Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Honour and Honesty ‘Deep Throated”

The daughter of the former FBI agent who was revealed this week as Deep Throat has acknowledged that money played a role in the family’s decision to go public. Grandson Nick, heads for similar career based on honour and honesty.
“My son, Nick, is in law school and he’ll owe $US100,000 ($A132,500) by the time he graduates,” she said. “I am still a single mum, still supporting them to one degree or another, and I am not ashamed of this.”
Dad’s weak at the moment, let’s go talk to him.
Joan Felt said her father suffered a stroke in 2001 and has undergone surgery for heart problems and a broken hip but is still lucid.
Daughter gets him in a weak moment and now he believes that he was a hero.
“We had to help him see that most of the world now considers what he did heroic,” she said. “At the time it was happening, he wouldn’t have gotten that percentage of support, but history has shown it was so important what he did.”
I’m no fan of Tricky Dicky but I am of institutions, Official Secrets Acts and outwardly (at least) apolitical Public Servants and holders of high office. Doubtful motivation to the end.

A Thing of Beauty

Beauty is definitely in the eyes of the beholder. Sunsets, small children, flowers on a desert, a pretty girl. they’re all fine, but to me, this is beauty. Aesthetic, streamlined (in a rotweillor sort of way), powerful and a ‘toys for boys’ outright winner. I give you the Tiger chopper coming on-line in the Australian Defence inventory. Tiger

Vale Mike Reed

Mike Reed of Bunker Mulligan fame has passed away from a heart attack at the untimely age of 52. I’ve read his blog daily for some time now and although not interested in his passion with golf, I was vitally interested in his wisdom and life’s experiences. He will be missed from the scene and I will miss his comments and emails. Rest in peace, Mike.

Ripley’s ‘Believe it, or not”

THE MUSLIM HOLY BOOK, THE KORAN, HAS BEEN MISTREATED AT THE US DETENTION CAMP IN CUBA. Oh My God! Read of the evil guards and their horrific crimes against humanity here.
In one instance on July 25, 2003, a “contract interrogator” apologised to a detainee for stepping on the detainee’s Koran. The reports says the detainee accepted the apology and agreed to tell other detainees who had started to protest over the incident.
So the Koran was most probably on the cell floor and the guard inadvertantly stepped on it.
In another incident on August 21, 2003, a detainee, who could speak some English, complained a two-word obscenity had been written into his English version of the Koran. The report said it could not be established who desecrated the Koran in that case. “It is possible that a guard committed this act; it is equally possible that the detainee wrote in his own Koran,” the military report says.
And…..?? (waiting for someone to tell me the point of this)
In another case, a guard’s urine splashed on a detainee and his Koran. Southern Command said a guard urinated near an air vent and “the wind blew his urine through the vent” and on to a detainee and his Koran. The guard was reprimanded and assigned to a different duty that meant he had no contact with detainees for the rest of his assignment at Guantanamo.
As above. This is it! That’s the best they can do. Is that their counter to decapitation and suicide bombers. Have press and other forces of darkness pushed the US military so far that they are now gun shy about anything that can be classified as ‘abuse’. The people incarcerated in Cuba are happy, and in fact and practice, besides themselves, when given the opportunity to slit some innocents throat or blow up woman and kids and we are apologising for inadvertantly stepping on a their Koran that they left on the floor. Is this a propaganda coup for the dark forces or not? Has the world turned on it’s head, or what? I simply can’t believe the story warranted column inches anywhere, let alone in a national newspaper. Someone needs to get some testosterone here and tell the press to shut up and get a grip on reality and when questioned about such trivia, Military spokesmen should laugh, say “Yeah, whatever”, and walk away. People making a meal out of these crumbs shouldn’t be given any oxygen. Arabnews wants the officers brought to trial..really
JEDDAH, 6 June 2005 — The 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) yesterday urged the United States to bring the officers responsible for the desecration of the Holy Qur’an to immediate justice.
Did the conference agenda cover any other crimes against humanity, like suicide bombers? Most probably not. They would be saying the US is weakened by their own media, lets keep attacking.

The strangest of spams

Received this email this morning and spent some time searching the net for confirmation Found none….Zilch…. Zero…as you all know. Received another copy this afternoon from a different woman but the same text.
Turn on your TV. Osama Bin Laden has been captured. While CNN has no pictures at this point of time, the military channel (PPV) released some pictures. I managed to capture a couple of these pictures off my TV. Ive attached a slideshow containing all the pictures I managed to capture. I apologize for the low quality, its the best I could do at this point of time. Hopefully CNN will have pictures and a video soon. God bless the USA!
Both emails kicked back when I tried to reply. Has anyone else been so inflicted? What on earth is their purpose?

Joy riding again

The young Melbourne teenager who was convicted recently of stealing a tram is now being questioned about the theft of a school bus. He’s 15 now and in two years will be able to get his licence and won’t have any further need to ‘take‘ public transport. If he’s not in gaol.

The plot thickens

A SUSPICIOUS package has been found at Parliament House in Canberra.
An ACT police spokesman said officers were at the scene inspecting the package, which was found at the loading dock in the car park of the parliament complex.
More info when available UPDATE: The Australian has a further report here

Corby Circus low act

How sad that someone in this country can stoop as low as sending a threatening parcel to the Indonesian Embassy. The lower end of the Corby Circus need to chill down a bit before irrepairable damage is done to the already fragile Australian/Indonesian relationship. Check here to see how far we have fallen. UPDATE: Arabnews raises a reasonable point in their take on the Corby/Indonesian Embassy obscenity UPDATE II: Conspiray theorists are asking “look to who benefits from deteriating Aussie/Indon relationships” suggesting it’s a JI plot. Not to sure about that one but anything is believable in the absence of evidence. The answer to “What is the source of the white powder” will be telling. It’s not exactly a supermarket item. Early days yet. UPDATE III: have opened a comments page for people to have their say. Makes interesting reading
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