Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Green hypocrisy

GREENPEACE is calling on the Institute of Public Affairs to donate any money it wins to a climate change charity, if it’s awarded a prize for its role in killing the carbon tax. THE environmental group has hit out at the right-wing think tank after learning that it was a finalist for the $US100,000 ($A142,680) Templeton Freedom Award for its anti-carbon tax campaign.
“Since its removal following the lies and smear campaign by the IPA and others, emissions have massively increased, polluters are largely free to pollute again, and Australia is further isolating itself from almost every other economy on the planet who are doing the exact opposite, and there’s a prize for that?” Greenpeace Australia chief executive David Ritter said.
I’m calling on Greenpeace and their Australian subsidiary, the Greens, to donate any money received in their lies and smear campaign to the Australian treasury to start paying back the billions of dollars they have cost the nation.   They could start by donating the $1.6 million they got from WOTIF owner Graeme Wood. They played a major part in the development of Desalination plants that cost billions to build but now mostly sit idle costing millions a year in maintenance; they have stopped mining development all over Australia as part of their campaign to close down the coal mining industry and that has cost the nation billions; they have stopped the building of dams effecting  agricultural and city water needs and generally do their best to stuff up the economy. They owe Australia big time  

Veteran’s matters

Busy days.  Last week at Coolangatta I commemorated the loss of my mates in South Vietnam with members of the platoon. As Recce Platoon, 7RAR we spent a year conducting long range patrols  and took a lot of casualties from mines and AK 47s. We get together every year on the anniversary of one our mate’s death in action and remember them all.  We are together for a week and it is great to recharge the batteries. It reminds me that friendship’s formed in battle and the losses we suffered are forever. A weekend with grandkids and back to work at a three day seminar with the Royal Australian Regiment Association where we try and do better at looking after our less fortunate veteran mates. Senator Michael Ronaldson, Minister of Veteran’s Affairs, shared his thoughts under Chatham House rules and he was followed by Craig Orme from DVA. I was impressed with both of them.  With their compassion, professionalism and determination to improve the lot of veterans. They handled the crusty old soldier audience with aplomb considering there were star ranks abound (not me, of course – I only made Major) From commemorating my mates death in action to attending a seminar aimed at helping those of us who survived, is taxing but ultimately motivational as you spend days concentrating on the less fortunate and realize there are agencies who are lining up to help and that any personal problems you think you might have,  pale into insignificance compared with others. Of course, after all day conferencing, the time comes to relax and this week gave me cause to remember that some of these older warriors have a tremendous ability to consume beer and red wine as we literally discuss the history of the Regiment from Morotai (where the Regiment was formed in 1948) through to Iraq. The unofficial history, that is. The history that never gets written down. We military have Chatham House rules as well. Heady days – now back to work.  

Secret missions

At the height of the Vietnam War, John Ali was in a team of truck drivers recruited on the orders of the then army minister Malcolm Fraser for a secret mission delivering military supplies deep into Cambodia where US and Australian forces were officially not supposed to be. Hmm
Greens senator Penny Wright told parliament last night that Mr Ali’s treatment by successive governments was shameful. He suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and lives with the debilitating effects of his experiences in Vietnam and Cambodia, Senator Wright said. “He jumps at the sound of thunder and takes about 20 tablets a day.”
Greens senator Penny Wright. Hmmm. I wonder why Malcolm Fraser didn’t use the thousands of soldiers already in country and subject to military law. And don’t think because we weren’t supposed to be in Cambodia that we weren’t. It’s one thing to convince a Greens Senator of outlandish claims. Let’s face it,  they believe that the Earth is doomed unless we spend hundreds of billions of dollars and otherwise ruin the economy by locking coal in the ground, but it’s another matter entirely to  convince the DVA and us skeptical old soldiers. If he wasn’t in the military then any compensation is a matter for other government bodies, not the DVA.  He could try talking to Malcolm Fraser to confirm the story.  Oh hang on, he’s dead. I’m surprised his problems only came to light after Malcolm was interred. Really surprised.

Radical gay campaign continues

Malcolm Turnbull has publicly come out against the position of Tony Abbott and the Coalition party room on the question of a national same-sex marriage plebiscite.
The Communications Minister, a prominent advocate of same-sex marriage, warned the Prime Minister’s strong disposition for a public vote would become an incessant distraction for the Coalition in the lead-up to the next election and into the next term of parliament.
“One of the attractions of a free vote is it would have meant the matter would be resolved in this parliament, one way or another, in a couple of weeks,”
The main attraction of a free vote is it could possibly pass.
“The reason I have not advocated a plebiscite after the next election is that it would mean that this issue is a live issue all the way up to the next election and indeed at the next election, and if we are returned to office, it will be a very live issue in the lead-up to the plebiscite itself.
The reason that he doesn’t like the idea of a plebiscite is that if the people get a vote, it will not pass and he knows it. Seriously Malcolm, just resign and go back to Labor.

