Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Diggers in strife….sort of

DEFENCE chief Angus Houston has ordered a full investigation into video images posted on the internet showing skylarking Australian soldiers in Baghdad brandishing weapons. I was alerted to this yesterday with receipt of a Defence Media release that the Australian used as a basis for their front page ‘serious news’ type headlines. OK, slightly off-key, a bit tacky, maybe not very professional but all indications are that it is really a minor misdemeanor and should be handled at company/Major level and certainly shouldn’t be remanded past the Commanding Officer. Brig Jim Wallace, ex SASR officer and now a devoted christian sees it this way as well while predicably, a ‘never heard of him before’ academic, has been assailed in his ivory tower by the ABC to put the episode and Defence in a poor light. He meets the requirement by stating;
… the offensive videos at the centre of the latest army scandal show soldiers see themselves as separate from the rest of the community. The soldiers found responsible for the video, in which one holds a gun to the head of a man in Arab dress and another is shown quickdrawing his handgun, could be thrown out of the army.
Identified as Social researcher at Flinders University and former infantry soldier Dr Ben Wadham he reiterates his point;
“Trophy shots are like an artefact of military culture – they show us that the military sees itself as separate from the broader community,” he said.
I wonder what regiment Ben served in….I’ve got a quid it was the local University Regiment as he gives the impression of considering himself a far more worthy person than us common infantrymen. A bit tacky, as Ive said but it really doesn’t warrant headlines unless balanced with articles on the pressures that these guys operate under. A beat-up. UPDATE: CB has supplied the good doctor’s resume in comments Nothing there to change my original thoughts. UPDATE I: The good doctor has commented and I withdraw the put-down “I’ve got a quid it was the local University” as has seen real service in 2/4RAR.  (read comments)

Research ‘blames West for terror’

TERRORISM research in Australia is skewed towards the concept that Western policies are to blame and fails to explore fundamental questions about the nature of terrorists and the ideology driving them. University of Queensland terrorism researchers Carl Ungerer, a foreign affairs and national security adviser to former federal Labor leader Simon Crean, and David Martin Jones yesterday criticised the direction of terrorism research in Australia for ignoring the role of radical Islamism in breeding terrorists.
ARC chief executive Peter Hoj was forced to defend the council’s funding of terrorism research earlier this week after a Flinders University sociologist, Riaz Hassan, awarded more than $800,000 to study suicide terrorism, proposed to interview terrorist leaders.
What a novel approach. I can’t imagine why Churchill didn’t think to interviw Hitler to try and work out why he was at war with Germany. What was Riaz Hassan going to do – Phone up Osama’s PA and request an interview? Clearly, the 800 grand would be better spent building an assylum for socialologists to keep them out of harms way

Viagra spammer ‘sent 2b emails’

An Australian man is being investigated for sending more than 2 billion spam emails, most of them promoting Viagra. And, it seems, most of them landed on my computer even though the report claims they were mostly targeted at Dutch computers.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) said it had received a tip off from Dutch authorities that an Australian male resident was responsible for the flood of spam hitting computer servers located in Holland.
Penalties can exceed a million per day;
The ACMA said penalties for contravention of the Spam Act include fines of up to $220,000 per day for first-time corporate offenders and up to $1.1 million per day for repeat offenders.
But surprisingly do not include being keel hauled whilst trussed up with USB cables after having being forced to overdose on viagra. Pity!

Combat Pay

A small article in the Courier Mail highlights combat pay rates for Aussies overseas (no link)
The federal Government will review the pay and conditions of Commandos serving in Afghanistan who are paid $28,000 less a year than their SAS comrades. Their skill levels are about 90% of those of an SAS soldier but they are paid a Special Operation Allowance of only #12,880 a year or $247 a week. SAS troops receive a Special Actions Forces Allowance of $40,979 a year of $788 a week.
Travel overseas for free, get given uniforms and a huge range of Ultimate Boy’s Toys to play with and then meet lots of interesting people and get to shoot at some of them. Tons of fun plus receive an allowance of near $800 a week over and above your salary all with serious tax concessions. Great job…can’t understand why recruiting is down. As an historical point, I seem to recall everyone in Vietnam got the same combat pay although base pay rates varied and that combat pay would buy 4 packets of cigarettes a week in todays shops. And for those readers who never understand when I’m being flippant, they all deserve every penny they get….I’m just jealous. I wonder what our allies are getting? Does any reader know?

Six of the Bali Nine now headed for the bullet

Downer on six of the Bali Nine drug trafficers being set for the death sentence after an appeal raised their life sentences to death by firing squad. Downer said he was surprised that the convicts’ lawyers were not the first to be advised and that the Supreme Court had opted for more serious sentences than the prosecutors requested.
“In terms of the procedures, I must say they have been, to say the least, a little unusual in that the first we heard about this was through the media,” Downer said. “The Indonesian Supreme Court’s clearly taken the view that trafficking in heroin is a profoundly grave offense,” he added.
I have no great problems with that but I would just like them to take the view that mass murdering innocents a la Bali is likewise a profoundly grave offence.

Breaking news

THE Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, is dead. has the initial report

He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It is understood he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest.

He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary and that’s when it occured.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas.

