives being raped and then subjected to ‘bayonet masectomies’ as a warning to those who hoped for a democratic Vietnam. I guess not and if he had, he would’ve forgotten – like he forgot Gerry’s name. I served in 1RAR before the Vietnam war and remember Cudmore well. If he was aware of any serious allegations he would have brought it to the notice of authorities but if it was heresay he would simply have mused on the matter, maybe mentioning it in passing to a wide eyed, naive man with a recent degree from the journalist school of left wing mantra. Gerry had a sense of humour and after some association with us soldiers may well have developed our habit of telling ousiders anything to get rid of them. Who knows? At Wagga, over the ANZAC Day weekend, I had some time with friends from 1RAR days and had Ramsey said his peice before ANZAC Day he would’ve had some soldiers looking for explainations. But then we Vietnam Vets are fair game for left wing journalists. We are used to it and think so poorly of them that our time is better spent commemorating the honour of men like Gerry Cudmore.

Timing Suspect

Does John Laws expect us to believe that he had inside information that would implicate Howard in ‘Government by Broadcaster’ and then sat on it for four years? Ask yourself one question. Why has he released this information now? More>>

Greenies attack Australia

The $4 Billion-a -year Aussie film industry is under attack from the Greenies. In their on going battle against capitalism they have halted the filming of a scene from the movie Stealth through the Land and Environment Court.
Justice David Lloyd of the Land and Environment Court found the environmental dangers of filming in the “sacrosanct” wilderness area would include “incidental destruction of native vegetation” and unintentional killing of the larvae of a giant dragonfly, known as petalura gigantea.
God help us. The scene has a woman running through the swamp dodging bullets. As no one actually fies bullets in movies what we have is a woman running near small detonators being set of in the water to simulate bullets. It would be no more traumatic that a person moving through the swamp with a stick.
Mr Carr said he would work with film company AFG Talons Productions to follow “every legal avenue” to appeal because the judgment sent “the worst possible message for overseas film-makers”. “NSW is in the midst of negotiations with two other major film projects and does not want to put those jobs at risk. The decision puts a $4 billion-a-year industry at risk and threatens 50,000 jobs in the NSW film and television industry,” Mr Carr said.
A question for Bob Carr. Who gave the Land and Environment Court powers to put our film industry at risk?

Failed maths again

I’m not a proffessor and I didn’t do maths beyond high school so the news that a Professor in South Australia wants police to stop letting drivers off the hook for speeding ‘just a bit’ has me confused.
DRIVERS are given too much leverage by police before being booked for speeding, the traffic safety guru responsible for the gradual lowering of the suburban speed limit to 50km/h has warned. Professor McLean uses the analogy of the limit on blood alcohol level to back up his suggestion to cut the police tolerance of speeding. The legal limit of 0.05 per cent blood alcohol level was chosen because statistically that level doubles the chances of a car crash. “So travelling at 69km/h in a 60km/h (zone) is like travelling at 60km/h with a blood alcohol level of 0.1 per cent,” Professor McLean said.
It’s the last sentence that has me confused. I think it’s a case of any figure will do and now I’m in the news again, maybe I’ll finally get that grant. The people who make my car will not guarantee the speedo accuracy to anything closer that 10% so I’m out on a limb here. I guess if I don’t drive in South Australia I should be safe but the ‘Nanny State’ wankers are after me. More>>
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