AFL forget what it’s all about

Here’s an idea AFL. Stop bringing politics into sport. If I want politics I’ll access it through the media.  When I watch football, I just want to watch football.  I don’t want to get involved in whatever indigenous activism is cool this week.  I don’t care if the players are black, white or brindle.  They are just good athletes and a joy to watch.  Or they were until you brought in racism. Apparently this week is Multicultural Round.  There you go again – it’s supposed to be about football, nothing more, nothing less. Let me know when you get the message and I’ll start watching again Oh, and another thing – threatening Aussies with dire treatment if they boo Sooky la la Goodes tonight will most probably guarantee more booing.  

Green Filth

A SHY lizard and a threatened snake have brought plans for Australia’s largest mine to a halt. How can this be allowed to happen!  As if it wasn’t bad enough that during the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government, when Greens collected for their preferences and cost the country billions, we are still hamstrung by their insidious Green tape. Australia is currently a terrible place to do business and the dominant noise in the background is investors withdrawing their capital. Along with their capital goes thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in taxes and royalties all because of a skink and snake that are so far down the food chain, that they are lower than Greenies. Until the government gets control of Green tape investment will be minimal and we will all suffer Queensland Resources Council chief executive Michael Roche comments;
The red carpet rolled out for the Indian prime minister at the G20 had been replaced with red  green tape,
If the Federal Court can make a decision based on Green submissions that attempts to destroy the nations economy then the law needs to be changed. In today’s Australian even the ALP, who do all they can to stymie development, says the ALP would support a change to the regulations.
A legal loophole that overturned approval for the biggest proposed coalmine in Australia could be closed after Labor indicated ­yesterday it would support the ­resurrection of an aborted 2013 amendment to the Environmental Protection Act.
The Greens have a world wide program under way that attacks all aspects of coal mining.
Environment groups have vowed to step up pressure on major banks to stop lending to fossi­l-fuel projects­ after the Commonwealth Bank this week ended its role as lead adviser to Adani’s $16 billion mega Carmichael coalmine in Queensland.
Green campaigners said the CommBank decision to withdraw from the projec­t could be a turning point in a long-running global­ campaign to starve fossil-fuel developm­ents of funding.
In other terrifying news, the ALP’s plan to have the country dependant on 50% renewables by 2030 is exposed as insanity.
Bill Shorten faces a renewed Coalition attack over higher electricity prices from his 50 per cent renewable energy goal, after Environment Department analysis found achieving it by 2030 would cost a “ballpark’’ $85 billion.
Yep, that’s what it says – $85 billion! I am furious that organizations within Australia are doing their level best to totally stuff the economy. With the hype of Climate Change being accepted as real by the media and the ABC/SBS/ALP left wing cartells, people actually believe that we have an urgent problem. We don’t.  We just need to support R & D on renewables and sometime in the future, they will become viable.  Until then we need to act to protect our way of life. Laws must be enacted to stop this insidious attack on our country.  Radical Green groups need to have their tax free status removed and the public told exactly how dangerous they are. UPDATE:  A comment from Catallaxy Files by Stevem;
It’s not even as if the skink would be destroyed. The problem is that amongst the hundreds of submissions on impacts on species in the area the skink and snake were not specifically addressed. It is more than probable that the actions taken to address other species would also protect these two. What is currently occurring is that an extensive survey is done and the mining company addresses every species found in the survey. Once the work is completed it is made public and submitted to the authorities. The green groups then do an even greater survey until they find one or two species not mentioned in the EIS. If approval is given it all goes to court and the cycle repeats. So far it seems Adani has spent a billion dollars to fight a group hell bent on destroying industry in Australia. There has to be a line drawn at some point.
Tony Abbott, you have a big job ahead of you but you need to stop this rot.

Bishop gone

I think I’ll give the ABC a miss today as the talking heads sit there in their orgasmic pleasure at having played their part in the demise of another hated Coalition MP.  Citing tweets lambasting Bishop as proof positive she erred, backed up by the media as they sifted through the rubbish bins of society looking for more examples of Bronwyn’s excesses. And they found some and they were duly cycled through the media on successive days as part of a program to destabalize the government. The fact that it all come to light the week after the Trade Union Royal Commission raised serious questions about Shorten’s misuse of member’s money while he was in the AWU is not accidental. What annoys me is when going through said bins, the media tossed aside reams of references to the ALP doing the same in spades.  This doesn’t excuse Bishop and in the wash-up she certainly had reached her use-by-date, however the hypocricy is breathtaking. With the government looking feeble and slow to react I have to ask; what the hell were they thinking.  Why weren’t they attacking? Every time Shorten said Bishop must go why didn’t Abbott say “Sure Bill, we are looking at it. Now, in the meantime would you like to explain your extortion of $40,000 from Unibilt that was a “donation” to the AWU but that you actually used for your initial political campaign to enter parliament?” For that matter why hasn’t this fact been recycled through ABC 24 in their daily offer of unbiased news? Another ALP member,  Senator Helen Polley, who was not not a minister, had no portfolio responsibilities at the time, but managed to clock up $20,000+ in 8 charter flights between Hobart and Launceston at $3,000+ per trip (160 Km between cities) doesn’t rate a mention in the media, let alone in Twitter. The fact that the ALP are just as guilty doesn’t ameliorate Bishop’s indiscretions but it does raise the issue of hypocracy. The Libs have plenty of reasons to attack Labor on their record but at no stage did I hear or read of such any attack.  They seem to go to ground whenever a media and/or Twitterstorm occurs and cop the bullets. Man up you bastards and let slip loose the dogs of war. Then, when the tables are turned and the ALP are busy dodging bullets, revise the MPs entitlements and bring them into line with the public’s expectations and continually front Shorten to get him to back them or not. Get him to put his money where his sanctimonious, hypocritical heart is.

