Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Dry your eyes, Princess

Guess who didn’t enjoy his National Service. A letter to The Australian
DEFENCE Minister Joel Fitzgibbon is talking through his backside when he states Gen Y recruits find “even a month-long commitment is an eternity to an Australian teenager’’, as I can well assure him my two years’ national service in the 1960s felt like 20. I think it might have had something to do with the brain-dead company of regular soldiers whose idea of great literature was a comic; they were generally hopeless people who would need to have been taught how to breathe in civvy life, and were, in the main, hopeless losers and drunkards. The same goes for the commissioned ranks. David William Hall Southport, Qld
Comic reader, loser and drunkard….hmm, at least I’ve been noticed. David, if you’re in Brisbane on Apr 25 why not drop in to the Pig and Whistle at Eagle Street and I’ll arrange for you to have the floor as you explain to the 7RAR and SASR Associations your theories on dumb regular soldiers.

Global Warming

I have included a quote and link to an article in todays Australian in the left column. If you are already a member of the new Church of the Latter Day Alarmists or are considering applying for membership, you might like to read it and ponder. It’s not simply a case that I agree with the good Professor, but more that he articulates my feelings and opinions on the matter better than I do. I have problems with the ongoing debate about temperature changes. Opinions are abound over what a decimal point change in average temperatures mean and what, or who is causing it; with enormous efforts by commentators portraying light and sound presentations complete with graphs and pics of Polar Bears on melting ice flows. They present this as proof that the worlds climate is changing but no one needs proof – it has been changing forever. We once had an ice age and now we don’t, and before that ice age we had warmer periods. Climate is always changing, it is cyclic as are the orbits of all the agents; the sun, other planets and matters or agents unknown to us. That much is clear but the core of the religious movement is that we humans are causing it. Nothing else matters which is a poor premise because we don’t know enough about everything else. Those of the faith, the Church elders, use alarming statements to convert us. Your waterfront property will be worthless, crops will fail, continued mining of coal will turn the skies, and your lungs, black and the people flock to the pulpit. The media, sensing a new and varied way to sell their products, join the faith and we are flooded with images of Pittwater, Sydney flooded…look at your house, it’s meters under…and graphic depictions of the Great Barrier Reef without coral…all those beautiful colours lost. Shades of Armageddon thousands of years ago ago…..convert, do what I say or you will spend your days in purgatory. That’s not to say we don’t look to better manage the Earth but I would like to see it done in a secular fashion using the old, ever reliable science, engineering and common sense. Plant trees where we have clear felled, plant and manage plantation timbers, help third world countries maintain their rain forests with some financial help, pursue cleaner power, but most of all, let’s not panic about what the preacher said at the pulpit last Sunday. UPDATE: They are even trying to panic the beer drinkers.
BEER will be short supply, more expensive and may taste different as climate change affects barley production, a scientist says.

What’s going on?

A SOUTH Australian woman has given birth to her father’s son after the couple had sex.
John and Jenny Deaves reunited 30 years after Mr Deaves separated from Jenny’s mother. Jenny was 31 and, just two weeks after meeting, father and daughter had sex.
I looked for the word ‘incest’ in the article but couldn’t find it and then I noted:
A South Australian police media spokesman said: “The couple is being monitored.”
Somewhere along the line I obviously had a bad day and failed to notice incest was made legal. What’s going on?

Kovko’s last chapter

AFTER eight weeks of hearings, at a cost of more than $1 million, that have exposed the most painful and private secrets of Private Jake Kovco’s life, the inquest into his death yesterday vindicated the 2006 military inquiry verdict that he died while”skylarking”. The military inquest sorted out all the problems associated with Kovco’s repatriation to Australia and the ADF have put in place measures to ensure it performs better should a similar incidence happen again. Although there would not have been any experience base left after more than thirty years without fatalities the ADF should have foreseen and been prepared for the obvious. In all my time in the army I never came across an original problem. Somewhere in the files there was always a paper or SOP laying down procedure and no doubt with over 500 bodies repatriated from Vietnam a similar answer would have existed. The lessons learned, or rather relearned, have already been turned into procedure so all this latest inquest has done is to bring into the open things that should’ve been left unsaid. The widow does not need to have her husbands imperfections underlined and nor does the nation need to know he was somewhat cavalier with weapons. Lots of soldiers die in a war zone and not all of them from enemy action and often enough, in our long military history, soldiers have died by their own hand; either deliberately or accidentally. Drawn out public inquests, seemingly hunting down witches, prove little once second parties have been eliminated. Mrs Kovko needs to get on with her life remembering the best of her husband and forgetting the painful and private secrets raised as people sought a darker side to what already was a tragedy. We need to let the poor man rest in peace and to let his wife and kids live on in peace.

