Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Four found guilty over Pine Gap break-in

Good. Donna Mulhearn, 37, Jim Dowling, 50, Adele Goldie, 29, and Bryan Law, 51, were found guilty of a total of 14 charges, including trespassing in a prohibited area, damaging Commonwealth property and taking unlawful photographs of a defence site. Bryan Law, the Cairns cab driver and anti-everything explains himself in this report at Web Diary;
in Alice Springs in May/June this year we’re running a parallel political program of information, protest and direct action outside the Court.
For those who come to Alice Springs, the nonviolence training will focus on foundation work for the formation and operation of small, autonomous affinity groups which undertake interventionary work against the U.S. war-fighting system. Intervention contains an element of physical disruption to the war machine. In December 2005 we forced Pine Gap to “lock down” for four hours. In later months the government was forced to conduct a security assessment of Pine Gap and improve their security at a cost of millions (so they say – we’ll find out). We have driven up costs and made operations more difficult. We are few in number and small in resources, and we constitute an efficient and effective means of addressing war and the emerging security/terrorist state. To promote further actions of this nature we’ll be working hard at diversity, mutual respect, cooperation, fun, spirit, miracles, and a relaxed but determined revolutionary zeal to manifest Peace on Earth in the ways that are available.
I’ve had some debates with him when he was writing his anti-everything diatribes at Web Diary and would gladly see him out of circulation for awhile.
….Crown Prosecutor Hilton Dembo said that the case was the first time intruders had reached the technical support area of the base, and said the case was exceptional in its nature. “They are serious offences striking at the heart of the national security and the national interest,” he said.
Our friend Bryan sees himself as a martyr and asks the judge to throw the book at him telling Justice Thomas that he “is prepared for a custodial sentence.”
“I ask that Your Honour does not grant a suspended sentence”, he said. “That would be cruel. “I would not be able to abide by its conditions and we would just end up in court again. “Lay it on me Your Honour, and I’ll serve it out.”
Another of the futile four tried to recruit the judge;
Jim Golding, said he did not want to go to jail and invited Justice Thomas to “join the resistance, the side that’s fighting for human rights.
The group will be sentenced tomorrow. They face a maximum jail term of seven years or a maximum fine of $46,200 under the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act. I doubt if any court in Australia will give them the maximum but one can always live in hope Dropkicks!

On Leave

I’m off to Tasmania tomorrow morning for a two week drive around the island in a Britz Mobile Home. In the meantime check out the articles on the left under “The UN” and “Apocoholics Anonymous”. Both state my postition more knowlegeably than I can; particularly Apocoholics Anonymous (lifted from Tramtown) that supports my theory of Global Warming being the latest gospel in the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists.

Well worth the read.

Any readers from Tasmania who have a yearning to beat me over the head for my conservative views look for the big grey haired bloke in a Britz with petite brunette in the copilot seat but be very carefull, she’s Irish and attacks anyone who disrupts her orderly life, including me.

My plan is to arrive in Hobart, recover from Virgin Blues cattle seats, pick up the vehicle and then make a plan. Any tips or local knowledge welcomed.

Of course they should!

ABORIGINAL children should be forced to learn English so they can escape lives of poverty on remote and economically unviable communities. Where have we gone wrong that an MP has to make this more than obvious statement? Years ago I was lamenting the lack of english in Indigenous communities. My observations from my LTD04 Tour of Arnhem Land include;
….It doesn’t seem to include education. I was told that the heir apparent to Galarrwuy’s Principality has English as his third language. Impressive on the face of it but there is little value in being fluent in two aborigine dialects when neither are useful outside Arnhem Land.
And later, talking about some kids I’d met;
They discover biscuits and in the time honoured tradition of kids everywhere in the world, ask for some. I happily oblige but my lasting memory of the camp is that they didn’t have a word of English other than a fractured “biscuit?’
Of course they need to learn english but not everyone agrees that language is a priority – Professor O’Donoghue, co-patron of the Stolen Generation Alliance and head of the former indigenous administrative body ATSIC, lambasted Mr Howard’s attitude to the stolen generations. The good professor claimed she was part of the Stolen Generations until it was proven she wasn’t and she is still confused. Forget about an apology for a crime that didn’t exist and concentrate on something practical to help our indigenous brothers and sisters out of the problems. Being able to speak, read and write english would be a good start.