News Flash tip from daughter Liz

Muslim Integration

JOHN Howard has singled out Muslim migrants for refusing to embrace Australian values and urged them to fully integrate by treating women as equals and learning to speak English.
Mr Howard said: “There is a section, a small section of the Islamic population, and I say a small section … which is very resistant to integration.
He’s right. The comments prompted a fierce reaction from young female Islamic leader Iktimal Hage-Ali, a member of the Prime Minister’s advisory group. She accused Mr Howard of threatening to further marginalise Muslims. “There’s no value in pointing out the minority of the Muslim group,” she said.
“There’s a whole lot of other ethnic communities whose parents, whose grandparents don’t speak the English language, and it’s never a problem in the mainstream Australian community for them to go on living their everyday life without speaking the language.
Iktimal Hage-Ali needs to come to grips with the fact that Islam has the monopoly on terrorism.  The one common factor through all of the carnage throughout the world is ‘Islam’.  The terrorists are all either born or converts to Islam and that fact alone needs separate considerations.  Too many of the Muslims migrating here publicly put down on our way of life or stand silent as others do. Physician, heal thyself.

The magic missile II

The status of the missile is now clearly defined as having the software and mechanics to deploy a cross-tip screwdriver mid-flight to remove the top central air vent before entering the vehicle for final demolition.Some punters writing to the Australian editor clearly have not grasped where the media world is heading with one Luddite questioning Downer believing blogs before the Red Cross in Lebanon.
WHEN it comes to holes in ambulance roofs, Alexander Downer would rather believe a US-based blogger rather than the Red Cross in Lebanon. This is just more of the same from a person who took us into the Iraq fiasco for non-existent WMDs and can’t remember anything about Australian companies bribing Saddam Hussein. Iain Lygo Anglesea, Vic
Quite smart of Downers’s advisors really but then obvioulsy all of Iain’s rationale is founded on the basic premise that everything Howard/ Downer does is wrong anyway. Try to broaden your reading Iain – you might learn something. Andrew from Tasmania has a similar viewpoint.  In fact both letters smack of the Editor having a anti Howard/Downer (insert today’s events) software package that just churns this shit out.
THAT websurfing is dangerous, addictive and extremely time-consuming is clearly proven when our Foreign Minister relies on a blogsite report to make a statement on the war in Lebanon, yet has no time to read emails, faxes and cables with dire warnings about AWB’s dealings with Saddam Hussein. Andrew Wyminga Bicheno, Tas
Anyone who reads the Zombie report in full and thinks it doesn’t raise questions is far too blinkered by ideology to accept the fact that people like Martin Chulov have agendas to put Israel in a bad light and the terrorists on a pedastal. Common sense eventually prevails with Tony Parkinson, Downer’s media advisor, nailing the issue.     

The magic missile

Not surprisingly the left have attacked an article that raise questions about the ambulance supposedly hit by an Israeli missile during the most recent Middle East war.  When Downer quoted the article on Zombie it was just too much for them.
“What concerns me greatly is the evidence of dishonesty in the reporting out of Lebanon,” Downer said, adding later that “it is beyond serious dispute that this episode has all the makings of a hoax”.
The Australian carries a piece by Martin Chulov who has never met an anti-Israel that he didn’t like, who in retaliation merely recycles the original propaganda quoting locals as if they haven’t got an agenda.

I was in Tyre on the night of the attack and investigated the incident closely the next day. On July 24, with photographer Stewart Innes, we spoke to Qassem Shalin, who was recovering from a minor wound to his chin that nurses had bandaged to stop it from turning septic. We also visited Ahmed Mohammed Fawaz, whose lower left leg had been amputated and whose severe burns ironically had saved his life by sealing blood vessels and arteries. His son writhed in pain nearby, his stomach riddled with shrapnel and the rear of his scalp opened up.

OK, emotive but it doesn’t prove they received their injuries in the ambulance and visiting the alleged ambulance the next day doesn’t do much for his case either.

The original issue of the story showed the ambulance with a neat hole in the centre of the roof as proof of an Israeli missile strike and whereas the the vehicle could’ve taken a hit, it was much earlier than claimed and was, if anything, an airburst.  No missile entered that vehicle and exploded and after 25 years in the army I can confidentially state that’s a ballistic fact.

Chulov says he visited Qassem Shalin (Shaalan in a Times piece) who has been quoted as saying the missile punched a hole in the roof, as if that is proof positive of the event.  He  said so, ergo, it is true, is hardly proof positive.

We know that this type of propaganda is a terrorist tactic; they’ve done it before and will do it again and why not if the press accept it at face value.

It works.  The majority of the press believe it because they want to and the mug punters cop it as they get all their news from Channel Nine or similar and never question what a prima donna talking head says.

The tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

It all started with a $77.00 speeding fine and has mushroomed to a reputation destroying journey through the press. Marcus Einfield, once a hero of the human rights mob, has put into practice what he preached….life is all about rights, not responsibilities.
He claimed someone else was driving his car on the day in question…oops she died three years before the event. He claimed qualifications from a US degree factory…you know the type….send us $5,000 and we’ll send you a degree.  Ooops….poor form. He claimes he was a director of Marks and Spencer Ltd London when only in his 30s…..oops they can’t find any record of him.
It get’s worse.  Einflied’s mouthpiece got caught out with an ex legal secretary, now prostitute, paying $500 per horizontal dance and further muddied the waters. The woman, who didn’t really change careers, just formalized the one, had her 15 minutes of fame attracting more interest in the case. The original $77.00 fine has mushroomed to a potentially hefty legal bill.
Mr Einfeld also took steps this week to expand the capacity of his legal team. A junior barrister is being recruited to assist Sydney silk Winston Terracini, and Mr Ryan has been replaced by solicitor Tim Quinn of law firm Colin Daley Quinn, which is based in the southern Sydney suburb of Kogarah.
Should the police inquiry go against Mr Einfeld, he risks being charged with making a false statement on oath, which carries a penalty of five years in prison. At what stage do you think he might have come to the realization that copping the $77.00 fine would have been by far the best solution? In his case, obviously too late.
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