Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Who’s stupid?

Interesting point from Glen Reynolds at Instapundit. There is little copy on the Howard victory in the US as it doesn’t meet the “Does it make Bush look bad/stupid” criteria. Who’s smart and who’s stupid. The journalists who always put a negative spin on events or the public that repeatedly ignores them. Bush will win in the states and the media will still be calling him stupid and subsequently, the electorate, stupid as well for voting for him.

Very Happy John

Thank God. The country is safe for another three years. Looks like 86 Coalition to 58 Labour seats in the Reps and maybe even a majority in the Senate. A majority in the Senate would get Bob Brown off TV and the less oxygen he gets the better off the country will be. howard.jpg Crean, Beasley and Bob Mullins are all calling “We wuz robbed by the BIG LIE (they mean the interest rates ad) If Latham has any sense of leadership he needs to accept that the voter believes that the ALP are poor on economic management and do something about it. He needs to throw the “we wuz robbed” line into the dustbin with it’s equally sour grapes partner “the voters are stupid. Once again they have ignored our brilliance” Mullins raves on about how Howard couldn’t get one, not one, economic professional to agree that interest rates would rise under Labour. You’re most probably right, Bob, but irrelevant. I don’t need a PHD to remind me of Labour’s fiscal irresponsibility, I can always look it up. It’s recorded for everyone to see. and the chances are interest rates would rise more under Labour than under the Coalition. It’s believable. No, PHD’s didn’t back Howard, but the people did. There was simply too much rebutting every utterance from Howard as “A LIE! He lied about WMDs..he didn’t actually lie. Everyone from both sides of the debate believed there were WMDs. The fact that Saddam got rid of them doesn’t make it A LIE. He lied about Latham’s time at Liverpool…He didn’t actually lie. Latham’s time at Liverpool is recorded. You can read about it!. The fact that Latham says its A LIE doesn’t make it so. The luvvies over at Backdoor are in the middle of an orgy of disbelief, shattered dreams of a socialist Australia and are all mulling around in stark amazement at the stupidity of the voter.
I don’t understand. What does this say about our country? I feel ill. Posted by Dave
How come our feelings were sooo wrong,Why is it that people seemed to coninue to trust the rodent even though he lied all the way to the end. Posted by MickM
Because he didn’t lie all the way to the end…in fact he didn’t lie at all. If you think he did MickM then you have the problem…you deal with it. Tired now…..need sleep…..Country safe…stand down.


Top 20 countries reading my website. 1. au (Australia) 2. com (Commercial) 3. net (Network) 4. (no entry) 5. edu (Educational) 6. nl (Netherlands) 7. il (Israel) 8. mil (USA Military) 9. gov (USA Government) 10. uk (United Kingdom) 11. cn (China) 12. sa (Saudi Arabia) 13. org (Non-Profit Organizations) 14. ca (Canada) 15. be (Belgium) 16. jp (Japan) 17. fr (France) 18. th (Thailand) 19. us (United States) 20. no (Norway) 12. sa (Saudi Arabia) Jesus Christ! Golly Gosh! I hope they don’t mind me putting down on terrorists. Hey Saudi Guy…don’t…….archives. Stop panicking…could be a good guy. If the Saudi guy would leave a comment and calm me down. Something like “I hate Terrorists too” would do. Hang on, it’s most probably an expat. That’s it. Now I remember..a lot of guys from a regiment I was once in, live and work over there. Whatever…leave a comment..please.