Ingeus vs Lilac City Motor Inn

I note some of the media are all about what a modern man Rudd is telling Australia he believes women have the right to be independent beings, not just appendages to “middle-aged men” Yeah, well so do most of us but back to the issue at hand….please explain. I really don’t believe Mrs Rudd with her multimillion dollar company Ingeus is any more an ogre than Mrs Doolan, the part owner of the Lilac City Motor Inn in north Goulburn, but if Julia Gillard is going to attack small business then she better be sure she’s not throwing stones from inside a glasshouse. As Tony Abbot said this morning if it was the other way round there would be a wildfire. With a bit of luck the incident will stop the ALP scouring the country looking for a small business owner who has made some error in application of the IR Laws and then rattling on all day in the House and media about the evils of a system that is actually lifting our production and lowering unemployment. Rudd may have tried to get the woman’s vote by coming across as an understanding guy but he fails with this;
…Rudd has conceded his wife may have to sell part of her $175 million business empire after Labor’s industrial relations attack was undermined by revelations her company had underpaid workers.
I wouldn’t go that far and besides while the company exists we conservatives can keep it under the microscope to ensure the ALP practice what they preach. Overall, the more we look into the ALP Policy Account the lower the balance.

ABC “Forced” into balance

THE ABC board has been accused of pressuring the national broadcaster to show a controversial British documentary questioning the science behind climate change. Whats wrong with the ABC showing both sides of an arguement?
The ABC announced this week that it would screen in July The Great Global Warming Swindle, which argues the main cause of warming is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun.
So bring it on. I have yet to see conclusive proof that we humans are totally responsible for weather change and look forward to some balance in the arguement.
ABC science journalist and broadcaster Robyn Williams, who advised the TV division not to buy the program, yesterday accused the broadcaster of “verging on the irresponsible” over its decision to air something that was “demonstrably wrong”.
Robyn Williams has obviously made up his mind after studying points for and against so is it OK if we plebs get the chance to see both sides of the arguement as well as we look to make up our mind. What is Robyn afraid of? If the show is “demonstrably wrong” then the vewers will see it and he will be proven right.

The more things change…

Former Liberal prime minister Robert Menzies, in a letter to the NSW Liberal premier Robert Askin, on August 24, 1973:
LABOR needs no public relations men so long as it has the Australian Broadcasting Commission.

We face annihilation, warns Howard

A good call….the electorate needs to be frightened into realitiy. If the polls are any indication then the voters are either not thinking it through or have simply been scammed. Rudd has got his polls in the cheapest manner possibly….no new policies to speak of other than the unions get back in power. I still believe that come polling day the voters will rethink their acceptance of the new kid on the block. He’s new and glib but should we really trust him with the keys to the treasury? And why shouldn’t Howard counter the ACTU/ALP advertising so full of half truths and isolated single incidences that try and prove a trend. There are people out there who may actually believe the ACTU adds that fly in the face of contrary evidence and Howard needs to counter that and educate the voters about the realities of the IR laws. Rudd is busy convincing the electorate that Australia’s booming economy is due soley to the mineral boom and has nothing to do with economic management. Rubbish! It has everything to do with economic management and a lot to do with the IR Laws that allowed the big companies to be competitive in the world economy. Going backwards to Union control will quickly prove the case as the emphasis shifts from production and a happy workforce to central control of wages and conditions; union power plays and strikes over inconsequential matters. Shake up the troops John. The MPs and electorate need to face reality…make the wrong call on polling day and the country will stall.

‘I will make it up to you’ – Muhammad Dawood

Wrong! You can never make it up to me – treason is treason and doesn’t come with an ‘Oops, I was wrong’ backout clause. The only way Muhammad Dawood (nee Hicks) could make it up to me is to rewind to the day of his capture and for him to fall on his sword. Unlike some prisoners who find God, Muhammed has lost his God and found education. He wants to finish his high school education and perhaps go to uni. The humanization of a terrorist continues – now he’s just a young man trying to improve himself.
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