Idiot tries to stop exports

Animal Justice Party MP Mark Pearson is travelling to China today in a bid to stop the expansion of Australia’s multi-million-dollar kangaroo meat market. Residents in southern NSW, particularly around the Riverina town of Moama, claim kangaroo numbers are exploding and there have been calls to kill the animals for their meat. However, Aboriginal elder Uncle Max Dulumunmun Harrison, who is travelling to China with Mr Pearson, said the animals numbers are not as high as people think. Yes, they are.  When the white man come to the country and started building dams and cropping the land they effectively fed and watered the roos.  The roo population exploded and today there is 50 to 60 million of them. Uncle Max is a dropkick “Pretty soon, if this continues we would have to be looking to set up zoos, and try and put our kangaroos in zoos overseas,” he said. Uncle Max said the kangaroo is also a deeply spiritual animal for many Aboriginal people.
“When our people have totems, they never kill that totem because that totem looks after them,” he said.
So what did they do for the alleged 40,000 years – eat ’em alive? It’s a pity we can’t have a cull of idiot groups like PETA and Animal Justice Party.  Now that would make Australia a better place to live. These idiots will do anything to stop Aussies earning a dollar.

Goodes’ campaign continues

Adam Goodes’ campaign for pre-selection continues as Chip Le Grand, his current campaign manager, gets another above-the fold front page article in today’s Australian. The article draws hundreds of comments, a lot of which point out that the spectators are booing Goodes because he once publicly abused and humiliated a teenage girl. Most Australians don’t like large, adult males abusing teenage girls. Chip ignores this opinion because it doesn’t suit his agenda but the spectators don’t and won’t in the future. If it is racist then one needs to ask the questions – why aren’t all the other indigenous players boo’d. What is it that sets Goodes apart?  I would have to say it is his activist profile.  All the other guys are in football to play while Goodes is, at this stage of his career,  in football for political activist reasons and the crowd don’t like it.  They go to the game to be entertained with football skills, not to be harangued and called racists as part of one man’s campaign for pre-selection or Reconciliation. Subsequent to the abuse incident he was appointed Australian of the Year and since then, this current campaign aside, has been noted for his absence in the media on subjects other than football, with one extreme example.  In early March he announced that he now finds it hard to say I am proud to be Australian after seeing Pilger’s ‘Utopia’  Not proud to be an Australian…John Pilger…Utopia…FFS who is advising this man? John Pilger is an expat Australian who, simply put, hates us.  He has made a career out of this hatred and for years has penned propaganda that always reflects poorly on Australia and whatever he says has little impact outside of the Green-Left of the political divide.  That is, about 10 % of the community give Pilger any credit whatsoever.  This 10%, of course, encompasses the ABC and SBS where he is often seen talking about his hatred of Australia – but we expect that. Back to today’s article.
Michael O’Loughlin was watching Sydney play West Coast when his seven-year-old son James turned to him with a question he could not easily answer: “Dad, why are they booing uncle?’’
It is the question all of football — and much of the nation — is now grappling with, as the AFL, Sydney and opposition clubs look for a way to stop crowd abuse of Adam Goodes.
Good ploy – play the cute little nephew. Pure Facebook campaigning. the AFL, Sydney and opposition clubs look for a way to stop crowd abuse of Adam Goodes.  With all the recent press on the mater, with more people remembering his abuse of the teenager, I don’t think the crowd are going to forgive him anytime soon. He says he is campaigning for Reconciliation but I see little conciliation in starting the debate by saying it is hard for him to be proud to be Australian because, according to left wing Pilger, we are all racists. I predict his post-football career will be in politics where his character will be well and truly tested when the crowd becomes all of Australia, not just a few thousand at a footy match. Will he be able to cut it? That remains to be seen.

It’s not racism

Watching ABC Morning news and they seem confused.  The subject of Adam Goods come up and apparently people are booing him at matches whenever he touched the ball Their take on the matter was racism. I’ve got an alternative thought – people don’t like him because as a  hulking 6 foot plus fit footballer he publicly singled out a pudgy, naive 13 year old teenage girl for ridicule in the national media. Way to go hero. People simply don’t like men who abuse kids.
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