Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Garrett Trooper

Garrett for preselection. Anti-US, anti-Australian, anti-capitalism, anti-politics (doesn’t vote) and anti-truth (says he did vote). Yep. Good choice. Carmen of Amnsesia will be thrilled. It seems both Latham and Howard are happy about Garrett joining the ALP. It occurs to me that only Howard realizes why. As an aside, I recall during the Vietnam war the US troops had an expression Garrett Trooper. He was the guy with spit polished boots and clean fatigues that never left the base. Never at risk, never responsible for his decisions, always looking good and then went home and claimed heroic actions anyway. From Garret or Garrett…an old military word for Barracks Can any US Vietnam Vets confirm this? A Barry Sadlier ballad springs to mind. Whatever, for me he will always be the Garrett Trooper, all spit polish and no substance.

Hicks charged!

Now the Left have something specific to ignore and/or rationalize
AUSTRALIAN Guantanamo Bay prisoner David Mr Hicks has been charged by the US Government with conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder and aiding the enemy. Mr Hicks is accused of returning to Afghanistan after the September 11 terrorist attacks on America in 2001 to fight against Australian and coalition troops.
How’s that for intent. After the September 11 terrorist attacks while the civilized world recoiled in horror, Hicks joins the fight against Australians and Americans. How can any Australian support him and say they are not supporting terrorism.
On one occasion when al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden visited an Afghan camp, Mr Hicks questioned bin Laden about the lack of English in training material and, after accepting bin Laden’s advice, Mr Hicks “began to translate the training camp materials from Arabic to English”, the US alleged.
I’ve got to give it to him, the bastards eager to please. Let me help you kill more of my countrymen and their allies.
Mr Hicks was also allegedly interviewed by Muhammad Atef, an al-Qaeda military commander, about his background and “the travel habits of Australians”.
“It is alleged Mr Hicks armed himself with an AK-47 automatic rifle, ammunition, and grenades to fight against coalition forces.”
I’ve met a lot of men carrying AK47s in my time but I never one that I could bond with. To help the Left formulate their rationalization strategy here are the charges.
The three charges Mr Hicks faces are: CONSPIRACY to commit war crimes; ATTEMPTED murder by an unprivileged belligerent; and, AIDING the enemy. If convicted, the prosecution will not seek the death penalty.
How’s that for Western decadance. While the Terrorists are slitting our citizens throats for prime time TV without the benefit of a crime or a trial we counter by not even seeking the death penalty. have the story here

