Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies.
Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.
Senator Hill holds a doorstop interview at DSTO Fisherman Bend about a new fatigue testing system for RAAF aircraft but all the journalist wants to do is ask questions that clarify the Journalists opinion. It would appear that he believes that the current Australian Government are warmongers and should not buy equipment such as cruise missiles that might frighten Indonesia.
The Newly Introduced SLAM ER missile System.
One of the options Australia is considering
(Quotes in italics are mine)
Minister, why does Australia need a cruise missile capability?
Senator Hill:
?Crew safety
(stupid) Why do you need the latest digital micro recorder? Why do we need destroyers or artillery or tanks – because we need a defence force and we have to equip them with up-to-date weaponry- Jesus what’s your point
What signal does this send out to our neighbours such as Indonesia who may have legitimate concerns that we will not have, or will have this capability?
Senator Hill:
Well the Indons have known that cruise missiles have been in our procurement progamme for years.
A very clear message we hope!
It’s not a sign of greater belligerence on Australia’s part?
Senator Hill:
Not at all.
Potential enemies need to know that we have a competent and well equipped defence force and we will use it if we are threatened . If, in your minimal understanding of defence matters, that constitutes belligerence, then make up your own answer. You will anyway.
What’s the likelihood this will actually trigger some sort of arms race through the Asia Pacific region?
Senator Hill:
and we don’t care if it does!
What do you say to people who suggest that Indonesia is the only possible target for these sorts of weapons?
Senator Hill:
Indonesia is a friend and neighbour of Australia.
And it’s a good idea to remind them every now and then that they should hold ABRI (Indon’s answer to our ADF) on a short leash. I would also say that Indonesia is not the only possible target – with the war against terrorism in full swing we are presented with a world wide target-rich battlefield. Hey, anyone can be our target – just blow up some of our women and kids and then stand around in one spot and crow. You too can become a target
The journalist has chosen to ignore the fact that we had a squadron of F18s in the Middle East working with air forces that were equipped with cruise missiles. Even a grade 8 teenage boy would know that the ability to fire your GPS guided missile 400 km away from any threat makes crew moral and accuracy a non-issue.
Still, what would I know – I’m not a journalist.
There are images of all the contenders
here at Defence
Correction Reader
kinch has correctly pointed out that ABRI should be TNI – see comments.
John Kerry set the scene to include his war service as a part of his case to be elected President so he can’t complain when people question that service.
I mean, right from the start I would have shut up. Does he really think people will forget what he did after the war when he went over to the other side. It’s one thing to disagree with the war – it’s quite another to give solace to the enemy and to denigrate the service of your own countrymen.
On the face of it it appears he was awarded the Bronze Star with V device for rescuing a special forces guy. The SF guy was in the water and there was no incoming fire. Big deal! That’s not hero stuff.
Now his Silver Star is under question. Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer writing for Frontpage have come up with some fairly interesting questions. Yes, I know where Frontpage are coming from but the questions still need answering.
It appears they have found three, repeat three, citations for the award. Civilians might find that of no import but the soldier in me screams
“bullshit alert…there is somethig wrong here’
Not only are there an unprecedented three citations but they vary, were written years and decades after the event and look like a sanitization of events.
If your interested in pursuing the truth you should
check it out
Wallace at
Streams in Texas has a point to make on relative heroism. Non military readers may like to read what he has to say to get some idea what we proffessional soldiers think of dodgy citations and officers who enlist in the enemy’s services.
Donald Sensing at One Hand Clapping has
A tropical paradise for some, a time warp for others. A contradiction, a fiefdom within a democracy with tribal and national law in conflict – three months suspended sentence or three spear thrusts to the thigh. One drives a 100 series Toyota, the other collects yams.
We spend the first night in the Police compound watching NSW thrash Queensland in the Origin football – the fact that most of the coppers were NSW supporters didn’t help.
As I’m here to learn I question the locals on the town and its problems. I get honest answers from honest men and woman there to help. Not a racist comment to be heard just local problems in a very remote community.
