Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.


The ALP are making some positive moves for a change. Beasley is veering to the centre according to Dennis Shanahan in todays Oz
Labor’s pragmatic new approach will build on policy proposals from frontbenchers to move Labor away from the Left and towards the Centre on key issues.
Good move Kim. Keep it up and you might even make the ALP a viable opposition. On the subject of IR Reforms Mr Beazley said it was “bit premature”, since the Government’s reforms weren’t yet public, to say in detail what he would be doing. Good point which the ACTU have missed in spades. Their adds have had an impact on Howards popularity even though they are based on supposition and emotive language. Some people will believe anything that puts Howard in a negative light and others, with little real understanding of politics, will believe any lie that is repeated often enough. The ALP/ACTU are fighting in the courts to prevent the governments IR add campaign going to air. Well they would, wouldn’t they. Can’t have the people informed on the issue…they may see the value of reforms. Much is being made of the fact that the government is using public funds for the adds. I’m cool with that – it’s an important issue and we need to be fully informed. As an aside, while driving from Coonabarabran to Brisbane yesterday I was listening to the ABC doing their best to make Howard look dumb. Professor Ian Lowe from Griffith Uni (GRIFTAFE to my QUT degreed kids) has taken over the chair from Garret at the Australian Conservation Foundation. Talking about Kyoto and Australia’s refusal to sign he stated it wasn’t ideological, it was just that Howard was too stupid to understand the science of global warming. He didn’t actually use the word ‘stupid’ but said he had never seen any indication that Howard understood the issue. Such arrogance and abysmal lack of understanding of broader issues seems to be the norm with professors. The two others on the panel were beside themselves with undergrad snide comments about Howard. I’s good to be back from domestic duties in WA where I was obliged, by way being the only son, to set my aging Mother in a home and clear up 86 years of writings, letters, photos, books, furniture and paintings from the family home in preparation for sale. Duty done now I’m back home and can concentrate on my interests.

Drunk WO gets compo

My old sloppy journalist mate Luke McIlveen reports Court rules soldier be compensated for fall
A DRUNK army officer who injured himself falling out of a barracks window should be compensated like any soldier wounded in the line of duty, the High Court ruled yesterday.
Luke, the guy is or was a drunk army warrant officer, not officer and before anyone gets up me for being a snob, I’ve never met a Warrant Officer who answers to ‘officer’. Warrant Officer is an esteemed rank and getting it wrong is poor journalism. Having said all that I disagree vehemently with people getting compensation for injury whilst drunk unless the injuring party is someone else. Once people reach adulthood they are reponsible for their own actions and if they injure themselves as a direct action of their own making then that’s their problem. I grew up in the same military society that Jure Jack Roncevich did and do not accept that the drinking mentality is forced on anyone. There were occasions, when I was a sergeant of infantry when the Regimental Sergeant Major locked the bar at a formal dinner and said ‘all stay until I go’. Fair enough, it’s his mess but when I got home at 0400 my wife didn’t quiet see it that way and that’s fair enough as well. I once had a vehicle accident whilst so inflicted and it never occured to me to seek compo – it was my problem…self inflicted as it were and that’s the way it is.
The High Court ruled that just because Mr Roncevich had drunk “a large quantity of beer” in the hours before the accident it did not mean he should be denied compensation. The ruling ends a 20-year legal battle for Mr Roncevich, who now lives in the Northern Territory.
Once again I find myself disagreeing with the High Court.


Barnaby Joyce has become a headline himself – just use his christian name and every one knows who and what. The press are having a field day. In the absence of a viable opposition they have to find doom and gloom for the government where they can. Barnaby Joyce and his confused stance on politics have given them the opening. Letters to the editor are illuminating as to how many do not understand party politics. Even one of my ex commanders, Barry Caligari, now living in Yungaburra thinks every politician should be an independant.
NO, Mr Howard. First loyalty to any party is a dictatorship, while first loyalty to an electorate distinguishes a democracy. Unfortunately, party leaders often confuse the subtle difference.
Beg to differ, Sir, but Barnaby was elected as a Senator for Queensland and while he is obliged to do what is best for the state of Queensland, that often translates as a part of policy that dictates what is best for the nation. In addition, the final sum on what is good for the state of Queensland needs imput from more than just Barnaby’s experience. It in fact, needs input from the party room where what is best for each locality or state is balanced against the greater need of the country. If we start giving handouts to every local problem then we are managing piecemeal and that is not the game. If Barnaby was a ALP Politician and said the words ‘cross the floor’ he would be labelled ‘Rat’, disenfranchised and he would be pilloried, not the party. Lively politics is good and Barnaby will slowly see the need to be a part of a winning team rather than a loosing individual. It happens in every new parliament and all the senior players are well versed on the process and contrary to all the Howard haters in the Australian today, it is democracy in action. Just enjoy it while Barnaby enjoys his fifteen minutes of fame.