RFID Car rego tags on the way

AUSTRALIA’S states and territories have begun exploring the use of digital vehicle registration tags, using technology similar to electronic toll collection systems. A spokeswoman for the transport and traffic authority, Austroads, confirmed that a multi-state licencing and registration taskforce had begun exploring the use of radio-frequency identity (RFID) tags to improve vehicle identification and reduce crime. I was tail-ended once and the guy just got out and walked while I was busy comforting wive and kids. He wasn’t insured or registered and as I’m sure this has happened to a lot of readers this move by the transport authorities can only be seen as a positive one. And here’s a stat to comfort those more concerned with human rights and privacy than practicalities. NSW Police last year detected nearly 38,000 unregistered vehicles!

Holly beats the needle

The saga of my old Golden Retriever continues as she fights the Vet’s needle. Last week the vet said she had a neurological bleed or tumor and to give her these tablets. If she survives three days all OK, if not I’ll have to put her to sleep…..that will be $88.00 thank you. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday she sat and made all the noises of a dying dog. panting, incontinent and generally stressing everyone out. Friday night I saw no hope and resolved to visit the executioner on Saturday morning. Saturday morning, while I was reading the Australian and procrastinating about the vet visit she leapt to her feet,well struggled actually, and tried to walk to the bathroom (the grass out the back). Later that day and on Sunday, as kids and neighbours came to say good bye she got up and greeted each and everyone. Sunday she ate and walked to the water bowl and today she is out the back checking out lizards and making sure no cats got in while she was indisposed. She’s not a hundred percent yet but no way can I let the Vet needle her. She has won a reprieve and I hope we can now fatten her up(didn’t eat for five days) and enjoy her company for another month or two or even a year….or two Hope springs eternal in the human breast.

Kangaroos get reprieve so they can starve to death

THE planned cull of kangaroos on defence land in Canberra has been put on hold after the department asked the ACT Government to approve a trial of moving them. Read ‘The Department has been told by the government, who have been told by the Left/Greens, to ask the ACT government to approve a trial of moving them…or anything that would take it of the front pages. The debacle over the Government supporting anti-whaling terrorists is bad enough but to have the animal activists preaching hypocracy is worse ACT Animal Liberation president Mary Hayes and the ACT Greens are against the cull for the usual uneducated reasons. Bob Green says his usual anti-anything mantra and about 70 activists have protested. This small group of second rate players and unwashed activists have dictated terms to a government and one of it’s largest departments. Two weeks ago the Rudd government/Defence were happy for the cull to go ahead and now they’re not. The Greens have held sway and a solution has been turned into a crime. Defence have been forced to back down and announced today;
….it remained interested in researching options other than a cull, particularly given public opposition to that plan. “Approval has therefore been requested from the ACT Government to undertake a scientific trial of kangaroo management techniques, including translocation,” defence said. “Pending the ACT Government’s response to the defence proposal, the cull of kangaroos … will be placed on hold.”
We cull millions every year but a the thought of culling a few hundred in the ACT force the government to back down. Who’s running the country again?

State’s sky to get heritage status

THE sky above New South Wales is to be given heritage status by the National Trust. The National Trust of NSW is set to classify both the day and night sky above the state as worthy of preservation.
National Trust NSW president Zeny Edwards said the sky viewed from NSW had extraordinary aesthetic, historic, social and scientific significance for all Australians. The move was timely with Earth Hour on Saturday, when switching off city lights would allow the sky to be seen clearly, he said.
What on earth is she on?

I’ve had better weeks

Went for an angiogram last Wednesday. The Doctor had trouble finding the femerol artery and pushed into an non-anesthetized area….arched back..nausea…lowering blood pressure…male equivalent of screaming..followed by appropriate but rude words to Doctor. The Doctor found the spot and then disappeared leaving the nurses and female radiographer to apologise and calm me down. Was dispatched home in a yellow cab – the driver and the shockies were about the same age. Got home and sulked. Three days later blood had tracked to my manhood and everything was black which is not a good look for a white anglo chap. Went to emergency on Easter Sunday to be told lots of words which summarized as go home and stop acting like a girl. The pain will go in two weeks and the bruising in four. Sitting out the back by the pool (still sulking) and Holly, my faithful golden retriever of 15 years walks towards me, drops her head into a tilt and walks into the ground. The vet says neurological bleed or tumor, give her these tablets. If she survives three days all OK, if not I’ll have to put her to sleep…..that will be $88.00 thank you. Wake at 4.00 am (damn! they are sore) make a coffee and sit outside talking and stroking old retriever. Reminded her of how she helped us bring up five kids. Reminded her how she used to walk the kids to the bus and one day said bus ran over her. She limped home like a mongrel dog and licked herself better. Next week she resumed escort duties and never got caught again. She always was a timid soul. When she was about five she actually barked at a possum and the whole family went out and congratulated her. She’s a gentle soul and loved by everyone she meets and she will be sorely missed. Holly Dogs guarding house. Holly is on the left Told her that Kevin Rudd was considering setting up a committee to look into aging retrievers and their problems. As sick as she is she managed to roll her eyes. Take it easy old girl and go well.
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