The next morning we are taken in tow by a local senior public servant (who shall remain nameless) and taken on a ‘warts and all’ tour of the town.
We visited YothuYindi’s sound studio overlooking the Arufura Sea and I’m told how the money from the band was used to help the locals. We met one chap who had traveled with the band for 12 years and I quite liked him (no names- no pack drill) but noticed body language that would indicate that he was not a favoured son. Alcohol, drugs and a murder investigation is cramping his style.
Yothu Yindi’s Nuhlunbuy studio.
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I recall the last ASIO enquiry conducted by the ALP when Senator Murphy, accompanied by Kerry Milte, raided ASIO HQ.
I was an Infantry Platoon Sergeant at the time and stilll in shock from having a government openly supporting the enemy and assailing diggers for having done thier duty.
The ALP, paranoid then about ASIO and obviously still worried about them today, have some cause to be worried. Lets face it a good percenatge of their members are so left-wing as to be a concern to the national security.
This is how the last enquiry was conducted.
At 11:00 pm on 15th March 1973 Canberra ASIO Chief (Colin Brown) gets a call from Murphy. Brown had just got to sleep.
Get into my office in 10 minutes. Can’t. In my pajamas. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.
Met by Murphy, Milte and female secretary.
In Browns office Murphy sits and grills Brown for two hours while Brown is forced to stand. Milte makes sneering remarks. Murphy orders files to be delivered to office. Brown calls in record chief and 2IC.
Murphy flicks though files. When he found information regarding terrorist activity he shouted at ASIO Chief “Why wasn’t I told this?
ASIO Chief explains there is no concrete evidence that would stand up in court so watching brief only.
The ‘enquiry’ goes on in the same vein with Murphy yelling and Milte (all of 23 at the time) slipping in snide comments.
Check Google on
Murhy and
The Left will do anything within their power to embarrass ASIO and make Howard look bad and don’t tell me they’re not pushing the same ASIO Enquiry barrow as they did nearly 30 years ago.
Now that communism has been outed as an obscenity against mankind and particularly against their own citizens, the Left can only pursue those who destroyed it – the US and those conservative governments that have the temerity to share common beliefs.
Quotes from “The Whitlam Venture” by Alan Reid, 1976. An excellent source of all of Whitlam’s stuff ups under one cover.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
As ready as ever to reinforce failure the Left are into what must be their 984th attempt to prove Howard lied over the bloody
Children Overboard saga.
Even when confronted with the official reports on the behaviour of the Illegals people like Chris Shiel can only say
A stirling bid to deflect the issue Currency, excuse the pun. It fails, but congrats on all the effort.
What on earth does that mean?
Currency Lad has done his homework and summarised the Defence reports. Go read it there and marvel at the ineptitude and
Howard Lied mantra of the Left.
Be sure to check the comments – they are illuminating.
I have just spent six days at Carnarvon Gorge helping the staff of a local Boys college run an environment studies bush week. I am often caught criticizing the education system including the input of teachers and output of young Australians but must give credit where credit is due and in this case do it gladly.
The teachers worked very hard, sometimes up to 20 hours a day, leading the boys up ravines, along cliffs and high ridges. The entire exercise is one of learning about the environment, aborigines and their culture and the boys own self worth. Time spent around the campfire at night was devoted to assessing each boy and approaching his personal and academic advancement in a positive light.
If you read boys college and think ‘privileged’ don’t. A lot of parents work two or more jobs to have their sons attend this college and whereas one boy might be the son of a wealthy businessman, the boy along side is not. The boys are only privileged insofar as their parents strongly believe in education
Another pleasing aspect was the presence of fathers and others who had once had an association with the college who gave a up a week of their busy live to travel on a 1600 km round trip at their own expense to help guide and provide role models for the boys. Company Directors, Tradesman, a 79 year old ex Luftwaffe technician, a publican who has recently divested himself of his hotel and a brace of young ‘old boy’ uni students.