Anything but politics

I have included a weather link on the right bar so people can be better aware of the reason I live in Brisbane. A sub-tropical city on the east coast of Australia the only issue about weather is will tomorrow be like paradise or just perfect. However, each winter, the temperature does drop to single figure celcius for about two weeks and when it does the family get nervous and/or just wait for me to start ranting about moving to Cairns, a tropical city a thousand miles north of here and definitely Tropical. Why do kids roll their eyes like that? Old soldiers prefer warmer climes. Something to do with osteoarthritis – a medical term for aches and pains associated with years of sleeping on the ground in not-so-warm climates. pool.gif So you can all feel sorry for me I have included a picture of the view from my home office. This nice little set-up is fiercely guarded by Holly, the Golden Retriever on sentry duty half hidden behind the chair. I feel so secure. The patio roof sheeting (the shiny stuf at the top of the pic) is insulated with 50mm of a foam not unlike cold-room material. The cold room insulation has been modified in Queensland to try and tame the power of the sun. Last Christmas the temperature was 10 degrees celcius less under the patio than out in the sun and it was still mid 30s under. For those who live in snow-bound climates like northern Europe, and some of my readers do, you may find it hard to believe, but in December and January the pool is too hot to swim in and we have to provide shade over the pool to cool the water down. rainbow.jpg If I get bored at home I can always tavel about 90 minutes north and arrive at the southern end of this shitty little beach. From the point, one can drive south (towards the top left hand corner in the pic) along an almost deserted beach (50 to 100 m wide at low tide) for about 60 km. Fish, swim, camp, drink or just sit there and get overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. Count my blessings…feel better now.

Legacy Week

Very busy with Legacy this week but hope to be free sometime tomorrow morning to comment and watch the Left wind up for a huge dummy-spit on Saturday night. Legacy, that organization that looks after the widows and children of deceased veterans is planning an auction of militaria to be held at 41 Merivale Street South Brisbane, QLD 4101 (07) 3846 4299, on Sunday 17 Oct. One lot caught my eye…
Dagger – Japanese Kamikaze Dagger. Has very old ancestoral blade C1850. Pilot’s name in panel on sheath with red ‘Rising Sun’ & “Kamikaze” on reverse. Brass Naval symbols on hilt. From estate of CPO Percy Ross, on HMAS Nizam at Phillipines Invasion.
Like, how many ‘Kamakaze’ daggers would there be left in the world? They should all be melted somewhere in the Pacific..a part of the wreck of a US or Aussie destroyer or simply at the bottom of the sea. Phone (07) 3846 4299 for more details. Legacy accept phone bidding and will gladly send you a catalogue if your not local. If you are local drop in. I manage the database and catalogue so I can promise you over 500 lots of Australian military history. I’m prepared to bet that the God of rational thought will prevail on Saturday and send the Coalition back to the treasury benches. The lesser gods of hedonism and socialism will have to take a backseat for another parliament. I’m standing by for a deluge of ‘Just how stupid are the voters’ on Sunday. Should be fun.

Surprise: The Press love Latham

Nick Leys, the source of Strewths ‘make Howard look bad’ style of reporting waxes philosophically about how the press love Latham. He says it as if it had never occurred to us conservatives that for generations the Journalist departments of Australian universities have been turning out Left Wing little echoes. I’m told by my friends in Academia that UQ were once so embarrassed about their Journalist school that even they downgraded the department.
THE Biff Factor ? Mark Latham’s friendly and down-to-earth approach ? has proved a key difference in campaigning styles between the opposing leaders. Biff’s youthful and energetic team regularly socialise with the press pack, while the Rodent’s people are more aloof. Biff has made a habit of dining with the reptiles once a week in whatever city he is in. Last night it was a Thai restaurant in Brisbane, which pleased some hacks who are sick of Labor’s penchant for deep-fried Chinese. The dinners are off the record and a chance for Biff and the media to shoot the breeze about anything. As one photographer said, it’s a good chance to ask Biff all the really important things, “like why is he a St George supporter when he grew up in the western suburbs”.
Can’t you just picture the camaraderie as the Journos and the Labour hacks sit there drinking chardonnay, eating Thai and giggling like undergrads at the stupidity of the voters who still can’t see their collective wisdom. With every utterance from Howard analyzed to the 6th degree and Latham getting a free ride with minimal efforts to critically assess his promises and throw away lines, the thing that they miss is that the voting public don’t miss the fact that Latham’s promises are still just that – promises from someone who has yet to be put under the hammer.