Petrol-sniffing looks coroner in eye

And he breaks down! I don’t know about you but I would like to think that someone chosen to head up a coronial inquest could face the problems without breaking into tears and walking away. The pic with the article has Greg Cavanagh being consoled by deputy Helen Roberts. It was all too much for him so he eventually returned and promptly adjourned the inquiry. They need help not tears. The mother of the lad that sniffed in front of Greg and caused such abject misery, Ms Goodwin, wipes a tear from her eyes and says;
… [my] son had been sniffing a “long, long time”. “We can’t stop nothing,” she said. “When they sniff, they don’t listen to mother, father, family.”
So stop him sniffing, ban petrol in the community, lock him up, try discipline – try anything but don’t just sit there and cry.

Ducks and Quails saved

DUCK and quail hunting have been banned in Queensland in a move welcomed by animal welfare groups.
Environment Minister Desley Boyle today announced a permanent ban, saying she was contacted 700 times in the past year on duck hunting and only 15 of those were in favour of the practice.
There’s the formulae guys, it doesn’t take long to organize 700 letters/emails on any subject and you too can enjoy the power of governing by protest. Ministers falling on their swords all over Queensland so let’s introduce a measure to pick up a few animal rights votes and take everyones attention off the resignations. Government by protest…way to go.

Howard, me and most everybody else sceptical over IRA killers’ offer

The Irish Republican Army were terrorists who murdered people and there was nothing heroic about their struggle, Prime Minister John Howard said today. The IRA yesterday announced its militants had been instructed to abandon their weapons, “end the armed campaign” and pursue their aims through the political process, from 4pm (0100 AEST on Friday). I’ll believe them when they add….and all our weapons will be dumped centrally and destroyed publically.

Unions lose bid to stop $20m IR ad blitz

Federal Labor and the ACTU have lost an interim legal bid to have government advertisements promoting industrial relations reform taken off air. Bit rough, isn’t it..not being allowed to stop the other side put their point of view? How disappointing it must be that the government will be able to counter their emotive lies and exaggerations.

Federal Court drums up business for Lawyer mates

The Australian reports the Federal Government could not deport asylum seekers unless it proved their country of origin was safe, the Federal Court has ruled. The ruling means more than 1000 asylum seekers facing deportation might be able to stay in Australia.
The decision by justices Murray Wilcox, Rodney Madgwick and Bruce Lander means temporary protection visa (TPV) holders will no longer be forced to prove their refugee status when their three-year visa expires and they could instead be issued with a permanent visa.
Why does the writer presume it means they might be able to stay in Australia. I would have thought the government would appeal to a get the decision reversed so they can deport asylum seekers as they see fit. Remember…we decide who stays, not Murray, Rodney and Bruce.
“There’s a few thousand in that position of not yet having been granted the permanent visa.” Refugee lawyer David Manne doubted there would be a flood of other cases but said it gave hope to hundreds of people seeking permanent residency in Australia.
It also gives hope to dozens of lawyers who have private school bills due and one year old BMWs to update.

Shoot to kill!

Kim Beasley tries to make political mileage from the police shooting in London.
Opposition Leader Kim Beazley says there is no need to give Australian police shoot to kill powers as part of a counter-terrorism strategy.
The London incident was most unfortunate but shouldn’t cloud our perspective. If the police have a terrorist in sight with a clear intention of exploding himself I would expect them to shoot to kill. Only fools brought up on Hollywood movies where the police shoot to wound a perpetrator believe this would stop a terrorist. The suicidal terrorist, if left conscience, will still detonate his explosive message. I guess, if Kim is ever in the situation close to a terrorist about to detonate himself, he will demand the police read him his rights, consult with the UN and the ALP before doing anything aggressive.

Protestors block coal port

This article from highlights another group of terrorists severely damaging Australia’s interests
POLICE are negotiating with a group of environmental activists who have blocked Newcastle’s coal port with their flagship in a bid to highlight Australia’s role in global warming.
Negotiating!!! At what stage are the Navy allowed to force free access to a major port?
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