Such is the committment of those who believe in education.
I contributed by helping to run the Base Camp. My legs, and more recently, my right arm, are beyond their use-by date so leading boys up ravines onto high ridges is beyond me. But hey, I can now enjoy the life of a base soldier.
I was thanked for my help but the abiding bottom line is that I am a better person for having witnessed this dedication to our youth and I congratulate all who attended- particularly the leaders.
While there I met an old mate from Army Days who, with his wife, had spent some days on bush walks. When I told them I was with the schoolboys they were generous with their praise of these 15 year olds, who, to a boy, had looked up on their weary climb up the gorge and exchanged pleasantries, said Hullo, how are you? Great place isn’t it? Did you see the echidna down the track?
Best praise of all – unsolicited.
My background leads me to be critical and demanding but I have no criticisms and would only demand you consider sending your boys to Nudgee College, Brisbane
They would be in good hands.
I received this email from reader Dan. Grog runnning is a huge problem and needs putting under the microscope, not pushing under the carpet. The grog problem is bad enough without unprincipled whites making money out of tragedy.
Today, a group of white people were busted for running grog into an Aboriginal community. (I have the community name and the names of the people involved). The Liquor Commission tipped off the police, who followed the truck and caught two of the people red-handed. One of them took off and was chased down by the police. There were two large trunks on the truck, full of booze. Among those involved are the local headmaster’s wife, the nurse in charge of the local clinic and the Essential Services Officer. (he’s the one who attempted a runner) I just heard that the white town clerk intends to sweep the whole affair under the rug, on the pretext that it’s the first time the people involved have brought booze into the community. Untrue–there’s a long paper -trail proving that these people have been doing this for a very long time. Local Aborigines get their cars confiscated and are sometimes jailed for the same offence. Do you have any idea of who I can contact to make sure that this is brought out into the open?
Dan doesn’t name the locality but I suggest he has a chat with the local police and if that doesn’t work, just keep on stepping up the chain of command until it does.
Sic ’em Dan.
Other readers with a sense of justice may like to leave advise in comments.
More tomorrow
After Jabiru and Ubir rock we cross the Alligator River and head to Gurig National Park on the Coburg Peninsular. Located NNE of Darwin and accessible via Arnhem Land the trip covers 560 km of mostly gravel roads and some great land. Shane Stone told me that Arnhem Land never had any leases operating and I wonder why. Seemingly great cattle country with ample feed and water I can only surmise that it was to remote to settle.
Permits are required for Australians to drive through Australia when there are Aborigines present and access to the park is also dependant on a $220.00 fee. But hey, who’s complaining.
Continue reading »
Yeah. I know. The subject has been around for awhile but I’ve decided to include this link to
59 deceits by Dave Kopel to help readers gain access to a critical assessment of the
politdoco produced by Michael Moore.
I haven’t seen
Fahrenheit 9/11 and have no intentions of doing so. To me it would be like taking time out of my busy life to spend an evening with Phillip Adams. I just have better ways of spending my time than watching a 122 minute anti-Bush/US political add peppered with lies, lies of omission and half truths.
It amazes me that people in Brisbane Australia will pay good money to watch a Democrat Political ad and accept it in blind faith. What?s more upsetting is that Moore is making buckets of money out of the exercise and no-one is calling him to order other than in the blogworld.
Great money if you can get it. I bet John Singleton never made anywhere as much money out of any of his ALP TV adverts. But then John is not as unprincipled as Moore.
I’m surprised Phillip Adams hasn’t thought of this and produced a politdoco making Howard look like a liar and a fool using the same formulae as Moore. Get an unflattering film clip of Howard, season with lies, lies of omission and half truths and sell it to the world.
Then again, maybe Phil has thought of it.
As an aside. Can you imagine the uproar if someone produced a similar piece on John Kerry. We would never hear about it. The press would block it and no actor would even look at a script and yet with Kerry’s background it would be a great expose.
Ah, the dream. Level playing field – unbiased media.
Stupid of me, I know.