I don’t buy it but the Italians do

It would appear that the Italian Government has paid $1.4 mil ransome to get Simona Torretta and Simona Pari released from their Iraqi kidnappers.
Despite an official government denial, a leading parliament member said he believed Italy had handed over about $US1 million ($1.4 million) to secure their freedom.
$1.4 million buys a hell of a lot of AK47s and RPGs. I hope they’re not used to kill some of the 3000 Italion troops in Iraq. The girls are all sweet and happy about their kidnappers who;
…taught us and wanted to teach us about the principles of Islam,” Ms Torretta said. “They never touched us. They treated us with great dignity.”
How lucky is that. Of all of the thousands of potential Kidnappers that are roaming about in Iraq these days, these girls were taken by what must be the only group ever to talk of dignity, ask for a pardon and express understanding. Instead of the standard operating procedure of slitting their throats these girls got love and cuddles. I don’t buy it.
“They understood the work we did” for a volunteer group in Iraq, she told reporters. Later, the Italian news agency ANSA quoted her as saying the kidnappers eventually asked for pardon.
Ok, what aren’t we being told.

Terrorist caught out

Terrorist Ivan Molloy gets ALP preselection for the seat of Fairfax (Sunshine Coast).
LABOR candidate Ivan Molloy posed with a machine gun supplied by Muslim extremists and has said Australia should be turning its military on both itself and the US. (the ‘machine gun’ is actually an M16 assualt rifle) Dr Molloy has also claimed Muslim guerilla groups should not be labelled terrorists. The group he posed with in the Philippines in 1983 has recently been linked by Washington to Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network
Molloy Great picture. Says it all.
Dr Molloy, an academic at the University of the Sunshine Coast, posted on an Internet chat room in April 2002: “I have spent much time in Asia and Central America researching and supporting many popular struggles against oppression.
Isn’t there a law against people holding public office and supporting the enemy at the same time? Oops. I forgot. The precedent has already been set by the the ALP when Jim Cairns held a seat on the USSR local council and the position of deputy PM at the same time. Guess it’s ok if your ALP. And some people want to give them another chance at government.

Hibernation for Infantry

This article from the Australian grabs my interest and suggests a solution for a lot of problems suffered by Infantry and defence forces generally
THE Pentagon is excited about research at a Queensland university showing that soldiers injured on the battlefield can be put into hibernation until specialist medical treatment becomes available.
It is estimated that 90 per cent of soldier deaths occur because of shock before they can get proper treatment.
I go along with that. Having been an infantryman in a war zone I have seen and been aware of many time-based deaths from battle casualties. As is always the case the time between the wound and theatre pre-op is paramount. Civilians would be surprised by the number of deaths that occur in the chopper on the way to the field hospitals. 38_7A_1_jpg.jpg A soldier from 7RAR being dusted off in South Vietnam The photo was taken by Andy Mattay who died this year from cancer. RIP Andy. I wonder if we couldn’t hibernate for longer. It took me years to get my strength back after Vietnam and even then it was touchy. Damage to my skeletal frame from the sheer drudgery of carrying a battle pack with ammo left me with pemanent problems. I’ve also long claimed that PTSD, although battle based, was exacerbated by the left wing sub-humans who abused us when we came home. Maybe a couple of years hibernation until the scum settled would have helped a lot of diggers. Whatever, the research work bodes well for those of us who choose to take the harder, yet more satisfying, road to retirement.

Adams takes a Marxist View

Philip Adams does a quick take on Howard’s surplus allocation.
And there’s Howard, acting as if all that accumulated moolah belongs to him and that we should be immensely grateful if he gives some of it back. Moreover, we should express our gratitude by voting for him.
Actually, I see it as Howard acting as if the money does belongs to us and he is allocating it in a manner that he figures will best answer our needs. This is one of the things we pay him to do and if he does it well we re-elect him. He knows that, we know that but Philip has to put a negative spin on it. I thought you guys hated surpluses, claiming that the money belongs to the voters and should be spent on us. Well, that’s what Howard is doing. You don?t have to be a Marxist to take offence but it helps.
My complaint concerns prime ministerial chutzpah — for pretending, for daring to suggest, that it is his efforts, and those of Costello, that have made Australia wealthy. You don’t have to be a Marxist to take offence at this topsy-turvy view of how wealth accumulates in a federal treasury.
Poor Philip. Can’t come to grips with the fact that the Coalition run a good economy. Our economy is in good health due to the efforts of Howard/Costello. If it was a Labour government that had delivered lower unemployment, low interest rates and unprecedented growth over three terms then Philip would be beside himself positively spinning the superlatives. Still, Philip does serve a purpose, even if it is only to underline the thought process of the dark forces.
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