Prisoners fair game

In the mid 60s I was a young soldier posted to the Intelligence Centre at Woodside South Australia. During the course of my time there I was detailed as staff on what was then called a Code of Conduct course. Maybe it still is, I don?t know. Young officers and NCOs would do the course to prepare them for war service so, if captured, they were at least aware of the interrogation methods of the enemy. They would volunteer and arrive at the Intelligence Centre all ready for a week in the classroom studying Communists and other terrorist organizations. That?s not what happened. They were put in a truck and were told they were going for a trip to look over the camp. A mile up the track the truck was ambushed, the students were captured in a very realistic and frightening manner (read shots fired, explosions, rough manhandling and rifle butts in the ribs) and they were bundled off to a camp we had built in the hills. The role of the staff was to break these officers and NCOs within four days. They were interrogated, forced to sleep in cells 1.5 m by 1.5 m that were designed NOT to give them a good night sleep. To small to lie down in, to low to sit up comfortably and the floor was large grade blue metal stone that neither encouraged sleeping nor sitting up. The temperatures at Woodside in June are in single figures Celsius. They were subject to sleep deprivation, hosed with high pressure hoses at random times like 02.30 and subject to sense disruption. The cells were blacked out so day or night was undistinguishable, and they were hooded when out of their cages, propaganda was blasted over loudspeakers at an unsafe level and they were manhandled to the point of bruising. They were stripped naked, hosed in cold temperatures and humiliated by staff. They were subjected to trails by Kangaroo Court, found guilty and given a death sentence. One guilty man was taken outside and a shot rang out. One of the students still inside the room feinted. After four days they were totally disorientated and were on the verge of believing what was happening to them was real, even though they knew they were on a course. Check out a man after 48 sleep deprivation ? he is functioning on the edge and after 72 hours the brain is loosing coordination. Then you question him and maybe the answers save lives. They volunteered. That?s what we do, us professionals. We are often harder on ourselves than on the enemy. We have to understand what it takes to get information out of a man that may, and often does, save lives. And we have to know how to withstand interrogation. If you have been brought up on WW2 movies with clever interrogators outsmarting the German pilot and learning his secrets just by clever script writing then forget it. It didn?t happen that way and it still doesn?t. This is not a profession for wimps. This is soldiering. We have to be this hard to protect our citizens against terrorism and sometimes, against themselves. So what the hell is going on in Abu Ghraib? Nothing untoward has been stated so far. Taking a camera into the centre and snapping happy shots with sexual connotations was pretty stupid but that?s about it. You see, the end does justify the means. Outside of murder or permanent damage; sense and sleep deprivation, some ego destroying humiliation and just a little bit of biff is OK while it saves lives. If you don?t like it – if its to much for your sensitive liberal upbringing then don?t read about it. just let us get on with trying to save your over protected indulgent self. I don?t mind if you have led a protected life and think these things that happen in war are so? well terrible. Just let the soldiers do what they have to do. You think Abu Ghraib is all about human rights? You?re wrong. Abu Ghraib is all about an attack on Bush and Howard. The suffering of the poor dears in prison is of no import to the left. Don?t kid yourself that they feel for them. They only care about the damage it can do the US. And while we?re on the subject, why is it that the International Rules of War only apply to us Westerners? If we apply these so called rules to war then we are condemned to fail. The media demand the US behave like Amnesty International undergrads and don?t even talk of WTC or the USS Cole or a dozen other obscenities. The Terrorists can blow up our woman and kids but we can?t soften up Iraqi thugs for interrogation to try and prevent it happening again. The Taliban decapitate woman for adultery and we can?t lock up Hicks, a Taliban soldier, for volunteering to kill Coalition forces. He could have been in a position to kill an Australian and although he was most probably not professional enough to succeed, he would have tried. The left argue for a set of conditions and rules that flies in the face of every thing that happens in war. They demand the military be nice and humane to the Iraqi thug while the young soldier guarding him has just came back on watch after viewing Nick Berg?s 30 seconds of fame. Read him a bedside story, Sergeant, and tuck him in. There were no rights in 1944 and Allied and Axis troops were shot dead on sight over the first few days of the invasion ? armed or not ,and I don?t blame them. It was that attitude that gave us the freedoms we have today ? the ones we are fighting for. It sure as hell wasn?t anything that a Human Rights lawyer said or did. As indicated earlier I come from a harder world. While others of my generation were getting high on weed and giggling over Marx, quoting Mao Tse Dung, and having fun supporting the enemy at Moratoriums I was picking up the pieces of their insanity and listening to the headman of a village weep over his wife and daughter raped, sliced and diced on the orders of a Marx/Ho Chi Minh inspired and Western Press supported political commissar. Myself, I would give serious consideration to free-falling Osama Bin Laden from an aircraft at a height roughly equivalent to that distance people fell from the upper floors of the WTC. I would have the DZ fenced and populated by pigs and I would video the whole fall and the aftermath and offer the tape to AL Jazira. Transmit this, you bastards!

Why we do it.

Amos, a Tim Blair reader left a comment on Tims post about Dick Morris titled TRIANGULATE THIS. You should go to the post and scroll down to the comment but if your a gentle type and don’t like others using strong language I have edited the comment and included it below.
Since you ask I’ll tell you why we invaded Iraq: because Afghanistan will never be anything but a bandit-ridden hellhole, but Iraq is one of the centres of the muslim clutural world, the seat of the old Bahgdad calphate and the second biggest Shia muslim concentration in the ME after Iran. A democracy in Afghanistan will last only as long as the vareous illiterate warlords are being terrorised or bribed into line, but a democracy taking roots in Iraq will transform utterly the entire middle east. This is why absolutly every terrorist organisation, every Muslim dictatorship and every sleezy, oil-grubbing UN rep scumbag and his lawyer are trying to stop it. Democracy in Iraq is their death-kneil. If Dubya pulls this off he will have achieved in under a decade what the worlds vareous hand-wringing internationalist do-gooders and their bleating flocks of useful idiots in the media would not have achieved in a million years- the world’s first Arab democracy and the beginnings of the emergence of millions of people from medieval tyranny into the modern age.
I’ve said it before. Amos has said it. All evidence supports it but we’re still looking for WMDs and I note the ABC tonight are running what must be it’s 423rd expose of the Abu Graib torture series. Some people just cannot see the big picture.

AMWU predicts disaster for Australia

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union maintain that the FTA currently being debated and due for implimentation by January 05 will cost the Australian economy almost $50 billion and up to 200,000 jobs. I think a closer look at the Terms of Enquiry for the study would tell us that National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR) were told to look into the ramifications of a Latham/Crean government getting hold of the keys to the Treasury. Thats the only event that could cost this country so much money and so many jobs. Still, go and read it and try and work out there maths. I can’t.

Social Engineering – ABC style

Imre Salusinszky has the best take on Play School trying to change the world order with their insane alternative life-style presentation of a lesbian couple with an immaculately conceived child being presented as normal.
George: Hello? Welcome to George’s Needle Exchange! Can I help you? Monica: Yes please! Big Ted has used up all his needles. And because he used an infected needle, he has a sore on his arm. George: Oh dear! Better go down to emergency and have that fixed up! Monica: We’re on our way there right now. And we have some storybooks to read while we wait ? 100 storybooks, in fact, because we know there will be so many infected bears waiting in front of Big Ted to see the doctor. George: Oh dear. Well, you give me those needles, Big Ted, and here are five clean ones to make sure you don’t get sick again. Monica: Thanks Mr Needle Exchange. Big Ted will be much happier now that he has clean needles.
Well, I think it’s funny. Go read if you haven’t already done so

Mother Boards

Due to my computer’s mother board noticing the expirey of it’s warranty I had to have another one installed with the result that I didn’t collect my emails from Thursday thru Monday. Monday, issued with new passwords I pressed the send/receive and went and made coffee. Wow. 382 emails! So many friends. Obviously some correspondents were old girlfriends with thinly veiled comments of a personal nature and just as clearly some others (with male names) were old old drinking mates who failed to believe my juvenile boastings on conquests – why else would they suggest chemical enhancement for my libido? Jordan, I can’t remember where I knew him, suggested my girlfriend would thank me big time. If such a person existed she wouldn’t thank me after my wife had sliced and diced her and posted her home in a small post bag. Still, maybe he doesn’t know I got married. Worse to come – I have to talk to Telstra Bigpond Technical Help. 23 minutes to get past the gatekeeper with her inane, repetitive waffling and then the Indian accented; “Good morning sir, how can I be helping you” Stay cool, Kev. Don’t waste 23 minutes.

The Gipper has gone

We win and they lose. Ronald Reagon getting the USSR problem down to one line. Far too simplistic for the left but it worked. By the end of his watch the wall had come down. The obscenity that was Communist USSR joined the civilized world. There will be a lot written and spoken over the next week or two. The left will call him simple and dumb. The rest of us know he changed the world for the better. Crenkhoff has the best take. He was behind the wall. Duty done – Rest in Peace.

D Day Heores

Sixty years ago today there was a lot of fear in the hearts of the soldiers of the invasion force of D Day as they approached the beaches. As one who has experienced the terror of battle as an infantryman (at about one-fiftieth the level of Normandy) I have some idea of how much courage and fatalism it took to stand up and move out of the landing craft. Their courage and achievements will last forever in the minds of reasonable men. Except the Left and other assorted US haters. Seeking no lands to colonize or rewards other than a stable world the Yanks, Brits, Kanucks and a host of other freedom lovers, including some Aussies, fought a despot to the end. And when it was done they only ask for a small plot of land for their young men to rest in piece. They did the same in the Pacific and then the US, with only some help from us, rebuilt the world, feeding the poor and developing the industries of conquored foe. How soon does the world forget. How soon before they turned on her. The US tries and stabalize the world again and they are turned on by the media and the countries that owe their very existance to their generosity. Visit the small plots of land where their young rest and tell them what the world thinks now. Tell them how much the world has forgotten. No. On second thoughts – don’t. It would lessen the value of their sacrifice. I for one, salute those brave men and I will not forget their sacrifice. And neither should you.

Latham returns Bush’s Iraq fire

Maybe, but he’s only firing blanks. I’m going to enjoy the caterwauling from the left as they go ballistic about Bush’s answer to a loaded question from an Australian journalist. I thought Bush was fairly reserved considering that Latham had personally insulted him with his “the most incompetent and dangerous president in living memory” statement some months ago. ‘Bomber’ Beasley drops a bomb on the wrong camp with his;
… “The alliance means we work with all sides of US politics. I think the same should apply in reverse.”
Good point, Bomber. What about telling Latham that he should work with all sides of US politics and not call Bush incompetant and his Australian political allies suckholes and arselickers Both sides mate.
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